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Thread more discussion about LGBTQIA
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From: guest , 123 months, post #21
I'm sorry but I just can't call a gay person or homosexual "brave" or heroic. I mean let's analyze for a minute. If a person pretends to be gay then eventually admits that they are gay, that would be lying in my opinion. I mean I guess it's good to be honest but it doesn't cover up the fact that the person was lying. Then again, who cares if you are a guy and you like men and their bulges? Seriously, who cares? Being gay does not mean you get special treatment or acknowledgement. If you want to be treated like everyone else then don't have pity parties or act like you are a special because your sexual preference is not with the majority.
I also get really annoyed with the "born this way" crap. That is a huge cop out in my opinion. If you are gay, you should be gay and embrace your gayness. You shouldn't use the excuse or defense of "well I was born this way so I have to be gay no matter what".
I don't really know if sexuality is purely a choice or biological or if it's a mixture of both. What I do know is that when it comes to sexuality, people swing a certain way because they like it and it makes them feel good.
So I can agree that gay people shouldn't be harassed, beaten, killed, or bullied because of their gayness but at the same time, people shouldn't be bending over backwards for them. And no, I'm not saying every gay person is like that. Most gay people that I've known are not uppity or overly sensitive or act like a victim. If your behavior is normal to you, then you shouldn't get all defensive about it and make excuses. Embrace it, deal with it, live with it, and move on.

From: guest , 123 months, post #22
Why are you so bitter #21? I can tell you straight most of what you said is a load of rubbish.

Being gay at school means you will be bullied, being gay to your parents means you may be bullied, being gay in your community may mean you will be beaten and chucked out. Living in fear of your own sexuality is terrible.

Now I agree, I'm sure so would most LGBT community, that a child that comes out as gay, as soon as they realise that that is what being attracted to members of the same sex is called, is much braver then someone that lives in the closet for years. But even that's subjective.

Or that a gay person that comes out in a state or a country where is is illegal to be gay, or where it is legal to persecute gay people, is braver then a gay person living in fear in a country or state where being gay is ok and they can even get married.

Your comments assume that being gay is ok everywhere, that gay people already have equal rights, this isn't true. You make it sound like gay people want more rights then everyone else, this isn't true.

Now that's not the worst of it, women are still treated by men the way you say. Why should women have festivals and a day to celebrate being a woman and have women's charities and act like they want more rights then men? BECAUSE they are not equal yet.

I hear people like yourself say the same about black people in white countries, Why do they need black history month, why do they have festivals and parties and days to celebrate being black? BECAUSE black people haven't got equal rights yet.

Just because White people are the minority on this planet and there are thought to be more women then men world wide, does not mean societies reflect the fact.

Now in an idea world I still wouldn't agree with you. Because I go to comic conventions, I go to sci fi conventions, if there was a metamorphose convention I'd go to that, I go to science and technology conventions, I go to the local f�tes, I go to motorcycle rallies, I go to church get togethers (where we discuss if Jesus was gay), I go to Caribbean pride even though I'm not from there (I like the music and the food).

So if I say I go to gay pride for three days of the year to celebrate that, then that's up to me and those that attend. Their are parties for all sorts and more the better, everyone is welcome to any of the stuff I listed above.

Also how dare you say being gay is a choice, I take it that your Bisexual then? And forgive your ignorance on the matter as you obviously can pick and choose who your attracted to. But I can honestly say some of us have only ever been attracted to one sex, even as a teenager. Heck this may blow your mind, but some people are not even attracted to anyone.

Now that doesn't mean they can not control themselves, anyone can choose not to go out and have sex, were not a race of rapists. But choosing who we are attracted to is not our choose. Unless your attracted to anything with legs, in which case good for you, but don't assume that's the case for everyone.

From: guest , 123 months, post #23
Never said being gay was a choice. Never said that I was bisexual. Never said gay people want more rights.

I said that being gay does not make your special nor should it allow you to have special treatment because you have a sexual preference that some people may disagree with.

I also stated that I don't care if people are gay or have gay sex or want to get pieces of paper and say they are married so they can get tax breaks and pieces of the pie from the government.

I was trying to say that if being gay is ever going to be deemed normal by society, we as in planet Earth have to stop pitying homosexuals and treating like they are victims. We also have to stop with the whole "okay you're gay, let's throw you a party, parade, or celebration". If being gay is normal, then there should be no party, parade, or celebration. It should be "okay" and that be the end of it.

