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Millie - He's Now A Comic Book Fashion Model
Written by 'Tommy' circa 1998. It's a 52 page short story/novel with several full pages of b/w illustrations. Set in the 1950's, the plot has 12 year old Tommy waking up in the body of the grown up female body of Millie the Model (from the world of Marvel Comics), the star of the comic book he ...more
From: guest (anon cj) , 164 months, post #1
I got tired of waiting for it to be approved so this page will confirm the unapproved listing for ...

Millie - He's Now A Comic Book Fashion Model
Created: 2010-07-07 02:55:04

PS I have the book and can send a scan of the cover if need be.
(If anyone else has it, please note it here. I need 8 pages that were misprinted in my copy)

From: kreplach , 164 months, post #2
Good enough for me. Approved.

From: guest (anon cj) , 164 months, post #3
thanks, kreplach!

and Happy Holidays to all!

From: guest , 164 months, post #4
The age of 12 for Tommy certainly left me uneasy.If the character
were 18/21 it be safe,but a 12 year old boy sounds
like "cub porn" ,as they say at furraffinity

From: guest (anon cj) , 164 months, post #5
The story was set in a 1960's Marvel comic book setting. Marvel was rated for all ages and this story tried to keep it that way, considering the gender transform. There was no sex beyond her mind instructing him in putting a bra and other clothing on her body, and reminding him to be respectful. She did tell the boy to let her boyfriend kiss him if he tried as I recall, but if that happened it was in the missing pages on my copy. It was a fun fantasy story, not a porn story, perhaps because the lead character was indeed underaged. It read like a comic book combo with a dash of those old sci fi comic stories with someone trapped in another dimension, a sizeable portion of the Millie the model comic book of course, and a guest appearance by Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four (a friend of a friend they turn to for help.) I'd rate it PG.

From: guest (gallux) , 163 months, post #6
Message deleted by The Gambler. Please don't ask others to post copyright materials....
From: guest (gallux) , 163 months, post #7
Message deleted by kreplach. A bit too rude
From: guest (gallux) , 163 months, post #8
I would appreciate if you could please tell me where to buy this comic? Thank you very much sir!

From: The Gambler , 163 months, post #9
No longer can be purchase....

From: guest (Me) , 162 months, post #10
if this can no longer be purchased, than how is it still copy righted? So why can he not post the link to the stuff

my email is
gallux if you see this email me

From: guest (anon cj) , 162 months, post #11
copyrights last at least 50 years.
I wish it could still be purchased but the seller vanished off the face of the earth one night and never returned to the net

there is no link to the story itself. even the ads for it are available only thru the wayback machine. and it only listed the description in a line or so, with no picture.

From: guest (Me) , 162 months, post #12
why would the company care about the copyrights than if they went out of business? Another thing do we even know if it was copyrighted?

From: The Gambler , 162 months, post #13
It's not the company, but the author/artist's copyright that we're talking about. And any original works that's published in any way or form is copyrighted on the date it's published.......

Usually copyright last at least 50 to 100 years, depends on the country, and after that it falls into public domain. That's why any publisher can publish Shakespeare's creation or movie company can make movies based on Shakespeare's works, but not more recent author's books since they have to get the authorization first and pay royalties.

From: The Gambler , 162 months, post #14
I must correct myself here. The copyright law of US gives protection of 95/120 years or the author's life plus 70 years. This is according to 1998 Copyright Term Extension Act. And copyright law covers pretty much everything written, created, even includes emails.....

Other countries pretty much follow the same protection, just the length might be vary.

From: guest (Me) , 162 months, post #15
ok than, is their a sub law that says we can distribute it since the author or who ever holds the copyrights is not even making the item available for sale? I mean it would make since after all!

From: The Gambler , 162 months, post #16
Nope. Usually the copyright reverted to the author's family or estate.....

From: guest (Me) , 162 months, post #17
ok but wouldn't they try to sell it if they even cared?

From: guest (anon cj) , 162 months, post #18
if anyone else has this story, my copy is missing story pages 6-7, 11, and 46. If you can get me copies of the pages I would appreciate it! (author Tommy, can you hear me!)

From: guest (anon cj) , 162 months, post #19
also it was copyrighted to the company that published it, Echo productions and not to the author. I wonder if that makes a difference in the law since the company went out of business?

From: guest (Me) , 162 months, post #20
anon cj, even tho the company went out of business do you know were I can still buy it?

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