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Lola Chile Version
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From: guest , 121 months, post #41
I would of like to have seen a story arc like portuguese lalola where lalo got amnesia and forgot who he was and Grace tried to help him out in that situation. I'm sure lola chile would of made it way better than portuguese which lasted like 1 episode.

From: guest , 121 months, post #42
^ A story arc where he turned to lola and got amnesia would also work if they brought the show back for a few episodes. (would never happen though)

From: guest , 121 months, post #43
Pretty sure that Grace would dress him up probably in a short dress and heels or a short skirt and tight shirt and heels if he had amnesia while in his female form.

From: guest , 121 months, post #44
idk... She was always saying she wanted her "man" lalo. Who knows though in the last episode she finally accepted him and made it clear that she didn't care anymore wich body he had cause she loves him.

From: guest , 121 months, post #45
Would Lalo have died if he had had the baby in Pepa's body? Was there some type of magic involved in that because of the curse? Personally, I think it would have been the appropriate punishment for him to experience the birth then get swapped back.

From: guest , 121 months, post #46
No he wouldn't have died. He wanted to switch back before he gave birth because he was really scared about it and pepa really wanted to give birth herself to experience the most wonderful thing a woman could experience (as she put it)

From: guest , 121 months, post #47
He should have had to experience child birth as a way to complete his atonement. It's kinda interesting how the main character in the Lalolas always gets a happy ending considering each main character was a manwhore when they had a penis.

From: guest (AnAlias) , 121 months, post #48
Actually, I think that the Turkish Lalola ended with their Lola going to prison and never turning back into a man or finding love with Turkish Facundo, so that's one that never had a happy ending.

From: guest , 121 months, post #49
Was the Turkish series only 26 episodes long? I have the feeling they expected a series 2

Anyway here for those that understand

Spoilers, clip of ending of Turkish Lalola for those that prefer the bad ending

From: guest (saint) , 121 months, post #50
I emailed the youtuber who posted these episodes and he said it was cancelled, midseason, due to low ratings.

Keifer Sutherland said the first season of 24 was only 12 episodes and it ended on a sort of cliffhanger where he defeats the first "boss". It purposely had closure in case they weren't able to get a full season order.

ECE seemed to be following the LALOLA model and in the original Argentia version she does get locked up. It's a shame this didn't continue because this version is my my 2nd favorite behind LouisLouise.

From: guest , 121 months, post #51
In pantyhose, heels, and a dress too. You can't really say it's a bad ending since the show got cancelled and the writers were unable to wrap it up like the other Lalolas.
I just think it's a little unfair for a manwhore type of man to be rewarded when he loses his penis by falling in love with a man, having sex with that man, and eventually staying with that man forever. I'd rather see the Lalo character have to go lesbian and have to deal with the adversity of society when it comes to gayness and the fact that the Lalo character would be dating someone that had the same parts as he did.

From: guest , 121 months, post #52
@ 31
I don't see him going lesbian as a punishment. It just makes sense. Never bought the idea of a 30 year old straight man turned into a woman all of a sudden liking dudes in a few months.

From: JayGee , 121 months, post #53
Maybe the point isn't to punish him, so much as to make him learn. He stops being a "whore" and learns to respect everyone regardless of gender, by being in the shoes of someone in another gender.

From: guest , 121 months, post #54
I think you all wrong lol, ;)

I'd rather the lalola character become the kind of woman he used, so as well as a female body he should acquire the desire to find love with a man, to get married and have children. The series could have then gone for a sex in the city vibe where she makes female friends but every man she falls for or makes friends with is a only after her for a one night stand. That way you are crossing genres and the show wouldn't need to keep being the same sit com story line... Let's see some drama, heck it need not even be a comedy, make it a HBO style drama and play it straight. It could have its comedy moments like Broadwalk empire or Mad men but the overall tone could be dark.

