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Lola Chile Version
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From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #21
Spanish is not my first language so I may be incorrect, but I believe Lalo planned on going through and marrying Romina so he could be a man but planned to still be with Grace romantically. Romina let Lalo know that she had Estrella modify the spell so if he became involved with another woman other than her, he would revert back to being Lola. Later on, stuck as Lola, he lets Grace know he wants to have "un relacion abierto", where Grace could see other men for her needs and Lalo as Lola would stay celibate as he did not like men but still wanted to be with Grace. Grace doesn't go for this idea and starts dating Simon Lira.

From: guest , 121 months, post #22
This is completely trivial but why did Lalo wear a dress to Grace's wedding? Did Grace insist on it or was it Lalo's mom that wanted him to be girly for the event? And another question about Lalo's rare girly ness, why did he hate getting all dolled up and cute yet he was okay with wearing a black one piece swimsuit in front of Grace and Diego? He also wore a tight knee length black dress to his work to seduce Simon.

From: guest , 121 months, post #23
He wore the dress to the wedding because he was the bridesmaid. He wore a dress to seduce simon so he would fall for him and leave grace alone.

From: guest , 121 months, post #24
One of my favorite scenes in the final episode where Lalo had till 7pm to convince Grace to stay with him. (she doesn't and lalo turns back to lola. grace didn't know the condition) Grace is in the plane about to leave with Simon to Argentina. She remembers all the beautiful things lala as lola said to her even saying I don't care about getting back my body if it means losing you. They show the plane taking off and make you think she left.
The next scene shes in the delivery room where lola is about to give birth. Grace say to Pepa (in lalos body) you're right I love you I can't live without you. lola says to late Grace im right here funny huh a man about to give birth. Pepa explains the condition to Grace and Grace crying says why didn't you tell me? lalo says i didn't want to pressure you you have the right to be happy with Simon.Grace says so its my fault you switched bodies again im sorry. lalo says your lalo is gone im never coming back go be with Simon. Grace says no i've already decided i'm staying

From: guest , 121 months, post #25
here with you I don't care what body you have because I love you I cant live without you. She kisses lola on the forehead. (I wish it was on the mouth It would of shown her love even more but canal 13 is owned by a catholic group...) This scene always brings a tear to my eye what a great love conquering all story. (Then pepa convinces estrella that they love each other and that she cant do anything to keep them apart. Estrella switches them back and finally lalo and grace get married and live happily ever after.

From: guest , 121 months, post #26
Being a bridesmaid to the women you're in love with? Got to be a tough situation to be in. Luckily, Lalo became a monogamous person and learned an important lesson.

But what about the swimsuit scene? What was the purpose of that? Why a one piece black swimsuit? Why not shorts and a t shirt or a bikini?

From: guest , 121 months, post #27
lalo still wouldn't accept his love for grace during the wedding time. He was afraid of hurting his relationship with grace It was more of a Best friend forever love he would show a few signs of jealousy here and there but not true love until almost the end where he almost died in the hands of grace by the gunshot that Ruben gave him. I don't know about the swimsuit or why he always wore high heels lol. Might of been to make the actress (Blanca Lewin) look taller or something. Grace also always wore high heels.

From: guest , 121 months, post #28
How did Lalo explain how he was posing as Lola who was supposed to be Lalo's cousin yet they tried to get married later on and his Lola alter ego was revealed to everyone as Pepa? He loved tight dress pants, heels, and cleavage revealing tops(sometimes).

From: guest , 121 months, post #29
I thought it was a huge burn or insult to Lalo when he was wearing that black dress to seduce Simon and he begged to Grace that he was the man for her. She kept saying that Lalo is a woman and pointed to his stomach letting him know that there was a baby inside of him.

From: guest , 121 months, post #30
Im not sure I haven't seen any of the old episodes just the one where hes pregnant. The synopsis I read don't mention what he told people after pepa appears about their relationship. I assume he says that they were just friends and told them that he told her to say that they were cousins so they would respect her and give her a chance.

From: guest , 121 months, post #31
Grace still loved him but she couldn't see herself with a woman the rest of her life. She tried living with her but she just couldn't, Her dream was to have a children and own a restaurant by the beach and have her dog martin with her. something that he couldn't give her.

From: guest , 121 months, post #32
I just wonder if Lalo eventually succumbed to his female body and finally wore thongs or lace panties instead of those men shorts he wore when he was topless and in heels at work. Granted, he did look cute topless and in heels with that big butt in those men shorts. It's just a shame that he wasted his time in a female body by complaining so much about it and not being able to have sex with Grace.

From: guest , 121 months, post #33
Yeah Blanca Lewin is hot she's been nude in movies before google it :)

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #34
There are 2 movies that Blanca Lewin is in that reflect the cast of Lola in a way. En La Cama is a film she stars in with the actor who played Diego and New Brooklyn where she stars with the actor who played Ruben. I watched New Brooklyn on Snag Films and haven't seen more than clips for En La Cama.

From: guest , 121 months, post #35
She speaks English in New Brooklyn. Weird.

From: guest , 121 months, post #36
I read an interview where she says she speaks fluid english.

From: guest , 121 months, post #37
If only she had done that on Lola. Oh well, one can dream.

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #38
It would be great if they brought the show back with the original actors in a story that has Lalo somehow being cursed again to become Lola. There was actually an internet joke on this a few years back on what is called el D�a de los Santos Inocentes in Chile which is kind of like April Fool's Day. The story was Lalo had to go undercover as Lola in order to save Grace from the mafia who had kidnapped her for some reason or other. Everyone in Chile got excited for a return of the show but it was just a hoax.

From: guest , 121 months, post #39
Yeah I remember that. That was not a funny tease or joke. Not cool to get the hopes up of fans like that. Would have been awesome if it had been true but oh well. Would have loved to have seen Lalo have to seduce a mob boss maybe wearing a tight hip hugging short dress with heels and then do a striptease and be in lace boyshorts and a bra and heels. I think he would have done in his female counterpart's body in order to save Grace.

From: guest , 121 months, post #40
lol I never heard of that. If I read that and found out it was a joke I would of been freaking mad.

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