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biological females?
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From: guest (Glenn) , 167 months, post #81
Julie i am 6 foot 1 and i would love to swap with you. I kinda hate being tall , plus i want to try being a woman

i'm sure you'd enjoy being tall lol, would you make fun of me in your 4'11' body :p

From: Julie , 167 months, post #82
Halo, Call of Duty, some Forza 3, Dead Red, etc. ;) All console stuff. I was on World of Warcraft, but finally dropped. No one believed I was female there, I even got accused of a voice changer LOL. I plan on getting into the new Star Was game too!

You guys think it'd be fun being me, but I tell you, the big boobs get in the way too! ;)

From: guest (TallJohn) , 167 months, post #83
Yeah Julie, but it would be nice never having to pay for alcohol ever.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 167 months, post #84
Julie, I would get into being teased about being short, cute, and female. As long as it was in fun. I would probably get as irritated as you do if was malicious, though. I don't think being a woman would fun or easy. Well okay, I think it would be fun to be able to dress up and look pretty. Pink is my favorite color but I dare not wear it often as a man.

JC, I am the real Jennifer Adams or the real person who writes under that name. I can't begin to tell you how many stories I have started and just lost interest in. I've been trying to get back to several different ones. For me, writing is not academic I have to feel what I'm writing and if I loose the feeling I loose interest. I can't seem to force it or it shows badly. There also time constraints as well. I'm a bit busier in real life lately. I usually only write about two to three pages an hour. It takes time to put things together. I am trying to get some things out there I hope soon.


From: guest (Stephanie) , 167 months, post #85
There's a story in this. It's way to easy to get distracted by the boobs and new plumbing in a TG story. Size and height changes are just as important.

I don't get much time to write these days, but I might have a go at a story around this idea.

From: Julie , 167 months, post #86
Yes, I never have to buy a drink LOL :)

I guess my biggest transformation fantasy is size over anything. I'd even love to try being a 6 foot supermodel :)

I am sure there could be a cool femtrooper story. All Stormtroopers look alke, so a Star Wars fan might wish to stand out in the sea of white, and get turned into me t a comic con :) If you like attention, try showing up at a comic con dressed in that outfit! WOW! ;)


From: guest (Jason) , 96 months, post #87
Why are the pics of Allie and Julie not showing anymore? :(

From: cj , 96 months, post #88
Best guess as to the "missing" photos... because the images are no longer in the location the code here says they are. Either the image was removed from its host, or the host has changed the URL / address / location of the file... or the host site or user account on the host site no longer exists.

From: cj , 96 months, post #89
Post 20, 22, & 43 - Julie's photo... "We're sorry, this site is frozen."
Post 43 - Julie's flickr photos... "Femtrooper Julie hasn't made any photos public yet."
Post 51 - Julie's video/pic... "This video is no longer available."

Post 30 & 53 - Allie's photo... "This site can’t be reached’s server DNS address could not be found."

So for Julie's pix, the site (sub-host) was frozen by the host site. And for Allie's, Facebook has changed its addressing or the sphotos FB app (if that was the case) has changed - if you can figure out Facebook's organization for URLs, you might be able to reconstruct a working URL.

I could go on, but I think you should get the picture (no pun intended). If we haven't alienated them... and annoyed them by filling their inboxes, perhaps they will repost their pics.

From: Julie , 96 months, post #90
That is strange! I am still out there!

Does this work? This was at a Hot Rod show here :0

From: cj , 96 months, post #91
Maybe, but all I get is:

You must be signed in to see this content."

I think I'm becoming a luddite. I'm just not into all these social media sites... Maybe I need to create some more aliases and join in on the fun.

From: guest , 96 months, post #92
Looks nice!

I'm definitely a luddite by choice but not a technophobe. Social media to me is a time vampire and I don't like being someone's product, but I'm in the minority. And I hate having a million log-ins. If I can't google-images it, I just pass.

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 96 months, post #93
I think a lot of guys, myself included, would love to
swap with a pretty, petite girl.

From: guest (Jason) , 96 months, post #94
Julie where are the ones of you in storm trooper gear?

From: Julie , 96 months, post #95
plenty on my Facebook page!

From: guest , 96 months, post #96

"Looks nice!" was a link.

From: Julie , 96 months, post #97
I posted to photo, but that link is not me :)

From: guest (Bud) , 96 months, post #98
So what would you do if you got your wish and got to swap with a tall person but it was a guy? And say that you two meet up. Would you do something funny like pick him up while he was in your body?

From: guest (Jason) , 96 months, post #99
I did a Google search for femtrooper Julie and got like a million pics of you Julie lol

From: guest (Jayzie) , 96 months, post #100
So let me get this straight. Julie, you're a real female and you'd be okay with switching bodies with a male?
I'm curious, what are your limits on that. For instance, lines you'd demand not to be crossed if you were able to swap bodies with someone of the opposite sex?

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