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New Disney TV movie being shot "THE SWAP"
From: Eric , 99 months, post #1

Its based on a teen book , here's thaat plot but suspect the kids will be older in the movie.
It’s a familiar premise: two kids, struggling in their own situations, somehow switch places and experience each other’s lives, which then helps them gain an appreciation for their own; Shull’s twist is that the two kids are of different genders. Seventh-grader Ellie O’Brien is struggling to fit in ever since her former best friend turned on her. Popular eighth-grader Jack Malloy just wants to play hockey with his older brothers, but his strict father thinks life is about striving for perfection. Ellie and Jack barely know each other, but when a chance meeting in the nurse’s office results in a body-switch for the weekend, they get to walk in each other’s shoes—and discover they kind of like them, even despite some awkward moments involving unfamiliar body parts. Shull (Amazing Grace) keeps this story fast and fun (though the body-switched scenes take some getting used to, at least initially).

From: ColoradoDog , 99 months, post #2
Yes!! Looking forward to this

From: guest , 99 months, post #3
Here's video of the lead actress:

And a summary pulled from the Deadline article:

"The pic, being directed by Jay Karas from an adaptation by Charlie Shahnaian and Shari Simpson, revolves around a rhythmic gymnast (List) with a pending make-it-or-break-it competition and the youngest son (Bertrand) in a hockey family, who’s vying for a varsity spot on his school team. Their paths unexpectedly cross, and a simple text results in them actually swapping bodies."

Looking forward to it. :)

From: cj , 99 months, post #4
Sounds like it's based off of the Megan Shull book of the same name . I did enjoy that book, though my own personal preferences would have had me rewrite the ending slightly.

Hopefully, they do the story justice in the conversion to film/video. It is a good story.

Note: I've adjusted the title of this thread slightly, for clarity. Uncapitalized "SHot", and added quotation marks around the title.

Thanks for the alert Eric!

From: cj , 99 months, post #5
I can't believe that they are trying to cast Peyton List as a seventh-grader. That'd be like casting me as Prince Carl Philip of Sweden.

From: Holly Dunn , 99 months, post #6
I doubt they will keep them in 7th grade in the screenplay adaptation.

From: guest , 99 months, post #7
Peyton List is 18 years old, and the lead actor, Jacob Bertrand, is 16; I assume the characters are going to be high schoolers in the film.

From: guest , 99 months, post #8
Glad they got Peyton List. She's a very pretty girl.

From: DB Cooper , 99 months, post #9
Yeah, I would have preferred a different ending to the book as well. No, not that they stay swapped...

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V jnf ubcvat gurl cnve jbhyq ubbx hc nsgre eriregvat onpx. Jung unccraf vafgrnq vf nsgre ergheavat gb gurve bevtvany obqvrf, gur jvqbjrq sngure bs gur obl naq gur qvibeprq zbgure bs gur tvey zrrg, snyy va ybir naq trg zneevrq. Nf fgrc oebgure naq fvfgre, gurl qb abg unir ebznagvp srryvatf sbe rnpu bgure naq gur obbx raqf jvgu gur obl qngvat fbzrbar ryfr (gung ur orsevraqrq va tvey zbqr).

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