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Thread more discussion about LGBTQIA
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From: guest (Also Interested) , 123 months, post #61
Guest, I really don't want to come off as patronizing you, but you are coming off as a little short-sighted. I mean, you just equated sexuality with sexual activity, and there is a big difference and a great deal of choice with one and not the other. When men are attracted to men, they are not making the choice to, but when they have sex with men, they ARE making the choice to. So you say that people say they are born that way as if it's a cop out, but what they are referring to is their attraction to the same sex, NOT the fact that they have sex with them. After all, it is very possible for people to be in a relationship without having sex.

Now, when people say they were born that way, it isn't to excuse themselves from their activity, but to legitimize themselves when others say it is a choice. More specifically, that they chose to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex. What is ludicrous to suggest is that they really have a choice to either be in a same sex relationship or not, and for what? To appease those that don't want to see that? Is that really a fair choice, should they have to decide on that? To nitpick on how they choose to have sex and be in a relationship, undermines the entire fact that life is full of choices. You choose to be in the relationships you do, that doesn't mean you aren't born with certain propensities. I mean, I'm sure you choose to "follow up" on your little fetishes, but did you choose them in the first place? Do you have to? No. If someone were to tell you "why do you do that? It's wrong. You're weird" but you would say that you just like what you like. The others just don't do it for you. Did you choose that, or what you say that's just the way you are?

Let me put it this way. You just said, that men just don't do it for you. Sounds like a cop-out to me! You aren't even considering a same-sex relationship, and you are choosing to have sex and relationships with women. I certainly don't care what you do, why do you care to have to explain it to everyone? Now do I have to cater to you and bend over backwards for you just because you choose to be with an Asian women? Do you see how you come across as ridiculous?

From: guest (MasterandCommander) , 123 months, post #62
I see what you did there.

I just want to live in a society where individuality trumps group mentality. I want to live in a world where we see individuals instead of groups. I get so tired of all these labels and groupings. Why do people have to belong to a group? Can't people just be a free agent or an independent of some sort?

When you start putting people in groups, you create tension, resentment, jealousy, and hatred. You're creating drama that is not necessary in my opinion.

Question about the whole "born this way" defense or whatever you want to call it, why does a gay human have to say that or use that defense in order to legitimatize their gayness? That sounds like insecurity and shame to me. If being gay is normal, then there should be no insecurity, shame, or excuses. Be gay and shut up about it. So what, you're gay? What's the big deal? You want a cookie?

From: guest (contortionist) , 123 months, post #63
just want to live in a society where individuality trumps group mentality. I want to live in a world where we see individuals instead of groups. I get so tired of all these labels and groupings. Why do people have to belong to a group? Can't people just be a free agent or an independent of some sort?

I think I know why our guest complains about having to "bend over backwards"; his view of the world is upside-down and backwards.

LGBTQ organizations exist because there is strength, and increased safety, in numbers.

And where, I wonder, would you draw the line on "labels and groupings"? Are nations okay? Corporations? Small businesses? Sports teams? Book clubs?

Question about the whole "born this way" defense or whatever you want to call it, why does a gay human have to say that or use that defense in order to legitimatize their gayness?

Tell us again, when did you decide to be straight?

If being gay is normal, then there should be no insecurity, shame, or excuses. Be gay and shut up about it. So what, you're gay? What's the big deal? You want a cookie?

I am surprised that no one has pointed out to you that gay, trans, and queer people are subject to shaming and exclusion and violence from people whether or not they are out... oh, wait, this whole thread ... never mind. You just don't, or won't, get it.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 123 months, post #64
People explain themselves because people question and doubt them. Things don't just change because people stop caring. They defend themselves because people attack them. They fight to be normal because they aren't treated normal. They grow up in a society that is so far from what they want the world to be like, that they have to change it, starting with a change within themselves, and that's pride in themselves. The world that you wish for, does not come on it's own. People WERE just trying to be gay and live and they get burned alive (Stonewall) or dragged behind a truck and tied up to a fence post to bleed to death. Being gay is normal, but the shame and insecurities only go away when they accept themselves and are able to defend themselves by saying they are normal, when everyone else says they aren't. You act like people are acting a certain way completely unprovoked, no, it is the only necessary way to bring about change.

From: guest , 123 months, post #65
Why do you have to fight to be normal? Because of what stupid society says? Screw society. Why not just be yourself and not care what others think?

When it comes to gayness, humans just need to simma down now and not make such a big deal over it. I mean if you're a guy and you love penises, good for you but so what? Honestly, who cares? Different strokes for different folks.

From: guest , 123 months, post #66
People. Kill. Gay. People. For. Being. Gay.

How many times do we have to say that? People kill people for being gay. People rape people for being gay. People beat people for being gay. People fire people for being gay. People kick people out of their homes for being gay. People arrest people for being gay. People execute people for being gay. How can you possibly ignore that? How can you possibly say that isn't a big deal? How can you possibly dismiss that as hurt feelings?

We're going around in circles here. You're incapable of grasping how dangerous it still is to be gay, even in the United States. I'd like to believe you'll understand that at some point, but you've made it more than clear that you never will.