That's what I'm hoping for eventually anyway, for TG to go mainstream, I guess in the way that marvel (and the new batman and I guess the Spider-Man movies) have made superheroes mainstream, by making the superhero stuff something that happens alongside other genres rather then a genre of its own (unlike the campy superman, old batman films and xmen had done)

From: guest , 121 months, post #55
I guess I just don't want him to be rewarded for losing his penis. He should have to deal with being attracted to women and wanting to date them in a female body and have to cope with how society views that.

I want him to put on a cute dress and heels or a skirt, nice top, and heels go out on a date with his woman and have to deal with the awkwardness and societal norms that exist.

From: guest , 121 months, post #56
lol lola chile had a few of those instances, One was where he and Romina went to some sort of yoga/parenting classes when she was pregnant and he thought he was the dad. They were the only female "couple". The others were staring at them for obvious reasons. lol

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #57
I saw how in real life people who want gender reassignment have to go through psychological evaluations and a "real life test" before being able to transition. Lalo had none of this preparation before he was changed into Lola. Plus he became a genetic female who menstruated and became pregnant. He never had breast development, he woke up fully formed for example. It would seem he took the transition well despite this aspect. I know it's just a TV show, but an interesting point I think.

From: guest (Kyle) , 121 months, post #58
I thought about this too as Lalo had to be going through emotions that were unbearable. In one episode he ponders suicide when he starts to menstruate as it confirmed he was a woman on the inside as well as the outside. He did go see a psychiatrist as well which had ended up having worse results for the doctor than Lola as Lola told her she was really Lalo. At first she thought Lola was crazy until she saw her transform into Lalo which drove her mad as nobody believed her.

From: Holly Dunn , 121 months, post #59
Regarding the Lalola Turkey version called Ece, it was canceled due to poor ratings. At episode 26 it was roughly at the same point as the Argentinian and other versions where the main character got into a fight with the male office rival and they both got thrown into jail.

Turkey is the only country where the show is had horrible ratings, which is why it is still a bit of a surprise that no American version was ever made. There are so many cable and satellite networks in the USA it seems like someone would want a series script handed to them that has been a ratings success in so many countries. There are specialty networks in the USA like "Lifetime," "Oxygen," "Oprah Winfrey Network" and others that seem right for the female demographic that this series attracts. The metaphor for women is that a man is getting stuck in their world and has to learn their struggles every day. The fact that the Lola character starts to have romantic feelings is another plus for women. It also gives women the fantasy that men can change and one day truly understand their wants and needs.

Other networks such as "Showtime" have had success with gay and lesbian themed shows. Laloa can survive with a limited format with a limited budget. It really only needs an apartment, an office, and a second apartment for the love interest. Everything else could be shot on the fly.

Regarding the Chilean version, they deviated in the main characters adjustments to the new body due to the religious makeup of the country. The show aired on a Catholic owned network and the underlying message showed the strength of the soul. You can not fundamentally alter someone's soul.

Meanwhile, the Filipino version ended up as a catalyst for a romance between two of the country's youngest and hottest stars. In that country, Lola left behind almost all of her male values four episodes into her transformation. I also suspect that the actress in that series who hadn't even turned eighteen when the series started did not have the depth to play a complicated role.

In the USA, Lalola almost made it to mainstream. Fox purchased its rights and shot a pilot. Too bad the pilot video never surfaced. In doing so, Fox solely owned the rights of the show for a number of years(usually 4-6). By getting as far as it did on network television, it actually set the franchise back regarding the possibilities of it getting shot here.

All of this truly shows how strong of a storyline Lalola is. Hopefully a version will get made in the United States at some point. The good news is that Fox's rights should have expired by now, and the producers of the series, Dori Media, are able to pitch it elsewhere. If you were a TV executive, doesn't an already written show that is inexpensive to produce and has had ratings success in many countries sound like something you might consider?

From: guest , 121 months, post #60
There were episodes of Lola Chile where the Catholic Church didn't seem to care. I remember one episode where Lola buttoned her shirt and showed her bra to get a bus driver to pull over. There was also an episode in which she was showering and Gaston saw her naked in the shower. I can also remember an episode in which she got all dolled up for Grace's wedding.

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