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IF you became a woman...
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From: cj , 139 months, post #81
"Would anyone here want to be a tom boy if they became a woman, or would you all just only want to be a feminine woman?"

Not so much want... I'm fairly certain I ~would~ be a tom-boy. But I hope that I'd feel at home at "dolled-up" and girly-girl when I want to. :-)

"Lily seems cool to me."

Indeed. Very insightful and informed too... especially about the gender differences that many of us here chase.

"... automatic assumption that one is heterosexual unless stated otherwise..."

Hmmm... Now there's a thought I'd never acknowledged. Thank you, guest.

From: guest , 139 months, post #82
Oddly enough, the most misogynistic people in the public eye, I often see are women, of the conservative Republican influence. Look to people such as Ann Coulter for proof in that.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #83
Hi Guest #79.

1) You can wear skirts and dresses even if you haven't been magically turned into a girl. Its actually a lot of fun, sometimes, I recommend it. I like skirts a lot, I even run and work out in "skorts" and "skeggings" when I go to the gym.

2) Here's the thing about male-privelege. It isn't a zero-sum game. You don't have to give up anything to give women some access and opportunity.

I know, it really seems like get an advantage in school admissions or hiring or promotions by way of affirmative action and diversity policies, but all those things ever really do is get the in the door. In the absence of those policies white guys hire white guys who went to white guy schools.

The thing is, all things are not equal. The person who gets the diversity hire spot had to run a gauntlet of reduced expectations and reduced access to resources to even make it to the interview. And after he or she is hired, there is going to be a whole other set of snares, pit-falls, and blind alleys to negotiate in order to advance.

I am sure that you can find instances of reverse discrimination, where a less qualified was hired instead of a better qualified white guy, That happens because Civil Rights laws and Equal Opportunity Laws are blunt, and imprecise and inevitably do some collateral damage. The alternative, though, is the Gilded Age; a few white men in charge or all the money, brown skinned people relegated to low-paying labor or service jobs, and unmarried women segregated into pink ghettoes like teaching and nursing and...welll, that's pretty much it.

Thank goodness we don't live in a world like THAT any more..oh, wait .

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #84
Screwed up the HTML tags.

Should have been:

I know, it really seems like MINORITIES get an advantage in school admissions or hiring or promotions by way of affirmative action and diversity policies, but all those things ever really do is get the MINORITIES in the door. In the absence of those policies white guys hire white guys who went to white guy schools...


I am sure that you can find instances of reverse discrimination, where a less qualified MINORITY was hired instead of a better qualified white guy...

From: guest , 139 months, post #85
I'm a man and I have dressed up in drag before. I have no desires to be a woman, but I've done it for fun before. I went to a club dressed as a woman before, it was quite a bit of fun. although I always requested that a male friend accompany me when I went outside in case someone clocked me as a male and wanted to beat me up or something for breaking gender norms. But it was quite a bit of fun. I've been trying to think of a drag name alter ego.

From: guest , 139 months, post #86
Answer this truthfully, does every human that belongs to minority require affirmative action? I'm asking if a human being is not a white straight male, do they need assistance even if they are successful and one of the best at what they do? I just don't like affirmative action. Affirmative action is racism to fight racism which doesn't make sense at all. For example, you're basically saying that a black applicant is screwed, helpless, and an idiot because of their skin color so they deserve and require a helping hand. How do you think that makes some minorities feel that some people think of them like that? How do you think some minorities feel about people seeing them as helpless victims? And what does affirmative action say about white people? It says that white people are powerful, wealthy, and top of the food chain. That couldn't be further from the truth. There are more white people on foodstamps and welfare in America than all minorities combined. There are more poor white people in America than poor minorities. Thank you, I rest my case your honor.

From: cj , 139 months, post #87
"... I rest my case..."


Because we're starting to drift off topic. Yes, I know it's almost related but we've moved from 'almost related' to politically deviating.

Let's push this thread back on topic:
"IF you became a woman would you have sex with men or women, or both. Basically I'm asking would you want to try sleeping with the NEW opposite sex or the NEW same sex? If you become a woman would you WANT to be lesbian, bi, or heterosexual? I was just curious... :)"

From: guest , 139 months, post #88
Sorry about going into Law and Order mode, It wasn't personal.

I'd just be curious to know if I became a woman and got physical with a man and it turned into a relationship, would I tell even attempt to tell him that I used to be a man? Would he believe me? How would he feel about having sex with a male that is now in a female body?

One question that no one has mentioned about this thread is would you want your new female body to be that of a virgin?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #89
I have something to say about the "off topic" topic. Affirmative Action laws and Equal Opportunity Laws seem good in theory but they don't do a truly just service. All they're doing is flipping racism and bigotry from one spectrum to another.

Every race has had their time in the crap hole, the only real thing to do is drop all racism and "race recognition" and truly give everyone the same opportunities. Even men and women "inequality" solutions. If a woman can do a man's job, let her.

The only way to go towards the future is to get past the past.

Back on topic: Post @ 88, I'm not sure whether to say yes or no. Maybe "no" to avoid the pain of the first time, or maybe "yes" because I'd want the entirety of the experience?

From: guest , 139 months, post #90
Well not all minorities receive affirmative action. Homosexual people do not receive it, and I'm not saying they should, but as of now in many states its legal to FIRE someone just for being gay, now that is F***ED up, if you ask me.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #91
Because we're starting to drift off topic. Yes, I know it's almost related but we've moved from 'almost related' to politically deviating.

Actually. I grabbed the wheel and steered the thread into a ditch. Sorry.

One question that no one has mentioned about this thread is would you want your new female body to be that of a virgin?