From: cj , 123 months, post #67
Guest #66, watch your wording. Your last sentence is treading close to "personal attack" territory. I'm leaving the post up, as the rest of your post makes a valid and topical point related to this thread.

From: guest , 123 months, post #68
Not trolling or joking but I don't kill gay people. To be honest, never killed a human of any sort in my life. People that kill gay people for being gay or just kill any human for any reason excluding self defense are evil and should be punished. That's why we have laws and consequences with those laws.

I just don't think the negativity helps the situation in my opinion. People are way too negative when it comes to prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination.
Some people usually the extremists act like gay people are stoned to death in public every day. That is just not the case. Gayness and the gay movement are on a hot streak. Being gay is very trendy and probably at an all time acceptance and high right now. Just look back on the last ten years and see how many states have either legalized civil unions or marriage for gay couples.
Even silly Obama got the military to do away with Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Why not celebrate and be proud of the good rather than trying to be a victim that wants to be a Debbie downer?

From: cj , 123 months, post #69
Okay, I should have clarified... " I'd like to believe you'll understand that at some point, but you've made it more than clear that you never will." ... was close to a personal attack.

Rest of the post (#66) was clear. At least, to me it was.

From: guest (contortionist) , 123 months, post #70
Some people usually the extremists act like gay people are stoned to death in public every day. That is just not the case. Gayness and the gay movement are on a hot streak. Being gay is very trendy and probably at an all time acceptance and high right now. Just look back on the last ten years and see how many states have either legalized civil unions or marriage for gay couples.
Even silly Obama got the military to do away with Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Yes. Because what you see on television is all that happens in the world and what you see happening on TV right now is all that can happen or ever will ever happen.

Just like how now that President Obama is president, racism is over.

And gay, trans, and queer people do get killed or beaten or disowned or fired or denied access to their children or evicted from their homes ... every day.

And seriously, why do you care. When has the activism of LGBTQ activists cost you anything? When did anyone insist that you fight "24/7" on the behalf of the gay agenda? When have you been required o "bend over backwards"? When has gay activism limited your opportunities, or put you or your loved ones in danger, or done anything more than offend your sense of entitlement?

Why not celebrate and be proud of the good rather than trying to be a victim that wants to be a Debbie downer?

Yeah, why don't LGBTQ folks give each other medals and throw parades....oh, wait, did't you just say that they shouldn't do that?

From: guest (Also Interested) , 123 months, post #71
You say being gay is trendy as if it's some sort of fad the kids are doing to be cool. You then say that people should be proud instead of negative when you just said you're tired of people coming out and celebrating it.

It really just sounds like you're bored of hearing about gay people and would like people to talk about something else. You're not against them but just bored of the topic. Fine. In a way, it really speaks of how far we've come that you can say that. But you aren't the majority, or rather, you don't make the rules and you aren't the one denying people or fighting against people for their gayness.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't need people to come out publicly, a "It Gets Better" campaign or a "If you can play, you can play" campaign, or the HRC or GLAAD, or anything like that. But we aren't in a perfect world, and until we get to the point that we don't need to be proud or anything or until people aren't fired, beaten, disowned, etc. for being gay, it will be celebratory and we will continue to be proud and fight for equality.

If that annoys or bothers you, sorry. But we're not sorry. I would gladly trade places with you for a month so you can experience what it's like, but as far as I'm aware, that's just fantasy.

From: guest (The dude) , 123 months, post #72
About 60 gay people are murdered each year in Peru alone, so one a day in the world is probably a low estimate, stoned to death seems a bit dramatic, like stones are the only way to kill gay people... Gay people are not like vampires or werewolves.

Is gay cool now days, wow, are you Russian? I'd say being gay is only cool in a very few places.

Maybe the issue is that we don't like to talk about SEX, we hide kids from SEX, we don't have SEX on the TV or computer games, we are ok with violence and murder, but SEX just seems to get everyone worried, like some sort of SEX orgy would destroy the fabric of the universe. You can get your gun out in public, but take out your SEX organs and its the crime of the century. Maybe just maybe its not being gay that offends people its the fact that they are talking about their SEXual preferences and celebrating the fact they have a SEXual preference at all. Maybe it should just be cool to have any sort of SEXual identity, and not some dirty word. Maybe straight people should be more vocal about being straight and when they realised they were straight and how wonderful it is to be in love with someone of the opposite SEX? Or maybe we should just have SEX day, when everyone can come together and celebrate that they love each other.

So maybe in an idea world we would throw parades for loving each other rather then being part of a team. Maybe Dr Who is right and in the future we will all be Bi Sexual and not care if we are hit in by men or women or transgendered or intersex or androgynous people, till then a long steady breakdown of barriers is a good thing.

Now get out their and talk about SEX, be it between men and men, men and women, women and women, or men and women and women and men. It's all good in the end.

From: guest , 123 months, post #73
When you ask a person "do you care", that is a unique question but also a difficult one to answer.

