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Diya Aur Toofan
Diya Aur Toofan
Amar is murdered after threatening to expose a group of crooked engineering contractors. Upon hearing the news of his death, his soon to be bride Asha runs hysterically out into the rain falling down the temple stairs and sucumbs to a fatal brain injury. Dr Vijay tries to save her by transplant ...more
From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #1
She dies

He/She awakens

He/She is out for revenge!

From: guest (Mr_x) , 118 months, post #2
Seems very similar to frankenstein created woman

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #3
There is a significant difference though - Frankenstein created woman is more of a possession tale, with Hans slowly exerting control over Christine's actions to get his revenge. Christine is still Christine.

In Diya Aur Toofan, it's not Asha that awakens - it's clearly Amar and he is horrified to see what has been done. I don't speak Hindi so I can't really tell how much, if any, part of Asha is in there with him.

From: cj , 118 months, post #4
Thanks for sharing your find Lady S. :-)

I think Amar was an Amateur Radio operator... his brain was thinking in CW (morse code). :-)

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #5
It's funny you should say that - I had the same thought when hearing that "brain wave" monitor. I wonder if there's anyone here who can translate it

From: guest , 118 months, post #6
This is more like Memory Run. His brain is put in his love interest's body.

Sure, there's a crazy song and dance number, but that's more due to the campyness of the whole thing. It's made apparent everywhere that this is the murdered guy in her body. The first guy he goes to kill calls "her" Asha when seeing "her", but he just scoffs at this and proceeds to kick his ass. Near the end of the fight, the bad guy sees that it's really the guy he killed who's doing the damage. This is repeated in all subsequent fights (Jeez, they like drawn out fights, there are few scenes that aren't all out action).

The only few more dialogue driven scenes with the lead are some sort of trickery with a friend in order to fool policemen and some scenes with the doctor and with a friend. I wish I knew what they were saying. Talking about revenge, probably. Shame they didn't explore this more, dealing with the situationand such.

Fun film, though.

From: cj , 118 months, post #7
"I wonder if there's anyone here who can translate it"

It's too fast for me. My code is VERY rusty. I'm currently re-learning it. Give me a month or three.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #8
The other side of the argument is that I don't know too many men who, even in that body, could dance and seduce a man like he does in that pink lehenga-choli number. That's some pretty sensual stuff going on - that takes practice :)

From: Eric , 118 months, post #9
In my opinion there would be a big difference between mind/memory transplant in the woman's brain, like in memory run, than a phyical brain transplant.
INcreated woman, Hn's soul in her body with nno memory, but shos flashes of Han's temper 'Chrisain' only remembers being Hans after seeing the Guilitain where his father died. after that 'she' knows who she is, but rather rejects it not being able to handle being in his lover's body. The body has a female brain & can handle the physical contact with th murdering men.
In Memory RUn the hero also has a woman's brain as well as body & eentually becomes female emotionally & rejects her old life & body.
But ten what do I know? LOL!

thanks for the find.

From: guest (da Doctah) , 118 months, post #10
Only a little like Frankenstein Created Woman. A little more like The Adult Version of Jekyll and Hyde. And a little more like I Hate My Body.

From: guest (Diya Aur Toofan) , 118 months, post #11
Why, why do you say I'm like all these films? I just want to be myself!

Puh-leeeze make it stop *sobs*

Maybe if I had added more dance routines... is that it? I can belly-dance the night away, just give me a chance, especially if the lead is a male who had no idea how to move 5 minutes before.

From: guest (Corwin) , 117 months, post #12
More than anything, it seems like a bad Bollywood knock off of a kung Fu movie.... Which are pretty awful to begin with.
As far as the guy, it seems more like Memory Run
Except that the protagonist mysteriously becomes an expert at fighting with totally different muscles, mass, size, height, center of gravity, strength... Sigh.

From: Eric , 117 months, post #13
LOL! Now Corwin, you must iignored trivialites like that, ignroing that it takes, years & years of practice to devethe muscles & reflex attunted to body & mind, so I say to you. Picky, Picky, picky!

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