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What TV shows were you dissapointed in for non-TG?
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From: guest , 155 months, post #41
With Phil of the future, Johnny Test, and Dexter's Laboratory they started off the series with strong TG themed episodes which were never adequately followed up on, considering all three had great Milfs in the show, a true disapointment.

From: guest , 155 months, post #42
Let's not forget Danny Phantom. Not once did he "overshadow" his Mom (although he did briefly possess Sam's mom).

From: rugal , 155 months, post #43
Yeah between Danny's ability to overshadow people and Amorpho introduced far too late there's a lot of missed opportunities in Danny Phantom.

Really disappointed that the "Til Death Do Us Part" episode of X-Men didn't involve Morph turning into Jubilee to take her place after sending her off into the trap and that the Proteus episode didn't include the part from the original comic story where he possesses a cute girl named Jennie Banks.

Spider-Man never having the Chameleon impersonate Deb Whitman, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat and Mary Jane is another one.

And Deadman only sticking around for one episode in both Justice League Unlimited and Brave and the Bold. Would've loved to see him, in JLU, possess the likes of Shayera, Vixen, Stargirl, Supergirl, Doctor Light, Tala, Giganta, Killer Frost...

From: guest (ST Fan) , 130 months, post #44
As in the first post, am let down that the Star Trek shows did not do more with changes of gender.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 130 months, post #45
Too many to even count. Most of them cartoons or animes

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 130 months, post #46
Doctor Who springs to mind. There was the New Earth episode where the Dr becomes possessed by Lady Cassandra but apart from that nothing else. Also, still waiting for the day the Dr gets regenerated into a woman.

From: guest (SegataSaturn) , 130 months, post #47
One I can think of is from the Tiger & Bunny movie. Outlets for the film said that the movie's super villain had the ability to "Switch places" with people. At first, I thought that meant he had a body swap ability like Ginyu. Nope, he just switches locations with people by teleporting. Lame.

From: cj , 130 months, post #48
"...the Dr gets regenerated into a woman."

Again. IIRC, there was a brief one once... perhaps a special or something.

Either way... You're not the only one.

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 130 months, post #49
@cj - Yeah, I recall it was for Comic Relief and the then Doctor regenerated into Joanna Lumley. I believe the clips on YouTube somewhere ;)

I also recall Stephen Moffat (the current showrunner) saying in a recent interview that he thinks there will be a Woman Doctor one day, but I get the feeling it won't be under his stewardship.

From: Random , 130 months, post #50
There was also an "episode" from Big Finish in their Doctor Who Unbound line-up(basically alternate versions of the Doctor) where he regenerated as a woman - Doctor Who Unbound - Exile

Also in the show Supernatural, I wish that the shape-shifters could have had larger stories(even the one in "Monster Movie" who had been working as woman to get close to the woman he was obsessed with was only on screen for like five minutes).

From: guest (Wanda Scarletta) , 130 months, post #51
BEWITCHED -- The episode where Uncle Arthur and Samantha accidentally switched voices made me wonder why he never impersonated her -- especially as a practical joke on Darrin.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 130 months, post #52
Not that it would necessarily have a TG element, but Even Stevens. I remember thinking of a fantasy at the end of an episode when the brother (Donny?) had a large math problem on a dry erase board. The dad then sits down on it and his white shirt copies the equations, to which Donny then said "I'm going to need to borrow your shirt." My fantasy had Donny wearing the shirt to school to sort of use it as a cheat sheet, but then he slowly started turning into his dad throughout the day.

Hey, there was a body swap in Lizzie McGuire, and there were just a bunch of Disney Freaky Friday episodes (albeit lame), so...why not?

From: guest (Zeven) , 130 months, post #53
I think the worst avoidance of TG in recent years was in Stargate Universe. They had a device for switching bodies (they used it mainly to communicate with Earth, switching bodies with an Earthsider.) I don't know if they ever gender-switched, but they always showed the switched people in their original bodies, not as they really looked to everyone. Also, the fact that someone is possessing someone else hardly ever was a factor in the plot; a strong idea that was thrown away. Maybe the producers thought that sf fans are too dumb to understand that this one person is actually another. This takes all the interest out of body-switching and it is profoundly false as to what is really happening. I hope TV will dump the idea. It started with Quantum Leap, as far as I know.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 130 months, post #54
Zeven, I agree. Pretty ironic though, for a tv show that was nearly completely based around science and scientific theories and ideas.
They completely butchered that body swap idea with the stones and everything. I anticipated a mix up or something so much, and it never happened. No M2F, no body sharing, nothing.
Total snore!

From: guest (just me) , 119 months, post #55
Two And A Half Men!!!

Charlie messed with the wrong woman, she was a witch, she changes Charlie into a woman (maybe Jenny McCarthy)...In time the new female Charlie becomes as much of a man chaser as she was a woman chaser when male.


Ditto, like that one


How about "Mork & Mindy"? There was one where Mork switched the races of a few people, why not their genders too

From: guest , 119 months, post #56
I agree with everyone here in that I would love for a permanent change, not a played for laughs, checklist of cliches tg episode. But it would have to be consistent for that series, meaning that it has to be a fantasy/magical series.

For example, when has magic figured in Two and a Half Men? There was one episode when the loser brother was cursed, but you could still explain it away as just bad luck (he had a stye). A gender switch wouldn't have fit the tone of the series at all, no more than having an alien visitor or a prolonged action sequence with guns.
(Even though it would have rocked, and you would have gotten so much mileage from that, considering the raunchines of the series).

Asking for a tg series is apparently wishing too much, but having a supporting cast member be permanently changed and then have subplots relating to that is possible, and adds a lot in terms of character depth and good comedic and dramatic moments. I think realistically, this would be our best bet.
So, yeah, Heroes was probably the biggest missed opportunity.

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