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IF you became a woman...
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From: guest , 139 months, post #1
IF you became a woman would you have sex with men or women, or both. Basically I'm asking would you want to try sleeping with the NEW opposite sex or the NEW same sex? If you become a woman would you WANT to be lesbian, bi, or heterosexual? I was just curious... :)

From: guest (aras) , 139 months, post #2
currently a hetero male, IF I somehow became full genetic female.. at first I think I'd be Bi.
who could say how I may evolve as time passes.
My speculation would be I would enjoy female sex with male perhaps more than most born females. Why? because I would have all the female advantages like the genuine "hardware" and sensations, but also memory of my male history the contrast would accentuate the experience. Maybe a year or more and one may even mostly forget what it was like to previously be male.
Or maybe sex drive and pleasure is more complicated than that...

From: guest , 139 months, post #3
You only live once. Besides, you would have a vagina. Why not? Nothing wrong with some exploration. To answer the question, I think I would be bi. I mean how many chances would you get to experience sex as the opposite gender? Most guys would want to be penetrated by a male if they were in a female body because they would be curious to see how it feels.

From: Mako , 139 months, post #4
It's hard to say unless you see things from that POV. According to my Vlog - when I am a man - I like women. When I turn into a woman - I like men. Who knew? ;)

Me As A Man Liking Women

Me As A Woman Liking Men

Need I Say More?

From: guest (JK) , 139 months, post #5
Am a big guy who likes women....A lot!.......At the same time I can appreciate how good looking some men would be to many women. So if I found myself suddenly in a female body, such as the one in Mako's video. I would say there is a 100% chance, that now with that female body, with female hormones, etc., I would have no problem being attracted to some men right away.....and in time could come to prefer men only, and start to appreciate a good looking woman the way now as a man I appreciate a good looking man

From: Forestier , 139 months, post #6
I think I'd turn bi. Although I KNOW how stupid men can be!

From: guest (MeMyselfAndI) , 139 months, post #7
For me to get off, I'd only be able to have sex with my previous male body, but only if it were occupied by a confirmed former "female". And that would get me off, big time, especially if it was a very hot female who had swapped with me to experience what it would be like on the other side.

I would be open to feeling the effects of the female body I was in. But I can't imagine in my current state of mine going beyond that in general. I just like women too much, and have never traded a view of a woman walking away for a view of a male.

But again, I wouldn't want to fight my new body and brain, just like I wouldn't want to force it. In my current state of mind, I just can't see anything other than being a lesbian with the one exception above.

And what would be some serious fun.

From: guest (Madaba) , 139 months, post #8
I think I would in the same situation as the post above. Especially if the woman was Lauren Graham or someone similar.

From: guest (J Lynwood) , 139 months, post #9
I'd probably be bi , I'm hetero now but who knows what kind of hormones I'd have if I were a woman, or how horny I'd get that I'd want to have sex with a man

Plus I'd try it at least once, gotta see from that new perspective

From: guest , 139 months, post #10
Most guys probably wouldn't mind being penetrated by a man if they were in a female body as long as they didn't create a bun in their oven. I just wonder how many guys would become housewives or trophy wives if they suddenly were in female bodies.

From: guest (Jessica Drew) , 139 months, post #11

Definitely both. I'm just greedy.

From: cj , 139 months, post #12
I think it would depend on how attracted I felt towards men and/or women (or one individual of said groupings). I might be attracted to men, women, or both - and who am I to deny myself a little pleasure.

I am certainly curious as to what its like... with both men and women from the other side - so I'd probably be bi... at least one time. Though surprisingly, I am not curious in trying the same in my current life/body.

Hmmm... I think I need new friends. Can't think of any guy friends I'd trust enough for that type of experiment.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #13
I'd definitely start out bi, and probably have sexual encounters with females a few times, but I don't see myself getting into a long term relationship with a woman as a woman.
I'd probably want men as a female, just for that dynamic of relationship and the basic thrill of the thing, even though my attraction would definitely still be towards women.

It's very hard to explain, actually. I really don't know.

From: guest , 139 months, post #14
If I'm going to get physical and sexual with a man while I'm in a female body, I better be an attractive female and have some sexy lingerie and f- me heels to wear.
If you have to be in that situation, why not go all out for it and seize the moment?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #15
Heck yeah! Exactly what I'm talking about, guest. I'd never want to switch bodies with any woman who was less than an 8 on the attractiveness 1-10 scale. If an accident did occur and I did wind up in an ugly woman's body, I'd only masturbate.
No sex would be had by me

From: cj , 139 months, post #16
"If an accident did occur and I did wind up in an ugly woman's body, I'd only masturbate.
No sex would be had by me"

Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. Once man's ugly is another man's beauty. If I ended up in the body of an ugly woman - I'd sure as heck try to have some fun. Certainly do me no good to stay inside and miss out on a heck of an adventure.

From: guest , 139 months, post #17
That maybe so but let's be honest. How many males would want to be ugly women if they had the chance to be a woman for a day? Males would want to be young, attractive, and sexy if they were placed in a female body. I don't think I would wear pants if I was an attractive sexy woman. Skirts and dresses for me.

From: cj , 139 months, post #18
"... let's be honest. How many males would want to be ugly women if they had the chance to be a woman for a day?"

I'd prefer to be young and attractive (whether man or woman or whatever)... but I'd certainly try to work with what I've got. Just the chance to experience life from another point of view and answer my burning curiosities might be enough for me to overlook certain attributes of a swap or TF - especially if it's only temporary.

From: guest , 139 months, post #19
I think everyone wants to be attractive regardless of what sex they are. You never hear anyone saying "man I wish i was fat and ugly and just repulsive to the senses and eyes."

Many of you are saying that you would want to sleep with a man if you were a woman just to have the chance to experience what it is like to be penetrated, but we dont exactly pick our sexualities so who knows what you would end up as if you became a woman. also you as men can already experience what it is like to be penetrated, by another man. You don't have to have a vagina to experience penetration.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #20
Yes, but it's about experiencing "vaginal" penetration... supposedly one of the best feelings known to the Universe. I've never been anally penetrated, but I've heard that it hurts a lot, and only seldom rewards any pleasure. Much tearing and pain is involved.
But vaginally (if you're not in a virgin's body) it reaps intense pleasure, and if you're lucky the stud can get you to orgasm, many times even.

About the attractiveness thing, I'm just saying. The thing about my attraction to female bodies and wanting to swap with a female all has to do with the pleasure of feeling feminine and attractive. If I didn't have that and I was in a woman's body, I might as well be gay (as a man), which I'm not. It'd be highly disappointing and pointless if she wasn't attractive.

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