The one downfall of humankind especially in America is that we have a terrible tendency to focus on groups instead of individuality. We prop up groups and the characteristics of said groups while ignoring individuality. A person shouldn't be celebrated because of their skin color, religion, or sexual preference. That would be like going up to a person that had blue eyes and giving them a present simply because that person has blue eyes. That trend has to stop. We need to start rewarding people for actually doing something that is amazing rather than just hand out gold stars because someone belongs to a certain group.

And for the record, I have never once thought that a gay man was going to hit on me, kiss me, or rape me. I've never had a man do any of that. But I'm always up to defend myself against false assumptions and generalizations.

From: guest (8_12_17) , 123 months, post #24
I was trying to say that if being gay is ever going to be deemed normal by society, we as in planet Earth have to stop pitying homosexuals and treating like they are victims

Yeah, see.. LGBT folks often are victims of:

- hate crimes
- discrimination
- police harassment
- bullying
- dispossession

We celebrate LGBT folks who come out, speak out, or otherwise make their presence known because they often do so at personal cost and their actions benefit others in the community.

From: guest , 123 months, post #25
I just don't see how admitting that you were living a lie is bravery or something to be celebrated. I can understand giving someone credit for being honest but that's about it. You were embarrassed about your own gayness because of stupid society. That doesn't look well for the gay community and movement. And another thing, why does there have to be a gay community and movement? Why can't there just be a human community?

From: guest (Bud) , 123 months, post #26
I somewhat agree. We need to put more emphasis on individuality than people belonging to a certain group.

From: guest (8_12_17_24) , 123 months, post #27
... embarrassed about your own gayness because of stupid society. That doesn't look well for the gay community and movement.

"embarrassed"! Seriously?




There are places in the world were it is illegal to be gay. There are places in the world where it is illegal to say that is all right to be gay.

In the United States there are still LOTS of places where you can legally be denied housing or access to public services if you are Gay or Trans.

Even in places where this kind of discrimination is illegal, people get away with doing terrible things to gay and trans folk

Tyra Hunter

Shaun Smith

Coming out, living out, can be lethal.

Even if it doesn't get you killed, it can get you kicked out your home, separated from your family, fired from your job (and not hired for work for which you are qualified).

LGBTQ organizations exist because this kind of discrimination, oppression, and violence exists.

From: cj , 123 months, post #28
"...why does there have to be a gay community and movement? Why can't there just be a human community?"

Why are you asking us? You need to be asking your fellow humans... the narrow-minded ones who attack those who are different than themselves. Until ALL humans learn to respect and tolerate others, there will be a need to organize, protect, educate, and legislate when and where needed.

I can't believe that you've never realized this, being a member of this (to others) "odd" community... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, that you're not just trolling for drama. Please do some research - start with the links above.

From: guest , 123 months, post #29
I believe I've had a conversation with the person who keeps complaining about queer people being treated like heroes; I've tried to explain why it takes courage to come out in a culture that discriminates against queer people, and why it's appropriate to celebrate queer identities as long as there are people who want to harm other people for being queer, and that treating and even that the only person who is calling queer people heroic is this person. I and several other people went round and round in circles trying to get through to this person; the conversation went on for several pages. After all of that, this person just kept griping about how it was stupid to call queer people heroes, and I just ended up banging my head against my desk in frustration. I don't want to go through all that again.

Nevertheless, I'm going to make one last-ditch effort to reach this person. Gay-people-aren't-heroes dude, you say you're attracted to Asian women. Since you specify that the women you're attracted to are Asian, I'm going to assume that you're not Asian yourself. Nowadays, it's okay for you to admit publicly that you're attracted to Asian women. No one's going to beat you or murder you for being attracted to Asian women. You might get a few dirty looks in the grocery store if you're out with an Asian woman who you're dating, but even that is becoming rare.

100 years ago, that wouldn't have been the case. You would have been drummed out of society for dating an Asian woman. You would have been the target of violence. Your house might have been vandalized. You might have been beaten. You might have been lynched. You might have been fired from your job, kicked out of your house, disowned by your family. There would have been anti-miscegenation laws to keep you from legally marrying an Asian woman. Preachers in church might have written sermons about how it was a sin for a non-Asian person to love an Asian woman. Respected scientists would have lined up to tell you how the Mongoloid race was biologically inferior to the Caucasoid race, and to warn you that, if you loved an Asian woman, you would be setting back the evolution of the white race. There would have been serious discussions about whether the child of such a union could even be considered human, and whether it would be better to have your Asian wife forcibly sterilized so as not to put the nation in danger.