I am guessing you mean virgo intact -- to become a woman with an intact hymen? This is an interesting -- if somewhat weird -- question.

The "bloody wedding sheet" thing happens to really young women -- to child brides -- in places where girls are kept in purdah until they are ripe and ready to be traded for some goats.

Cisgendered women "lose" their hymens from all kinds of things. Sports (riding a bike, playing soccer, gymnastic -- any thing that requires lot of vigours and lng movement of the legs) will tear and stretch the hymen, so that it covers less of the vaginal opening.

Using tampons also tens to wear away the hymen. In modern times, in places where girls are allowed to play sports and are not sent off to the "houses of blood" during her period, an adult woman is unlikely to have an intact hymen, even if she has never had penetrative sex.

Even if you did manage to score an adult body with an unusually "fresh" intact hymen, you'd still need a brutal lover to experience much pain or bleeding the first time you were penetrated.

The hymen doesn't have any nerve endings. A lover who took his time, and thought to bring an adequate supply of lube, would be able to initiate you with little or no pain.

Of course, if you get a vagina by non-magical/science-fictional means, virgo intacta isn't really an option. Even if the surgeon could do it, it would get in the way of the stents you'd use to dilate yourself so that you'd be able to get a man up in there at all.

Jayzie @#89 Even men and women "inequality" solutions. If a woman can do a man's job, let her.

Here is another thing that'd surprise you. There are people who don't think that this is necessary or good. There are people who think that there is no such thing as "a woman who can do a man's job". Lots of the people are in charge of hiring. Even more of these people are in charge of classrooms and churches and school boards and city councils and state legislatures and congressional seats...

It would be wonderful if the same magic that could turn you into a sexually desirable woman could transform the attitudes of the gate-keepers who want to excluded women from economic and political franchise -- but wishing does not make it so. If you were transformed into a woman, your status in society really would change.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #92
WOW -- that's a lot of typos. Here's the big one:

It would be wonderful if the same magic that could turn you into a sexually desirable VIRGIN could transform the attitudes of the gate-keepers who want to excluded women from economic and political franchise -- but wishing does not make it so. If you were transformed into a woman, your status in society really would change.

The preview buttons needs to be bigger than, and a different color from, the "post message" button. And maybe it could flash or something... ^_^

From: cj , 139 months, post #93
"... would you want your new female body to be that of a virgin?"

Almost always. Sometimes for the "pain", never for the blood... always for the idea that it's a "fresh" body, not "used".

"The preview buttons needs to be bigger than, and a different color from, the "post message" button. And maybe it could flash or something."

Bigger, and more bold in color or presentation - not a bad idea. I'll mention that to Paul when I talk to him next.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #94
@ Guest #80 "... such as our society's automatic assumption that one is heterosexual unless stated otherwise."

Theres a thing I didn't notice until I started cross-living; on internet forums like this you are assumed to be Straight-White-Male (and to live in the lower 48 states) unless you indicate otherwise. And, often, even when you do CLEARY and REPEATEDLY state that you are otherwise.

Here, in particular, it is kind of assumed that everyone reading identifies as male -- which almost makes sense.

It is worse at some of the other online places where I hang out; mostly technology and engineering and higher-education related forums. In some of the techie/nerdy forums I am very careful NOT to disclose that I am female/trans/queer. A few times I've been "outed", and the conversation has gotten hostile really fast.

Its part of the reason I use a unambiguously feminine handle here.

So that's another thing that our male-turned-female would have to deal with. Female is the gendered state in any kind of anonymous communication. My in-real-life name can be either a man's name or a woman's name (the nickname form, which I use to sign checks and memos and how my name appears on my work email address and my business card, etc.).

It is very common for me to meet people who've previously known me only by something I've written, or by my name on email distributions. and be greeted: "Oh. You're a woman. Hello,"

From: guest , 139 months, post #95
Simma down now. Cheri Oteri, SNL reference.

I'm still undecided on if I'd want to swap with an existing woman or just be magically turned into a woman. It would be interesting to meet the woman that is now in your original male body. I wonder if it would be like Margosha and LouisLouise with the former female now in your body slapping you on your now female butt.

From: guest (aras) , 139 months, post #96
given the opportunity to "swap" with a genetic female I would not give a crap about the virgin thing.
I am an attractive healthy male, so she would need to be an attractive healthy female. age say 20s
with some 7 billion people walking the earth now, there's been a whole lot of sex going on. Its part of who we are.
I do not see the 'act' itself as 'dirty'... just too often peoples 'intentions' about the act are dirty and perverted.
I pride myself on high standards, so my ideal swap partner would be a woman who only partnered physically with a few very 'select' choices. Not necessarily even choices I might approve of. For personal pride she would be generally 'hard-to-get' but not impossible. lol
If I would retain her body for a lifetime, I would become pregnant and birth a child with the right man at some point. WOW, that would be an experience! be a mom for a life

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #97
@ cj # 93 Almost always. Sometimes for the "pain", never for the blood... always for the idea that it's a "fresh" body, not "used".

Why would you want it to hurt?

From: guest (BlackAlienLiquid) , 139 months, post #98
This started off as such an awesome discussion. Somehow it got infected by the Prometheus black liquid.

If we were Bonobo-like and were able to swap, I think the aggression would all lead to fun discussion instead of angry debates.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #99
How odd... I'd do it for the blood, but not for the pain.

From: guest , 139 months, post #100
If I was turned into a woman and had a guy penetrate me, I would hope it wouldn't hurt. Probably be a deal breaker. I'm not sure what I would wear for sex. Torn between wearing a skirt or dress or just going slutty and wearing a teddy, thigh highs, and stilettos.

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