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biological females?
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From: JayGee , 167 months, post #41
What ever happened to Lady Sakhmet? (or however she spelled it?)

From: guest , 167 months, post #42
Do you mean Sekhmet as in the Egyptian warrior goddess?

From: Julie , 167 months, post #43
Lady Sekhmet had some great stuff!

My email is

I have many looks on flikr:

And my Star Wars page is:

You look great Allie, and sound like a lot of fun!

From: guest (Artie) , 167 months, post #44
John, you are incorrect in your statement that there are more men than women on the internet. It is actually the opposite now!

I believe that the ratio is something along the lines of 60% women and 40% men.

From: guest (TallJohn) , 167 months, post #45
Um...after looking at Julie's photos i can confirm that shes 100% fem

but why would you ever wanna give up a body like that?

From: freeballer , 167 months, post #46
I think the ratio shifts towards men in this site or some women prefer not to tell their true gender. There is probably a great number who are "invisible" and some people are not willing to admit they've thought about a swap.

From: Allie , 167 months, post #47
Thanks Julie! :D I try to be

And yeah, that ratio was pretty damn biased man.

From: guest (Guest) , 167 months, post #48
I would give anything to swap heads with you two ladies

From: guest (John) , 167 months, post #49
i was just estimating/ guessing, i dont know the actual ratio, just what i experienced online.

just swap heads? i havent read much into that, with a body swap/posses its kinda easier to blend in , but if you swapped heads, people would notice asap :p

From: D.A.W. , 167 months, post #50
Genetic male who enjoys MtF transformations for some reason I can't get into body swaps.

From: Julie , 167 months, post #51
I have had my own little makeover transformation, I posted here before. :) It is fun being me, but I am jealous of the big strong guys, I'd love to be a real stormtrooper sized guy instead of a mascot :)

Uploaded with

From: guest (Bob) , 167 months, post #52
Wow Julie, you have changed so much over the years!

From: Allie , 167 months, post #53
Man... I did not wanna do this because I look like I have downs syndrom when I was younger... Darn you Julie for indirect peer pressure...

meh.... dork still a dork and now and and yes... that is the maturing of Allie :D

From: guest (Guest) , 167 months, post #54
Why do all of the pictures of Allie look like they are badly done photo shops? ALL of them have edges around the face, especially the hairline, that makes it look like some photoshop work has been done. If I am wrong, do like Julie did and take a picture of yourself holding a paper. And honestly I am not totally convinced by that either, because I know enough cool women and I am sure I could talk one of them into holding a paper when I took a picture of them and then use a bunch of their facebook or other pictures to create a false persona online here. I'm not sure either of them are really female, not that I am saying they need to prove anything to me, but I am just thinking they could be better at faking it than most. I for one have made fake email accounts saying I was female, with pictures I found on the internet, and have gone into chat rooms and said I was this hot chick. Not really hard to do with a little work and no one is thinking you are a fraud. Here on this page would be a real challenge because so many people here have also made fake email accounts and done the same thing. Its like conning the con men and a badly photoshopped picture is just not going to fly here. Does anyone else thinking this or am I the only one? And I am not trying to be a hater or anything, I am just saying this is the website is where we CAN be honest with who we are and this thread was asking for REAL genetic females, and I think its a shame for some to try to con us here. Like I said, I'm guilty of doing that elsewhere, but I wouldn't do it on this site, especially when someone asked for honesty.

From: guest , 167 months, post #55
I think one of your pictures didn't link, Allie.

Also, to wall-of-text guy, I don't see it. Maybe it's just the jpeg artifacts. I don't think the pictures are photoshopped, but it is certainly a possibility that they could be someone else's.

From: guest (Robert8869) , 167 months, post #56
Wow Allie you are smoking hot!!!!!! and Julie too!!! It's rare to see hot girls who are into this kind of stuff but it's possible. I mean I'm sure most of the guys on here aren't horribly ugly either. The stuff you enjoy and your sexual preference has nothing to do with looks. it's all in the brain.

From: guest (Blaise) , 167 months, post #57
Personally I think someone has been smoking too much bud and needs to lay off and let the paranoia subside.....

Julie and Allie have been around a long time now, way before this thread, and have always been known as female. Julie's pictures don't look shopped in any way and to be honest neither does Allie's.

I'm not easy to con, have no personal or ulterior agenda regarding the ladies and am not too trusting - end of. And by saying 'if i'm wrong, do this...blah blah', that smacks of bullying to me. You're right in that they have nothing to prove and don't have to do it but now you've opened the door to further absuse if Allie doesn't provide the 'proof' you've asked for...

Think of it this way - if they ARE genetic females then you've probably gone the right way about starting to drive them off or make them shrug and post less.

From: guest (Guest) , 167 months, post #58
Not trying to bully anyone and I would LOVE IT if there were more genetic females on this site. I think its awesome that they are here and in no way do I ever want to 'drive them off'. And I do believe Julie is who she says she is, I was just saying someone could use other peoples pictures to fake a persona, but again in her case I don't believe that is true. But come on, Allie's pictures are clearly photoshopped. The first one on page 2 and the one with the black top & pink skirt you can really see it. Just look at the forehead, just below the hairline. But honestly it doesn't matter. Believe what you will. Fantasy is always better than reality and I am sorry for pointing it out in the first place.I would much rather think that there are a bunch of attractive women on this site, than there pretenders. So if someone wants to and has the ability, feel free to delete this and my previous posting.

From: guest (Bob) , 167 months, post #59
I don't see anything wrong with that specific picture. Her forehead looks fine.

From: Julie , 167 months, post #60
I'll admit, that is not a real back ground in my femtrooper picture, but it is really me! There are enough none photoshopped pics on my page. I am also an online gamer, and I used variations of "femtrooper julie" as my screen tag, and it was also recieved with great doubt. For those who knew what femtroopers are, they always accused me of being a 14 year old boy impersonating Julie! LOL! I guess girls can not play video games, like TG fiction, or even be a Star Wars fan either. Some of the serious Storm Tooper types HATE femtroopers, that was suprising for me.

I made an attempt when I popped up here to show it was me with the metamorphose sign, I can do something like that again, or even a mini vid if it is really needed.

I'm honestly not a great actress, I'd like to try and make some fun TG vids, but I also have the problem of finding a guy to act in the vid...I do know some cute girls though ;)

I was suprised at the thread calling me a guy though! I think I look pretty female!

The bottom line is we all have fun with Sci-Fi and TG fiction. Gender is not that important on the Internet. I could change my name to "Fred" and fade into the woodwork, but obviously, that is not my style :)

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