I'm not exaggerating here; all this garbage really happened a century ago. In such a setting, it would have taken a lot of courage to publicly court an Asian woman. You wouldn't have been a hero; you wouldn't have been curing cancer or saving drowning puppies. But you would have been brave.

Today, you can have a relationship with an Asian woman without fear of serious reprisal. But it wasn't people keeping their interracial relationships hush-hush that led to this change. It took the Holocaust, the internment of Japanese-Americans, decades of postwar soul searching, the Civil Rights movement, a few Supreme Court cases, the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, scores of scientific studies proving that scientific racism is BS, years of interracial relationships being depicted as normal and wholesome on television and in movies and advertising, and a whole bunch of people celebrating their interracial relationships openly and publicly for us to get to a point where you can love the kind of person you want to love.

So be thankful that you're living now instead of then, and try to have some understanding for people whose sexual and/or romantic interests still aren't as socially acceptable as yours.

From: guest , 123 months, post #30
First off, just because I said I think Asian women are attractive, does not mean I'm only attracted to that race or ethnicity of women. I would say I probably find white women and Asian women pretty closely attractive. Other races are below. Does that make me a racist? I don't know. It's not like I think all black women are hideous or not attractive. I just find myself more drawn to white women and Asian women.

Some people especially baby boomers would have an issue with a white guy dating an Asian woman. People aren't as bad as they were back in the day when it comes racism but it still exists.

I just don't think a gay person should be celebrated or glorified for admitting to everyone who they are. I have scoliosis but that doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I have it and demand that people take pity on me.
I don't care if people are gay, straight, bisexual, or whatever. I just get annoyed when people demand that I fight 24/7 for their sexuality because they are insecure of what others may think about what they do in the bedroom.

People need to stop giving a crap and be who they are and we have to stop giving out gold stars for that crap too. So what, you're gay. Glad that you admitted it. Now let's move on. You go be gay and get married and let's just accept it and move on. Nothing more and nothing less.

Some people hate hearing this but you don't get special treatment or recognition because you are a minority or in the minority.
Am I saying that you should be abused, harassed, beaten, killed, raped, arrested, discriminated against, etc... because you are gay, a woman, a minority, disabled, your religion, etc...?
No I am not. You shouldn't be harassed or done any harm because of stuff that makes you who you are. You should be treated like a person.
Thank you.

From: guest , 123 months, post #31
Queer people don't want special privileges. They want the same rights and respect straight and cis people get. They want to be able to marry the person they love. They want to be able to be open about their relationships and identities without fear of harm or censure. Nondiscrimination and hate crime laws aren't a special privilege that protects only queer people; they protect straight people, too. If a straight person were ever to be fired for being straight, nondiscrimination laws would protect that person. The only reason nondiscrimination laws and hate crime laws look like "special privileges" is because straight people don't typically face harassment for being straight.

And that's the same reason there isn't an "S" in LGBT. LGBT organizations are meant to protect the rights and promote the welfare of people who face difficulties because of their sexuality or gender identity. If society ever starts discriminating against straight people, there would be a case for including straight people under the LGBT umbrella. Until then, straight people are more than welcome as allies. That's what the A in LGBTIA, LGBTIAQQ, QUILTBAG, or any of the other extended acronyms stand for (when it doesn't stand for asexual, which it also sometimes does).

The reason there are gay pride parades and no straight pride parades is because all of society is one big straight pride parade. Straight people publicly celebrate their relationships and identities and sexualities 364 days a year. Let queer people have a day to celebrate theirs.

We need to continue to celebrate queer sexualities and identities as long as there are people around the world who are being beaten, murdered, raped, bullied, fired, not hired, kicked out of their homes, cast out of their families, banned from their churches, told they're sinners, protested, boycotted, blacklisted, stoned, arrested, executed, and driven to suicide for being LGBT. We celebrate LGBT people to tell LGBT people and the rest of the world that it's okay to be LGBT.

From: guest , 123 months, post #32
I think the attitude against straight people is jealousy to be honest. Some gay people are jealous that straight people are the majority. I also think it's bigoted for a gay person to say that a straight person or straight people can't have straight pride parades or days because straight people are the majority. That attitude is no different than the attitude that Bible thumpers have toward gay people. A bigot is a bigot. And anyone can be a bigot including humans of the LGBT. Thank you.

