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Becoming Male Is A Promotion, Female A Demotion
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From: guest (Lorinell) , 138 months, post #21
Most TG stories are stupid, because they are written about personal fantasies of writer :)
Most people are not into fetishes, more: typical sexual behaviour is not such strong influence in our lives. What I hate most:
Stories where main characters are so obsessed bout sex, that after change they can only think about "oh no, I have a pussy now, men will put cocks in me! such a tragedy!". Exactly, most transformed men are sluts. Seriously, which man after transformin into a woman (without brainwashing) will think about sucking cock?

And this leads to another conclusion:

Most TG stories are erotic/porn stories, not dramas. What is happening in normal film when plumber came to repair something? He repair, get cash and leave. What is happening in erotic/porn? He and sexy, slutty woman who live in that house have sex.
Same things are with TG stories...

From: guest (That Guy) , 138 months, post #22
It's viewed as a demotion because in nearly every culture on the planet as far back as historical records go women have been property or treated as such most of the time. It's only very recently historically speaking that women have even approached equality with men.

From: guest (Lorinell) , 138 months, post #23
It depends how you describe "equality".
Women are biologically prepared for motherhood and because it is not easy job, their bodies are more proper crafted to do this job better. It must affect social life.
But is being a mother is worse then worker? It matters of prioritetes...

From: guest , 138 months, post #24
What if people are just sexist because it's human nature? Not saying it's right. A poster above said it's been going forever and has only started to change recently. Maybe that has something to do with it possibly being just human nature. The same could be said for stereotyping and racism. People judge each other on first impressions and appearance. People tend to have friction toward others that are different from them. I am not an expert on anything but I've always thought that everyone stereotypes and is a racist on some level. Some people are hardcore and are willing to do for their hatred and prejudice ie Klan members. I would say most people are guilty of subtle racism or racism that isn't overtly blunt.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #25
Lorinell wrote:
Exactly, most transformed men are sluts. Seriously, which man after transformin into a woman (without brainwashing) will think about sucking cock?

I think that, if I underwent a magical M2F TF, I would not be a slut, but I would most certainly explore myself, masturbate and think about real sex. No cock sucking, though.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #26
Interesting stuff, and I have my own opinions about it, but here's an interesting side topic, sort of.

What if the guy was very ugly, nerdy but not the smart kind, and physically as weak or weaker than the majority of women he encountered? And what if the female was a drop dead gorgeous girl who seemed to be able to handle herself and had the respect of many of her peers?
Then the two of them swap... is it still a demotion to become female?

You know my opinion of this, possibly by the wording alone, but I just want yours.

From: guest , 138 months, post #27
It would be a promotion for me if I transformed into a decent looking successful woman. I wouldn't be a slut either but I don't think I would wear pants as a woman.

You really don't know what you would like if you were in a woman's body until you actually were in a woman's body and had a vagina and breasts. However, I would think that most men including straight me would have some temptations on what it would be like to be with a man while being in a woman's body. You only live once and besides you would be in a woman's body too.

From: guest (joe c) , 138 months, post #28
The truth is you see a lot more women that are stay at home moms then stay at home dads, you also see alot more women who are working part time jobs rather then full time while their husbands work the full time jobs bringing home most of the money and the insurance at least until the kids are off to college. So it's easy as a guy for some to want the less stressful of the two and I will argue all the time with anybody in either scenario above that the woman's lives are less stressful. I'd gladly take the stay at home mom type of thing while they work my forty hours a week.

From: guest , 138 months, post #29
I'd rather be a successful business woman than a stay at home mom. Business women are feared but usually respected and some wear the sexy but cute business dress skirt suits.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #30
I'd be more of the party girl type. I wouldn't want to settle down and have a family just yet, but I wouldn't want an overly stressful job either.
Probably just something to pay the bills, or live comfortably and let me live life pretty smoothly.

From: guest , 138 months, post #31
Business woman FTW for me. My attire would be mostly business and professional with dresses and skirts and a few dress pant suits. I'd have a few party dresses and skirts for going out to a party or club. I wouldn't want to have kids. And if I had to be with a man, I'd prefer the man to just be my boyfriend and not a husband or fiancée.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #32
I could be with a man, but the rules would have to be as follows, and don't judge me:

He'd have to be really handsome, and have a muscular body almost like a god or some kind of ripped warrior.
He must also have a nice personality, not a be dickhead or some kind of womanizing jerk, and definitely not the rapist that inevitably shows up in all of these stories and makes the male-now-female orgasm for the first time. No way!

It's also preferable that he be employed and have money, and is someone that I feel safe around.

From: guest , 138 months, post #33
Make sure he wears a rubber.

From: guest , 138 months, post #34
Would having to deal with the possibility of pregnancy be in the promotion or demotion department? And what about the increased chance of being raped as a woman? I'm thinking that would be a demotion. And how about the loss of upper body strength and the fact that a lot of people especially men would be checking you out?

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #35
Would having to deal with the possibility of pregnancy be in the promotion or demotion department?

For me, a promotion, the possibility to explore a new side of human life.

And what about the increased chance of being raped as a woman? I'm thinking that would be a demotion.

So am I.

And how about the loss of upper body strength

Neutral. Men will be wiilng to help.

and the fact that a lot of people especially men would be checking you out?

I don't think I'd like it, before I read other people might.

From: cj , 138 months, post #36
Would having to deal with the possibility of pregnancy be in the promotion or demotion department?

For me, mostly promotion - and after the novelty wears off and it becomes uncomfortable, perhaps a demotion... Childbirth = neutral / both. What a wondrous thing that would be to experience!

And what about the increased chance of being raped as a woman? I'm thinking that would be a demotion.

I have to admit that I've wondered what that would be like... but I fairly certain that I'd wouldn't enjoy it at all if it actually did happen. So, I agree - demotion.

And how about the loss of upper body strength

I don't know - some women probably have more upper-body strength than I do right now - perhaps that would remain the same... or improve. ~shrug~ could go either way.

and the fact that a lot of people especially men would be checking you out?

I prefer to blend into the background, so it'd most-likely be an uncomfortable experience for me. And if I'm suddenly being viewed "like a piece of meat" - that'd be in the 'demotion' column.

From: guest , 138 months, post #37
I think it would be weird to have people check me out especially my butt. It would odd to put some dress on that showed off my butt and then have horny men check out my female butt.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #38
I wouldn't mind getting pregnant as long as I didn't have to give birth. In other words, I switch back before the baby comes or I temporarily switch with someone else until the birthing is over. But being pregnant is something that would be very interesting to experience.

From: guest , 138 months, post #39
Can you imagine getting pregnant in a woman's body and then right before you're about go into labor, you swap back with the woman that swapped with you? That woman would be ticked off big time. She would be like "how am I pregnant" or "why". Or what if you swapped with a woman while she was having sex with another man? Talk about awkward.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #40
I wrote: I think that, if I underwent a magical M2F TF, I would not be a slut, but I would most certainly explore myself, masturbate and think about real sex. No cock sucking, though.

Does it make me a slut, in your view?

Jayzie wrote: I wouldn't mind getting pregnant as long as I didn't have to give birth. In other words, I switch back before the baby comes or I temporarily switch with someone else until the birthing is over. But being pregnant is something that would be very interesting to experience.

I call that cheating. Would you at least pay or reward this person?

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