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Comment: Si j'étais elle
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Si j'étais elle
A Belgian-French television movie. The lead is a prototype of a misogyn macho. Alex neglects his wife Lea and his two daughters and sleeps with the babysit. He doesn't help around in the house and is a egoistic, indifferent and always away from home. After Lea and the kids leave him, he gets transf ...more
From: TheGuy* , 237 months, post #1

A production K-Star Comedy 90' Minutes: Stephan Keyboard
Actors: Thierry Lhermitte, Helene de Fougerolles, Hippolyte Girardot.

What if the prototype of the macho misogynist were transformed into
superb blonde?

The least which one can say is that Alex (Hippolyte
Girardot) is the definition of "Macho", the male magazine for which he
works. He is the perfect stereotype of the unquestionable misogynist
of his charm: he forsakes his wife Lea (Alexia Portal) and their two
small daughters, sleeps with the baby-sitter and does
absolutely nothing in the house. Egoist, indifferent, absent, it all
cumulates in the eyes of his wife Lea, who in the end leaves
him. Cursing all women for his problems the
following night, an odd event occurs: Alex himself transforms into a woman! And not just any woman but a pretty blonde (Helene de Fougerolles) the kind Alex usually appreciates ...

Consequently, how will Alex, now Alice, get back Lea, his wife whom he loves more than anything? It is Nicolas (Eric Caravaca), his best friend who will help him to develop a strategy: from now Alice will
become "girlfriends" with Lea in order to understand her better and one day break the curse. The problem is that Lea has met a man, Didier (Thierry Lhermitte), author of the best-seller "How tounderstand
Women". When a macho in the form of a small and beautiful blond fights against a fop who says he knows women, the meeting is... explosive! A zest of fantastic, humor, romance and here a very prickly comedy written by Jean Luc Goosens. "If I were it" is interpreted by a
fabulous quintet of actors formed by Thierry Lhermitte, Helene de
Fougerolles, Hippolyte Girardot, Alexia Portal and Eric Caravaca.

From: The Guy* , 237 months, post #2
A production K-Star Comedy 90' Minutes: Stephan Keyboard
Actors: Thierry Lhermitte, Helene de Fougerolles, Hippolyte Girardot.

What if the prototype of the macho misogynist were transformed into
superb blonde?

The least which one can say is that Alex (Hippolyte Girardot) is the definition of "Macho", the male magazine for which he works. He is the perfect stereotype of the unquestionable misogynist of his charm: he forsakes his wife Lea (Alexia Portal) and their two small daughters, sleeps with the baby-sitter and does absolutely nothing in the house. Egoist, indifferent, absent, it all cumulates in the eyes of his wife Lea, who in the end leaves him. Cursing all women for his problems the
following night, an odd event occurs: Alex himself transforms into a woman! And not just any woman but a pretty blonde (Helene de Fougerolles) the kind Alex usually appreciates ...

Consequently, how will Alex, now Alice, get back Lea, his wife whom he loves more than anything? It is Nicolas (Eric Caravaca), his best friend who will help him to develop a strategy: from now Alice will become "girlfriends" with Lea in order to understand her better and one day break the curse. The problem is that Lea has met a man, Didier (Thierry Lhermitte), author of the best-seller "How tounderstand Women". When a macho in the form of a small and beautiful blond fights against a fop who says he knows women, the meeting is... explosive! A zest of fantastic, humor, romance and here a very prickly comedy written by Jean Luc Goosens. "If I were it" is interpreted by a fabulous quintet of actors formed by Thierry Lhermitte, Helene de Fougerolles, Hippolyte Girardot, Alexia Portal and Eric Caravaca.

From: guest (sanyi) , 209 months, post #3
I've posted a short scene from the movie on youtube where he transforms into the woman. Hope they aren't going to remove it. Have fun.

From: Tinkerman , 209 months, post #4
2 sanyi
Can you post more clips please? :)

From: guest (sanyi) , 209 months, post #5

uploaded another clip. But I don't really know what to upload because the movie doesn't really have very much significant scenes. There is only one more where he has to work as a model. But I hope you have fun with this short one!

From: cj , 209 months, post #6
Looks like some good picks sanyi!

It would be nice to know what they're saying though. :-)

From: guest (sanyi) , 209 months, post #7
Thanks for this accolade. I like the honors for the first clip, most favourited french today ^^.
I'm sorry that I can't make subtitles but in the second clip the conservation is like:
She: This is horrible. (the dress)
He: Not at all. It is very good.
(I know this is very few but I can't understand everything. It's just the topic they're talking about).
In the second cut:
She: She's crazy!
He: A woman has to suffer pain. (because of the remove of the hair)
She: I'm not a woman.
He: Excuse him... her, it's the first time for her. She hasn't really accepted her feminity.

I hope this gives a small overview for the second clip. Couldn't understand everything because I'm not French.

From: guest (lol) , 209 months, post #8
could you please up load the scene where he has work as a mode

I'd really like to see it

From: guest (sanyi) , 209 months, post #9
Your wish is my command:

These are three scenes which I've cut together. Have fun!

From: guest (lol) , 209 months, post #10
thanks man

From: guest (Haviarre) , 209 months, post #11
Yeah, thanks for all of this great stuff, translations and all. =)

From: guest (Sanyi) , 206 months, post #12
Can't someone please add the links to my video to the link-entrys in the description? Would be very nice, thank you!

From: cj , 206 months, post #13
Sanyi... Everyone, including you, has the ability to add the link (albeit, it'd have to be approved).

... But I added it for you, since you asked nicely. :-)

From: Dale Ribbons , 206 months, post #14
It looks like a couple of the links are dead, and two others lead to the same place. Just thought I'd mention that.

From: Miss Pinky , 206 months, post #15
It is available in its entirety for Download on VEOH. I watched it, its an alright movie, but I think I'd like it more if I spoke French.

From: guest (Sanyi) , 206 months, post #16
I appreciate your help cj and apologize for my nescience ;)

I got the movie from veoh and though I learned French in school foralmost 7 years I don't understand the whole movie because of the quality. I think the sound and picture aren't always right. But I think it's easier to watch some short clips on YouTube instead of downloading the whole movie ^^

From: guest (argentino) , 206 months, post #17
As Miss Pinky said, i think i would enjoyed it much more if I spoke frechn
At least the plot is different from other movies.

I love when he regrets about having sex, but finally ends up enjoying it

From: guest (stuffmeister) , 206 months, post #18
just check ful movie out at (this is not a direct link!)

From: guest (rusty) , 181 months, post #19
Great movie. The actress playing Alice is gordeous and does a pretty good job. A+

I also really like the sex scene. I don't speak French but I'm curious why Alice wanted to "jump" Didier in the first place and would appreciate someone telling me what the dialogue is right after Alice rings Didier's front door.

From: guest (rusty) , 181 months, post #20
Let me amend my last post. What's the dialogue right when she's drinking the bottle of wine until the end of the sex scene?

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