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biological females?
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From: guest (John) , 167 months, post #61
Juilie, people are always gonna assume or question that a girl isnt into all this stuff.
I've seen it before
I would just say, brush it off and ignore them

btw you two are smoking hot B) just sayin

keep the pics coming

From: jinsoo , 167 months, post #62
As far as the Allie faking it thing. Trust me she isn't. I've talked to her on the phone before, and actually live about 2 hours from her. I know she isn't a he and it's pretty insulting that you'd say something like that. Not to mention I don't really see where the whole photoshopping part comes in. If she was "stealing another's pictures" in order to pretend to be female already what would photoshopping the pictures really do to make the stolen pictures more convincing? Not to mention personally the pictures do not look photoshopped imho. Allie's a great looking woman, and she contribute's greatly to the community.

From: guest (Mocs) , 167 months, post #63
I've known Allie for quite awhile, and can say for sure that she is a girl.

From: The Gambler , 167 months, post #64
How about this, easiest way to make sure Jaulie and Allie are really girls-----ask them to post a picture of themselves, holding a sign says "I'm really a girl! I love Metamorphose!"

This way, we know they're real.....

If neither one of them feel up to it, or feel insulted by my suggestion, I do apologize in advance, and I'm not trying to sound mean to neither girls.....

From: Julie , 167 months, post #65
I'm in :) Need to get an outfit together :)

From: guest (John) , 167 months, post #66
:O lol

thats nice of you Julie :D

do you have a IM?

From: Allie , 167 months, post #67
I don't feel inclined to stoop low. I'm sorry. The stooping has been taken care of already. You asked a question... You got your answer. Now you cry "blasphemie". Seriously... this is the most immature response I have ever seen. This is not myspace. And you know, I know how this is going to look. Since Julie is now gonna take the picture, and I am not... Oh Julie is a real girl, and Allie is not. Seriously, this is the biggest crock of shit ever. And Julie shouldn't have to prove anything either. Anyone who has known me since Rachel's Haven... Since Lycos Clubs, knows I am a natural girl. Christ. Most people in the community are so ungreatful.

From: guest (Jc) , 167 months, post #68
wow! I cant believe how crazy my post got. I didnt mean for this to get into a heated debate over whos really female. I just wanted people to be true to themselves and everyone else here. honesty is goes a long way in the world and that includes the internet too. even though the internet has always been a place for people to pose as who ever they desire, and thats all good in the right contex such as role playing. however on this particular thread since I asked for something specific I hoped people would be honest about it. ive already talked to one person from this post who originally claimed to be a biological female and "HE" came clean about the truth. im not going to say who it was though because i respect that he did finally admit to me that he was born male. and I can relate to how he feels. the reason its important to me is because 1: male and female minds and bodies are very deifferent as we all know. 2: if I talk to a biological males who are claiming to be female its just pointless because im trying to understand things from a girls point of view. and how they see gender issues and what they get out of the fantasy of being a guy for a little while. I could have said I was a female but I didnt. ive role played before as well but that was under different circumstances. here there should be no reason to lie or pretend. thats just my take on it. again sorry if I caused any anger or hate. it wasnt my intention

From: guest (Patrick) , 167 months, post #69
All guys who demand "proof" from a girl that they are who they say they are shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.

From: guest (im seriously a 15 year old cheerleader gu , 167 months, post #70
To demand proof is rude, but to believe without question is naive.

From: guest (Terry) , 167 months, post #71
Jc i think i know who you are talking about, its not Julie or Allie
i believe they are real, so just ignore the haters/non believes ladies

as for that guy you mentioned Jc, i wont expose them , that would be rude but s(he) did post in this thread, just a heads up

its cool if you want to rp being a girl but imo you should just tell it up front if you are a guy posing as a girl, not that shameful, i have done a couple rp's where i did that with a guy.

not that fun to deceive people

haha sorry for the essay

From: Julie , 167 months, post #72
I gotta ask if the Gmabler who posted is the famous author, I am a big fan! I am humbled to be in contact with some of the TG legends here!

I model on a few sites, and am used to being asked to prove it is me with a pic, no big deal. I am a huge fan of metamorphose, and am happy to show my support. has the original poster contacted me with the questions? I am not sure if I can help much, but I'll be happy to assist any authors as I can.

Uploaded with

Uploaded with
That is my pic in this thread

Uploaded with
And me with the mitamorphose page

I undersand Allie's choice, it just is not a problem for me.

And to the IM question, I use gmail,, email me there, and I can chat sometime too!

From: The Gambler , 167 months, post #73
Julie: Yep. The same Gambler. Though, all the credits goes to Eric and Steve for editing my stories.

Allie: I don't mean to offend you in any way or form. I'm sincerely sorry. I thought it might be a way to solve all the doubts, but it didn't work out that way that I intended. I'm really sorry how it come out.

From: freeballer , 167 months, post #74
I just don't understand why this is an issue, or why any woman should satisfy anyone here who wants them to prove themselves as genetic females. Is it enough they send a pic now they need to hold up a sign? We're talking about the internet just give it up. Is this just a scam to get more pictures? Because maybee if you asked nicer they'd send you one.... Just a thought.

From: guest (Jc) , 167 months, post #75
it may be a ploy to get pictures or something else for some people. nothing nessesarily wrong with wanting pics out of curiousity. but as I said before, its always best to be up front and honest about it. for me though, I didnt ask for pics but its nice to see some. I just wanted to indulge my curiousity of females more. ill do that my whole life im sure. understanding as much as you can and gaining insight into all facets of life helps up to live better overall and in harmony (to cheesy? eh thats my take on it)

From: guest , 167 months, post #76
allie, your husband is a very lucky man. a beautiful woman who's into transformations and, from what i can tell by your writing, is pretty smart is almost too good to be true. you deserve a medal or something...

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 167 months, post #77
Julie I would definitely love to swap with you. At 4'11" and 92 lbs. your just the short petite woman I would like to be. Sadly, I wouldn't have much to offer in return. At 5'9" I think I'm still a little too short to be a Stormtrooper. It's fun to think about a swap with you though.


P.S. I use Jennifer because that's how people know me. I also like to leave it to everyone's imagination as to what I look like. I used to try not to admit my true gender for this reason.

From: guest (Jc) , 167 months, post #78
wow jennifer, thats confusing. thats one thing about this site that is common place though I guess. but are you at least the real Jennifer adams? and if so why dont you write stories anymore?

From: Julie , 167 months, post #79
That is one aspect of TG fiction that I rarely see. I like being attractive, but i HATE being short. I'd love to swap with even a 5'9" person just so I could reach stuff in the cabinets :) Then I'd make fun of the poor person stuck so short and tiny :p No one takes you serious at 4'11", everyone thinks you are a kid LOL!

From: JayGee , 167 months, post #80
But Julie, he'd be a cute, petite female. Your male hormones would kick in and you'd get all moƩ over her.

BTW, Julie, what games do you play online? Are you on IMVU or anything?

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