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Two movies, one actor
From: guest , 98 months, post #1
Have there been any other actors besides Ryan Reynolds to act in TWO body swap movies? I wonder if Ryan Reynolds has a body swap fetish, he acted in the Change Up with Jason Bateman and in Self/ Less with that bald guy... Do you think he has a secret fetish for body swapping with other men or it's just a coincidence?

Have there been any other actors besides Ryan Reynolds to act in more than one body swap movie?

From: guest , 98 months, post #2
In Reynolds's case, I'm guessing it's just a coincidence. He's been a pretty prolific actor over the last few years. You never know, though.

From: guest (TheDetective) , 98 months, post #3
Would Brooke D'Orsay count?

She was in the Trailervision video "Switched" where she switches bodies with her boyfriend.

She was in It's A Boy Girl Thing as the girlfriend of the QB who swaps bodies with the nerd.

She was the model in Drop Dead Diva who dies and is reincarnated as the plus size lawyer.

From: cj , 98 months, post #4
Almost... Steve Martin - All of Me and The Man with Two Brains
Almost... Sean Young - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde

I always wondered about John Candy though... he did CD in a few of his movies. Who's Harry Crumb and Nothing but Trouble were two IIRC.

I decided to take a quick dive into some IMDB links to see if I could find more... but almost got sucked in. It did get me thinking about some of the connections / credits that I found... and while I'm not familiar with some of the earlier and lesser-known works of most... and some of the stuff listed in this site I haven't even had time to watch yet... I'm betting some actors and actresses such as Dustin Hoffman, Guy Pearce, Claudia Karvan, Jason Bateman, even Scarlett Johansson are game to portray characters that undergo such dramatic changes in more than just one story.

From: guest (Zhang Fei Fan) , 98 months, post #5
A non-Hollywood example would be Singaporean actress Fann Wong.

She played the female executive who swapped with a male technician in the movie Just Follow Law. So a F2M downgrade (& M2F upgrade in the case of the technician).

In the tv series Switched, she played an unattractive (her face got scar) ugly duckling who swapped with her attractive sister. F2F upgrade (& F2F downgrade for her poor sister).

From: guest (Zhang Fei Fan) , 98 months, post #6
I think it's take exceptional acting skill to portray 2 characters in a movie. So sometimes the producer/casting crews may want to play safe and find an actor who already has experience in doing similar acting....

From: guest , 98 months, post #7
There's Sarah Michelle Gellar; her characters were body swapped in both Buffy and Scooby Doo.

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #8
If that's true, a lot of japanese actors has this fetish...

From: guest (raaj) , 98 months, post #9
Actually Ryan Reynolds has done a 3rd movie, Criminal in which he plays a CIA agent whose memories are implanted in Kevin Costner.

From: guest , 98 months, post #10
You lost me at "that bald guy"

From: guest , 98 months, post #11
and what about R.I.P.D.:).That would be the 4th, he looks like at least as another guy.

From: cj , 98 months, post #12
Jeneta St. Clair almost qualifies (indirectly)... Paradox Alice and BERT the emotion picture .

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