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Comment: Eleven
"Eleven" is the third live action M2F short film produced by Mako Pictures. The film takes place at a fictional resort called PLEASURE ISLAND, INC. (The story itself is an obvious homage to Pinocchio). Both Peter and Scott, have the time of their lives... but soon come to find out that the resort ...more
From: guest (TG Fan) , 230 months, post #1
This movie sounds awesome and I absolutely will buy it. But I have never bought an DVDs from Make and have some questions:

Why is there no info regarding how to buy it on Mako's website? When will Eleven be available for sale? And at what price will Eleven be sold? Why are the other movies that Mako has made not available for sale? Don't they just burn more DVDs and sell them when new orders come in?

Has anyone bought movies from Mako before, and if so, how was the experience? Were the movies delivered promptly? What kind of payment do they take (cash, charge, etc.). What was the quality of the movie like, and how long were they? How was the quality of the acting? If it they are professional to at least a minimum degree, I plan to buy every movie they ever make.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 230 months, post #2
Wow, am I ever slow. I just realized that "Pleasure Island" was also used by Mako in at least one of his early m2f (and f2a) concept videos (in this case pi2k).

From: Mako , 230 months, post #3
To answer some of your questions: We had been selling THE KISS for over a year... and THE LAST PIECE STANDING for the past three months. You can read reviews and posts on THE SIREN SONG of how we were going to stop selling the DVD's starting March 1st 2006 - until we release ELEVEN. Then we would make all three movies available again.

My prediction is that all three movies will be available again sometime this summer.

- Mako -

From: guest (ethanrom) , 230 months, post #4
Hey Mako,

cool trailer for eleven

how s the website coming?

i wanna see what you ve got planned for P.I. INC

From: Mako , 230 months, post #5
Hey hey hey... a LOST fan :) Thanks!!

The website is currently under the care of Ray (Producer). So he's been in the process of updating the site and putting up new content - while I'm trying to finish post-production on ELEVEN. It's all coming together - a bit slow - but it's coming. We were excited to want to share the trailer with everyone as soon as it was done... and not much else was constructed for the website at the time.

You should see more in the coming weeks.

Cheers :)

- Mako -

From: guest (ethanrom) , 230 months, post #6
BIG Lost fan, Mako

you re the only one who s got that

thanks for the update and i can t wait to learn more about the movie


p.s. what is that device about 59 seconds into the trailer? if you pause it it looks like a curling iron with 2 straight lines like the number 11

i know you'll say i ll have to wait but i had to ask!

From: Mako , 230 months, post #7
Yeah... I'm a big LOST fan myself. Just wish we didn't have to wait so long for new episodes.

As for the ELEVEN trailer - you are an observant one aren't you? :) Well I can say you are very "HOT". And yes... I can't say much more for fear of spoiling stuff.

- Mako -

From: guest (ethanrom) , 230 months, post #8
damn Mako now i got theories running thru my head

as for being observant you don t expect a LOST fan NOT to go thru the trailer one frame @ a time

>: )

i wish LOST would be like 24 and just start later so each week is a new episode


From: Mako , 230 months, post #9
Hahahah!!! If I keep you guessing... then I've done my job. I'm a LOST fan too :)

I totally agree about 24 (I watch this series as well) I love the fact that FOX and 24 wait to air it in JAN so we can watch an episode every week (guaranteed). Wish ABC would do the same with LOST.

- Mako -

From: guest (TG Fan) , 229 months, post #10

Thanks very much for your quick response to my earlier questions. I'm afraid I'm just getting around to responding now (ultra busy week at work).

I will be buying all 3 of your movies when they become available again. I I still have a few more questions, though:
(1) What will their price range be?
(2) What kind of format (DVD, VHS, etc.) will they be in?
(3) How long are they?
(4) The Disney version of Pinocchio had a "happy" ending (the hero is transformed into his desired form). The trailer for Eleven looks very dark. Does it have a similar happy ending?

Thanks, again.
TG Fan

From: Mako , 229 months, post #11
No problem TG Fan... I try to respond as quickly as I can :)

In answer to your questions:

1. I don't know about prices yet. We are still in the process of figuring all that out. I want to make the LE Edition of THE KISS available to you guys again if I can. Ray spent a lot of time working on a side short that helps explain the whole backstory to the main story that I came up with. I think it helps. Plus it includes a POSER TF CBlack and I worked on.

2. It will be available on DVD

3. The movies themselves are:

THE KISS: 25min
ELEVEN: 25min

However... add on all the extra material (Outtakes/Behind The Scenes/Trailers/Special Featurettes) and each disc is probably twice if not three times longer.

4. I may have worked for DISNEY... but they didn't rub off on me :) For anyone who knows my work (both live action and animated)... that will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect from me - including ELEVEN.

Cheers :)

- Mako -

From: guest (Big Fan) , 223 months, post #12
I really wanna know how to obtain the full length version of these treassures. When is the big release date?

From: cj , 223 months, post #13
Big Fan, check Mako's post (#27) of the other comment for this entry here .

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