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Comment: E.D. Detetcheverrie, "Quasar 169"
E.D. Detetcheverrie
A rape/murder is the first case Quasar Force psychic Alex Roglitz works with his new partner Amanda, a.k.a. "Quasar 169." The primary murder suspect is a member of a race of humanlike aliens called the Geminarians. When Geminarian males lose their virginity, they end up turning into a genetic dupl ...more
From: guest (Eddie D) , 221 months, post #1
Yup, I have the gender-shifting Geminarians and shapeshifting Capricorns in my Quasar 169 series along with a werewolf story featuring a cult of humans who do drugs and hallucinate they are changing into wolves. The heroine of the tales, Quasar 169 herself, is also a shapeshifter, becoming a horse and later a wolf in the first story in the series.

The Capricorns can assume any form living tissue can take, from a simple sponge or jellyfish-like creature to complex creations composed of whatever features they may require at any given time. The drawback is that they only have so much mass to work with at any given time, but can consume or absorb mass (preferably inn the form of animal flesh) and instantly alter its cellular structure, or even shed mass as chunks of meat or still-living but mindless blobs of flesh. Their transformative ability is limited solely by their imaginations, so they are able to produce any kind of bio-phenomena such as bio-illumination or an electrical disharge or the production of venom at will. Multiple Caps can merge their flesh to become a single entity, then later split back into the original creatures again. One of the downsides to their ability is that swift or repetitive shifting burns a great deal of calories, requiring them to either find ways to quickly cool their bodies, or to consume vast quantities of matter. The specie is so efficient at altering shape and mass, that they produce almost no waste products aside from a sort of swampy-smelling sweat, and they can even alter the cellular structures of viruses and bacteria assimilated into their systems. They are totally disease free.

In my latest book, Lighthearted Darkness, there's a werewolf in the story The Alphie Wolf who can transform at whim, but in Wolf & Swann, the werewolf becomes a wolf after being bitten by a werewolf or when the moon is full, but can only revert back to human shape after drawing/tasting human blood. The story Filet Of Soul concerns a vampire-like creature and a mermaid, but it is never revealed how the mermaid transforms between biped and aquatic mammal, though her most unusual feature while "human" includes a set of what appear to be all eyeteeth and no molars or incisors. The "vampire" seems unaffected by daylight, fire, or injury by wood, and has amazing self-healing abilities�including regeneration of lost parts. His fangs fold back along his upper palette, then spring forth slender and deadly like a venomous snake's.

The strangest transformation I write about would be that of the Quasars themselves. Quasar stands for quasi-reality, and is basically a person's dream-self set free in the waking realm. Because each one is based upon the dreamer's self image, they look similar to, but not identical to the original volunteer.

I love change. Change is good!

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