I don't get bent out of shape when gay people get married or have sex or act out to be cute or to get attention. At the same time, I can tell you that I'm not passionate about gayness and the gay movement. It's nothing against gay people. I just don't think it's interesting but if you are gay and want to be a crusader for gayness, I'm not going to stone you to death or stop you.

And to the hater that bashed me about thinking I don't like being a part of the majority, nice try but I've never really been a part of the majority. I give you credit for your attempt to generalize me.

I just laugh and smirk when people demand that I bend over backwards for them because they are different or because society shuns them. I don't run society so why blame that crap on me?

From: guest (contortionist) , 123 months, post #74
I just laugh and smirk when people demand that I bend over backwards for them because they are different or because society shuns them. I don't run society so why blame that crap on me?{/i]

When has the activism of LGBTQ activists cost you anything? When did anyone insist that you fight "24/7" on behalf of the gay agenda? When have you been required o "bend over backwards"? When has gay activism limited your opportunities, or put you or your loved ones in danger, or done anything more than offend your sense of entitlement?

From: guest , 123 months, post #75
Nothing really I can do or say. You have prejudged me and already made your mind up. That's extremism for you but whatever. I disagree with you on something and you resort to character assassination.

Character assassinations happen way too often in American society.

If a person does not hold the favorable opinion or the opinion of the majority, then that person must be destroyed.
If a person doesn't support gay marriage, they hate gay people.
If a person doesn't support abortion, they hate women.
If a person doesn't support affirmative action, they hate minorities.
If a person doesn't support LGBT, they hate LGBT.
If a person doesn't support illegal immigration, they're racist.

Judging, judging, judging, judging, judging. Not nice at all.

From: guest , 123 months, post #76
Haha I just finished reading this, you know what it reminds me of.... Tory back be chefs.

Happy Labour day, by the way.

So anyway the working class thought hard for labour rights, 8 hour work days, 8 hours of rest and 8 of play, so working only 1/3 of the working week... As well as others...

But the back bench conservatives are jealous and wanted a Thatcher day in August to celebrate... Being rich? Being in charge? What?

So no matter how hard people celebrate the rights they win and how hard they had to fight for those rights, some privalledged people will be jealous that they are ignored for not having to win the rights they have.

If your saying Gay people should shut up and put up, I ask if you think the lower classes should do the same? Are some of you just white middle aged conservative (republican) straight men, who are jealous because people fought to escape from under the thumb of white middle aged conservative rich and middle class (yeomanry) conservative straight men?

I say we should celebrate every victory over oppression, be it May Day, women's day, ethnic minority days, LGBT days, D-Day, Whatever, it's always worth celebrating or people will forget and the rights will be lost.

From: guest , 123 months, post #77
Not a Republican or conservative or middle aged too. I consider myself a mostly apathetic independent.

There is a difference between celebrating and bragging. Just sayin'.

At the end of the day, I just find the bragging annoying. Does it honestly ruin my day or has it ruined my life? No to both. I have bigger things to worry about in my life than two gay men having gay sex in their house or two gay women fighting to play house and be accepted as normal.
Am I allowed to have an opinion on American soil? Yes

I am just stating an opinion. Just because it's not a favorable opinion or the opinion of the majority, does not mean I should be character assassinated. At the same time, this is America and judging and generalizing are the norm especially if you don't have the trendy or favorable opinion on the issue.

Closing statements to the court: I just find the gayness being shoved down people's throat to be annoying sometimes. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not being physically hurt or burdened by it. It's just something that annoys me. I deal with a lot of things that annoy me just fine but I am a human and on American soil so I'm entitled to have an opinion that isn't cute or trendy.

From: cj , 123 months, post #78
I'm starting to lose track of who is whom with all these posts that have no differentiation to them... they all show as "guest".

I haven't seen any character assassinations.

This isn't America... this is the INTERNET. That said, this board's home and quite a few guests and users are American IIRC.

"Am I allowed to have an opinion..."

Yes, you most certainly are. However, for those who claim that the LGBT "agenda" is being forced upon them, shoved down their throats, or that they have to bend over backwards because of it/them... I've still not seen any of you post ONE SINGLE SHRED of evidence to support that claim - so please, stop trying to use it as some sort of "justification" for your opinion.

An opinion doesn't really need a be qualified or have an excuse... unless perhaps, you are trying to sway the opinion of others... but if you are, examples, verifiable facts, or other proof is usually necessary. Without it, you start to look like a troll or an idiot, and you start to grate on the nerves of others by repeating unsubstantiated drivel.

In other words. If it's your opinion - great... let's keep it at that. If you're going to make claims, back them up with examples or verifiable facts.

From: guest , 123 months, post #79
I'm on the internet in Murica so it's America. Thank you.

If I make claims, I'm too lazy to give examples or show facts sorry. Not personal. Just too lazy. I mean it's the internet. The internet is the home to laziness 24/7.

From: cj , 123 months, post #80
"If I make claims, I'm too lazy to give examples or show facts sorry. Not personal. Just too lazy."

Thanks for your honesty.

At least we now know we can ignore your claims, if you are too lazy to present facts to support them. :-)

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