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IF you became a woman...
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From: guest , 139 months, post #61
Anyway, as the discussion began...
I would like to ass another question onto this.

IF you became a woman, would you want to temporarily be a woman to experience things from a different perspective, or would you permanently want to be a woman.

From: guest , 139 months, post #62
Or simply put would you desire to revert back to your male self and male-ego?

From: guest , 139 months, post #63
I think misogyny is a horrid thing that needs to be abolished but I do sense a level of sexism or hatred towards men in general in Lily's discourses there. Especially in the manner in which she generalizes men, for instance how she derides the nice guys as all men who will be indignant if turned down. Women and men deserve to be treated equally, but your posts do come off as reverse sexist, not in the facts that you present but in the generalizations you make.

From: guest , 139 months, post #64
Oh, and I'm not trying to be offensive or rude. I'm just saying that's how you come off in some of the generalizations you make in your posts. My apologies.

From: guest , 139 months, post #65
Would anyone here want to be a tom boy if they became a woman, or would you all just only want to be a feminine woman?

From: guest (Pat) , 139 months, post #66
Tom-boy, ski bunny type is how I imagine myself. And definitely would go hetero sex both before and after transformation. Only would do bi/threesomes as a woman.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #67
Last I checked one does not decide their sexual orientation, might want to read up on your scientific facts and studies there.

Its the premise of the top post in the thread: "If you become a woman would you WANT to be lesbian, bi, or heterosexual? I was just curious... :)"

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #68
I don't want to get into a debate about the sexes or nature vs nurture or anything like that. I was just saying if males and females were exactly alike besides their private parts, then none of this would be fun for any of us, would it? I mean, at least 3/4ths of us wouldn't be here at all.

Lily, we do see things a tiny bit differently. (Also, I never said I'd date the nice guys. I just wouldn't lead them on more than once, just to see what it's like of course).
While of course there'd be consequences to my behavior at times, the chances of me being murdered, beaten, or raped, are not any higher than it is for the women I know who do these sexually enticing things all the time (to include family members that merely find it funny). I'd have my fun, but I'd be careful.

But if I did get murdered, I suppose that's the price to pay for fun and excitement.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #69
I do sense a level of sexism or hatred towards men in general in Lily's discourses there. Especially in the manner in which she generalizes men, for instance how she derides the nice guys as all men who will be indignant if turned down.

You are correct. I should have qualified that statement. I amend it now:

" Even the "nice guy types" can get sullen and resentful..."

No hatred towards men. Really. I piled up a lot of words about misogyny and male privilege and how it can be depressing/frightening/frustrating to have to deal with that crap -- but it was about those things, not about men.

We are all products of the cultures into which we are born and in which we grow up. There are lots of women who participate in the misogynistic and femmephobic aspects of that culture.

In fact, the worst instances of femmephobia I've encountered have been in LGB circles. Lesbians are sometimes suspicious of anything too femme. I've been told that high heels are a tool of the patriarchy; a kind of latter-day foot binding.

And gay men have a whole other deal with gayface and the straight/masculine image. The personals are dense with ads requesting "STR8 ACTING MEN ONLY. ONLY INTO MASC. NO FEMS OR QUEENS"

It was inevitable, however, that my feminist screed would excite a "man hater" comment. It is all part of the same phenomenon. For the record (because I know that you are keeping score on these things)I both like men and like men.

From: guest (Guest) , 139 months, post #70
@ post #61

I'm mostly curious, so I'd go for 'temporary'.

Ideally, I'd like to rent, with the option to buy. : )

@ post #65

Hmmm... good question. I suppose I'd think like a tom-boy, but outwardly appear as a fairly feminine woman, in most aspects. : )

From: guest , 139 months, post #71
I'm not a fan of white guilt tripping. Bashing someone for crap that's out of their control is not cool or professional in my opinion. Some people in America have this mentality that women, homosexuals, and minorities are completely helpless and stupid and always need help while all white straight males are powerful, wealthy, and don't need any help at all. That's stereotyping if you ask me. Right now at this point of my life, I think I would only want to be with a woman for companionship and sex. I don't think I could fall in love with a woman right now mainly because of trust issues and I wouldn't want to set myself up for disappointment. If you're talking about lust, then yeah sure.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #72
Lily seems cool to me. Not a man-hater, but just generalizing to get the idea across. Trying to help me out with the whole idea of "if I became a woman I would..." and how it could negatively affect me.

But at post 61, Idk, if I became one of the most (or the most) beautiful woman on the planet, I'd consider staying that way, for vanity reasons.
As for my risky life style, who wants to live to be old anyway? ha

From: guest , 139 months, post #73
Let the men that want to try out womanhod swap bodies with the women that hate being women and/or think men have it made. If it's that way, men get to see what it's like having vaginas and women get to see what it's like having penises. I think more women would stay as men than men would stay as women. Just sayin'.

From: Forestier , 139 months, post #74
@ 61. I agree with #70.

@ 65: Could I be something in between? At least, no daily make-up nor complicated hair-styling.

From: dis_guise , 139 months, post #75
Women heavily made-up make me think of drag queens. If magically transformed into a pretty woman I'd probably go easy on the cosmetics, and if the metamorphosis left me as a freckled redhead I'd show off those freckles.

From: guest , 139 months, post #76

Not to be a douche here, but I highly suggest you read up on scholarly journal articles on white privilege, heterosexual privilege, and male privilege. This isn't stereotyping, this is science. I've taken classes on this matter in gender studies as well as class on sociology and research does highly suggest there is white heterosexual male privilege. Whether or not we like it the problem exists and is pervasive in society. I'm a white male but I recognize that there is privilege there.
And such research isn't suggesting that the minorities are completely helpless. Perhaps if you read some books on the matter you would realize what privelege is all about and that its not stereotyping.

From: guest , 139 months, post #77
Oh and it's not bashing the individual it is bashing the culture that has this pervasive mentality that bestows such privilege, it's not shaming us males and others, it's shaming the culture, a group mindset if you will.

From: guest , 139 months, post #78
@75, I LOVE drag queens, they always make me smile. They have the best personalities.

From: guest , 139 months, post #79
I just don't like it when people guilt trip me because of my skin color. I have never owned slaves. I have never told a woman, a minority, or a homosexual to stay away from me because of what they are. Am I perfect? No. Have I stereotyped and had racist thoughts and feelings before? Yes, I am not perfect. Am I saying it's right? Nope.
For the record, I'm a white straight male with a wonderful college degree working a lowly retail job that pays me about 15K a year after taxes. Just thought I should throw that out.

And if I was turned into a woman, I don't think I would be a tomboy but I wouldn't be overtly girly girl. I'd mainly wear skirts and dresses most of the time because I'd want the wind blowing up my legs and butt.

From: guest , 139 months, post #80
It's not a guilt trip, that's why I'm saying I don't think you quite understand what privilege is all about. Also it's not solely about having a job or wages but also being treated fairly with equal rights as well as not having automatic expectations, such as our society's automatic assumption that one is heterosexual unless stated otherwise, that is one example of privilege that exists, among many. It's not about YOU as an individual it is about society.

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