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Comment: Constantine
In this grimy adaptation of Hellblazer a subtle TG moment featuring the possessions of a Mexican man (the first actor you see in the movie) and then an LA policewoman (at the very end of the movie). It is intended that the man and woman are possessed by the same demon who may or may not be the son o ...more
From: Lady Sekhmet* , 238 months, post #1
These were all demonic possessions, no actual transformations. The demon controlled the body, but does not *become* the person.

Also, the first such possession was by a demon and not the son of the devil and therefore it can't be said that any creature went from a male to a female body. In fact, since these creatures are sexless it doesn't seem right to classify this as TG.

Not sure what the dig against Rachel Weisz is about. Seems like most people here would sell their souls to have her body.

Pun intended...

From: DrLoVe* , 238 months, post #2
The movie is hard to understand in all the particulars. Show of hands? Technically, it is a TG transformation even in the event the Latino was possessed by a sexless demon because at the end Weisz is possessed by a demon called the "son" of the devil, implying a definite gender and thus the possession of a female body by a male demon. If I wanted to argue further, I would say that whatever made the Satan's spawn, who is a demon, male, would also confer sexes on the rest of the demons down yonder.

As to the dig...taste is a funny thing when you have it. Judge for yourselves (see pic).

From: cj* , 238 months, post #3
Nice Pun Lady S.

I don't know about selling my soul to be anybody or anything... but just about :-)

From: Lady Sekhmet* , 238 months, post #4
-- more spoiler alerts ---

Weisz is not possessed by the son of the devil, she is impregnated. He's a seperate "immaculate conception" being born into our plane of existence just as the son of god had been. This is why you see him squirming around in her womb. So again, this isn't really tg, imo :)

From: cj* , 238 months, post #5
yeah and it puts a whole new spin on "being in someone else's body". :-)

From: Norb* , 238 months, post #6
I would definitely sell my soul to have Rachel Weisz's body.

From: Stephanie* , 238 months, post #7
In the official comic book adaptation of the movie, it definetly implies that Mammon is in possession of Weisz' body. Weisz, while possessed, calls Lucifer "Father".

From: Lady Sekhmet* , 238 months, post #8
Then I suggest the comic book have an entry in the TG section, but the movie seems not to qualify...

When was the last time you saw a film that actually stayed true to the original storyline? Seems like hollywood never quite gets it right.
"I Robot" leaps to mind - that film had NOTHING to do with the ground breaking Asimov novel.

From: Eric* , 238 months, post #9
I respectfully disagree with Lady S. on I Robot. I agree it was not very faithful & I didn't like it very much, but did have robots, the 3 laws of RObotics( Which by the way John Cambell posulated rather than Asimov, which is an intersting footnote) also a RObot withhhout perhaps all 3 laws programed & the rich company making the robots. Now that is not much, but it is something! I ALSO generaally agree that Hollywood film that is either faithful as or as good as the books.

From: Ramachil* , 238 months, post #10
Lord of the Rings comes to mind as a movie that stayed true to the books.

From: Lady Sethra* , 238 months, post #11
Eric... did you actually READ the book I Robot?
Ramachil... did you actually READ the LOTR series?


I Robot basically stole the title and the basic 3 Laws concept in order to sell tickets. The film itself bears no resemblance to the book.

LOTR came close and it's a fantastic film as result. But there really was no chance at all of capturing the novels on film - there's just far too much content. There were some major events that never made it to the movie, and others that aren't in the novel but were written into the film to make it flow properly.

From: Blaise* , 238 months, post #12
Nearly made me cry, how good some of the bits were that were ommited from the lotr films. Tom bombadil, the old forest, old man willow, the brown wizard, so much stuff with the ents and finally the biggest travesty; no razing of the shire! noooooo!

But overall i can understand why the script was written as is, to make the film flow better and it was a relatively faithful adaptation with good characterization.

However i can't claim to have read any asimov but i did think sonny in the movie was cool and very human :)

From: anonymous , 238 months, post #13
How many porn MTF books have been made into movies? If there are any, I TRULY hope they stayed true to the originals.. If the book says anal, they better be having anal on screen.

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