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From: guest , 106 months, post #21
Message deleted by cj. off topic without post 19
From: cj , 106 months, post #22
Message deleted by cj. off topic without post 19
From: O2MO , 106 months, post #23
I do suggest that the site have a multiple categories search, so that users and guests can narrow down their search for a particular item/s. For example, I would like to search a certain category that contains both the gender and comic book category.

From: guest , 105 months, post #24
The close square bracket never shows up on the form unless you hard code the html.

Some sites let you turn a URL into a link by selecting the text and clicking a button that formats it for you. This would be helpful since not everyone knows html and guests can't see the suggestion as to how to hard code a link.

From: juupton , 104 months, post #25

Maybe... It would help if the search box, in the message board, would show every thread in the message board that has been posted even the ones from a long time ago. Instead being limited to only show us a few threads that been recently posted, like 10 threads or less, when we're using the search box to find any of the threads in the message board.

From: guest , 104 months, post #26
Message deleted by cj. Suggestion applied -- add at least one "Next Page" to the current list of newest posts so that after they drop off the first page, they move to the second instead off dropping off any list entirely
From: cj , 102 months, post #27
Note to see if we can get the Advanced Formating Features listed under the Posting Guidelines for Guest posters.

From: guest (guest1) , 101 months, post #28
I suggest a separate forum for "personal conflicts" more complaining about removed posts, classification of submitted media or any of that bs on the main board...and then just block the ip's of anyone who can't follow the rules.

From: Polover , 101 months, post #29
Similar to Farhad's Forum, create a separate message board specifically for requests.

I would consider a "Request" topic, one in which the TC simply asks for content that matches their interest and nothing else. I think "Name that video" type topics would also fall under Requests territory.

Topics in which a user presents new (or perceived new) content and subsequent discussions or searches for similar material would still be considered "Main Message Board" topics IMO

In order help that board be active rather than just a deadzone I suggest Trusted Users regularly reference the Request Board "Hey, this was actually already discovered/answered on the Request Board".

From: barackobrahma , 101 months, post #30
Suggestion: Do not create another message board. People will be scattered among them, and I cant see a good result about that, other than "giving peace" to some old and respectable users who feel annoyed about "newbbie posts".

Lets share knowledge and respect. We can help each other, we don't need to segregate. We should be better than that, since we are (probably) already among the ones that are social outcasts because of our tastes and fetishes.

From: Polover , 101 months, post #31
Put some people are not above making an anti-suggestion suggestions rather than just letting the admins figure it out . . .

Let's respect other users by assuming they are trying to be utilitarian rather elitist/snooty

From: barackobrahma , 101 months, post #32
I respect you. I just disagree with you. No hurt feelings, right?

From: cj , 99 months, post #33
Message deleted by cj. Suggestion applied -- able to view Message Board posts older than only a few days
From: Lady Sekhmet , 99 months, post #34
Personally, I'd love to see a conversion of the entire site to something reddit like, with user karma, subreddits for each TF style, and an up/down vote system.

Also, welcome back CJ, hope your respite was pleasant :)

From: cj , 99 months, post #35
Good News -- Looks like our fearless leader has added a feature (at least for testing)... At the bottom of the Message Board page, there are additional pages to select. We can now view older threads.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #36
Message deleted by cj. Not a suggestion -- let's keep this thread on-topic.
From: guest (igotaname) , 99 months, post #37
Suggestion : too many dead link image when you see the screenshot, just fix that

From: guest (Air Gear) , 99 months, post #38
Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know how to control image size when linking and the source appeared much smaller when I found it. Any tips about avoiding massive images when linking to them to appear in the comments, like a size modifier or specification of some sort?

From: cj , 99 months, post #39
"... Any tips about avoiding massive images when linking to them to appear in the comments, like a size modifier or specification of some sort?"

Use the width and height modifiers for the img tag. I believe that the unit of measure there is in pixels... so... maybe try 480x360 for 4:3 images or 480x270 for 16:9 images -- I think those should fit nicely.

From: cj , 99 months, post #40
"... too many dead link image when you see the screenshot, just fix that"

If you are referring to dead link / missing images in entries, then click the Edit this Page link on the left-hand side of the page, and remove the offending / dead links, note that you are removing links to missing image files, and submit the changes. This is not a one-man operation, we all need to be involved in the site for the best results. And we thank you for you assistance in keeping it up-to-date. :-)

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