From: guest , 123 months, post #33
I would have no problem with straight people having a straight pride parade, to be honest (and I'm the one who explained why we don't have straight pride parades a couple of posts ago). The thing is, the people who complain that we have gay pride parades but not straight pride parades tend not to be people who sincerely want to have straight pride parades; rather, they tend to be homophobic people who resent gay pride parades and want to shut them down.

From: guest , 123 months, post #34
I personally don't want a straight pride parade. However, if gay people are about equality, tolerance, and compassion then they would have to support straight pride parade. If they don't, then they're hypocrites. You could also say that when gay people say they demand that they can get married but oppose polygamy. Not very tolerant and open minded if you ask me. And again, not every gay person is like that. Just the extremists which usually get the most attention which is sad since they represent a small number.

From: guest (8_12_17_24_27) , 123 months, post #35
However, if gay people are about equality, tolerance, and compassion then they would have to support straight pride parade. If they don't, then they're hypocrites.

Who is against a "straight pride" parade? Who is trying to organize this parade, and who is opposing it?

I just don't think a gay person should be celebrated or glorified for admitting to everyone who they are. I have scoliosis but that doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I have it and demand that people take pity on me.

Last time on this one. LGBTQ people get KILLED for being LGBTQ . Coming out is dangerous. No one is being celebrated for having "lived a lie". No one is being celebrated for the mere fact of their sexual preference or gender identity. Those who come out are sometimes celebrated in some places for risking safety, comfort and/or livelihood to increase the chances for everyone to live openly and in safety. It is becuase it is DANGEROUS to be out that many stay in the closet, and it is the act of coming out in the face of intolerance that is celebrated.

First off, just because I said I think Asian women are attractive, does not mean I'm only attracted to that race or ethnicity of women. I would say I probably find white women and Asian women pretty closely attractive. Other races are below. Does that make me a racist?

WOW! Did you ever miss the point of that one. Here is another link for you not to follow anti-micegenation laws

You may still risk a beat-down for being seen dating outside you race -- but it was the work of activists in civil-rights organizations very like the LGBTQ organizations against which you have some ill-defined complaint, that removed the laws that made it illegal to be in a mixed-race relationship (in the US -- it many places it is still illegal and punishable).

GUEST #29 After all of that, this person just kept griping about how it was stupid to call queer people heroes, and I just ended up banging my head against my desk in frustration. I don't want to go through all that again.

Indeed. I am out of troll-food.

From: guest (unknownorange) , 123 months, post #36
the people in this thread make me ashamed to be straight

From: guest , 123 months, post #37
I'm on American soil and I'm entitled to my opinion. You are also entitled to disagree with that opinion. My intent is not to offend anyone.

I don't like the guilt trips that minorities, women, and gay people try to play against white straight males. It's so annoying and rude. I didn't own slaves. I never raped a woman or a man. I never beat a gay guy to death because he was gay. Why is it my fault that people are mean and stupid?
It's not my fault that the world is an evil place.

Despite what haters on here may think, I do feel sorry for gay people on Earth especially in America. They deal with a lot of crap from a lot of people mostly of which they don't deserve. They shouldn't be beaten to death or arrested or treated badly or done harm because they are gay. Can you read what I just posted?

Okay, with that being said, I do feel sorry for the plight of gay people but at the same time, I don't think I should have to bend over backwards for their cause or movement. I don't really do movements or causes so in a way I'm a reluctant observer. If gay people want me to respect them then they need to stop with the blame game and pity party and just try to get along. The same can be said for their haters and bullies. People just need to get along. Yeah, you're a guy and penises turn you on. So what? Who cares? You think you should be given a medal for that? Fudge no. It's about equality right. So you will not get a medal or special recognition because you're gay. Straight people don't so if we are talking about equality then gay people get the same as straight people do. Nothing. Yes, you should be allowed to get married, play house, and do whatever helps you with your own personal insecurities but nothing more and nothing less. If you want to be on the same playing field as straight people, start acting like it.

From: guest (contortionist) , 123 months, post #38
I don't think I should have to bend over backwards for their cause or movement.

Give an example of the cost to you exacted by LGBTQ folks, please. How have you been injured or inconvenienced?

Yeah, you're a guy and penises turn you on. So what? Who cares? You think you should be given a medal for that?

Are they giving out medals for that? Who is giving out medals for that? Because, you know, I kind of thought they did the opposite of that .

From: guest (contortionist) , 123 months, post #39
Message deleted by cj. duplicate post
From: guest , 123 months, post #40
The media and society

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