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Becoming Male Is A Promotion, Female A Demotion
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From: D.A.W. , 135 months, post #41
There are downsides that come with being a member of either sex, but I think the advantages and disadvantages across the gender fence more or less even out.

That being said, I think for a non transsexual (most especially one without a tg fetish) to find themselves suddenly transformed into the opposite sex it would be, from their perspective, a demotion.

From: guest , 135 months, post #42
I would try not to get pregnant if I swapped bodies with a woman and had sex while in her female body. I wouldn't be able to promise her that I wouldn't dress sexy or wear some type of costume. I mean you only live once and if I'm in a sexy gorgeous female body, I have to show it off. Personally, I think it would be funny to meet up with her while I was wearing some type of costume like Ms. Marvel, Zatanna, or Hurahi bunny costume. Would she be mad that I'd be exposing her thighs, legs, and butt cheeks in a costume?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #43
Forestier, no. I would not.

My reasoning is because as a born male it was one of my only benefits that I'd never have to experience such pain. Yet in almost every other regard I desired to be female.

If I became pregnant, it wouldn't have been intentional, and I'd probably either swap back with the person who I got the body from (they'd be happy to be themselves again anyway, and in some small form that's a reward. Is it not?) or I'd switch with another female so that it'd be more natural and I could go have fun as her while she gave birth.

From: guest , 135 months, post #44
What if getting pregnant locks you into that female body until your pop the baby out? You'd be kinda screwed in that scenario. Personally, I think it would be an invasion of privacy and kind of like cheating in a way if you swapped with a woman and got her female body pregnant and didn't even stay in her body to have the baby yourself.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #45
Yeah, a lot of people here seem to see it that way.
But swapping bodies is "wrong" in the first place, right? And as long as I played it off like I have no control over the swaps, everything would be okay.

If the pregnancy locked me into the swap, then yeah I'd be screwed. But at least hospitals have great drugs these days, so I hear.

From: guest (cicerosg2003) , 135 months, post #46
Personally I'd be in favor of being 'locked' in a female body if I became pregnant. Forces you to be careful, and understand the pressures a normal woman faces.

Also would be interesting (at least for me) to swap in the middle of sex. Oh the maximum amount of new feels and emotions at once!

From: guest , 135 months, post #47
Swapping with a woman while she is having sex would be extremely unique and extremely awkward. What would you do? Would you continue or would you stop immediately which probably kill the mood between you and the man or woman(it's 2013 and whatever floats your boat)?

From: guest (dc) , 135 months, post #48
It depends on if you knew the swap was imminent. If you were just watching TV as a male one moment, and after blinking, were on your back while someone was driving into you hard, I think even if the sensations were agreeable, you would probably react simply out of the world around you changing.

If you knew it was about to happen, and knew what you were swapping into, then I think you could just 'play the passive tourist'.

From: guest , 135 months, post #49
I wouldn't assume that you would be on your back. I think most men would finish and then go to the bathroom and possibly throw up and of course clean up since they had just had sex with a man while being in a woman's body.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #50
What do you think of this story ? (Warning: this is a 18+ caption).

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #51
A caption for Jayzie.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #52
Interesting caption, Forestier. So the guy intends to have the baby for his girlfriend, and afterwards?
Do they intend to swap back or is it a "we've discovered we love each other's lives" sort of thing?

I know you probably didn't make the captions... just putting my thoughts out there.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #53
The future is open!
In Iain Banks' Culture , people usually have two children, one as a mother and one as a father...

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #54
As I know, the body of a woman giving birth is flooded with maternal bonding hormones, so it is possible that he will want to keep her body in order to take care of the baby.

From: guest , 135 months, post #55
I know I have probably mentioned this before but what about cosplaying? Would that be a promotion or demotion if you went from being a man to a woman and had to cosplay? Usually cosplay for men requires a leotard and heels or boots and the leotard typically shows off a woman's legs, thighs, hips, curves, butt, and chest.

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