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IF you became a woman...
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From: guest , 139 months, post #21
Message deleted by cj. poster's request - duplicate post
From: guest , 139 months, post #22
Message deleted by cj. poster's request - duplicate post
From: guest , 139 months, post #23
"I've never been anally penetrated, but I've heard that it hurts a lot, and only seldom rewards any pleasure. Much tearing and pain is involved."

Haha, Jayzie, that's only really when the man doesn't know what he's doing and rushes it. Sex can be bad and painful regardless of what sex you are or which sex you engage in intercourse with. Anal sex can be very pleasurable if a man takes his time with you, allowing you to relax your body, and of course use some lubricant. Most people do not realize that the male body has its own unique G spot. The male G-Spot is the prostate, which through anal sex can be stimulated.

Generally that's why men enjoy it more-so then women, because men have that g-spot, and women don't have one back there.

Your characterization of that type of sex is only accurate if a man doesn't know what he is doing or doesn't take his time.

But when a man is experienced and takes his time, it is a wonderful experience filled with pleasure. That's from my own personal experience as well as reading up on the subject.

From: guest , 139 months, post #24
My apologies for the multiple posts, I went to correct my post and for some reason it ended up being posted multiple times. Sorry that was an accident. I would delete two of my posts, but I lack the power to do so.

From: cj , 139 months, post #25
" I would delete two of my posts, but I lack the power to do so."

Got that for you.

From: guest (solenthas) , 139 months, post #26
I'd either be a lesbian or bi with a preference for women.

From: guest , 139 months, post #27
Vaginal penetration would be a must for most males if they were in female bodies and having sex with a man but I also think they would want a man to rub them down there also. They'd also want their breasts rubbed too. Would sex be different for males in female bodies in the sense that they would now be possible to get pregnant since they would be female and have vaginas? Would there be a fear of that before, during, and after sex? Or would you make your man wear a rubber?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #28
Guest posting #23 makes a good point. Although I refuse to sleep with a man as a male, it would be an interesting form of masturbation.

From: guest , 139 months, post #29
So back to the original question, are we throwing in the possibility that you may become pregnant in your new female body if you sleep with a man? Would males in female bodies still want to be penetrated by men if there was a possibility they would get pregnant?

From: Forestier , 139 months, post #30
Would males in female bodies still want to be penetrated by men if there was a possibility they would get pregnant?
Women have lived with that for millennia, and men are not dumber than they are.

From: cj , 139 months, post #31
"Would males in female bodies still want to be penetrated by men if there was a possibility they would get pregnant?"

Yes. Perhaps not all of them - but some would accept the possibility, and others would hope for and welcome it.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #32
cj has it. I am guessing that a significant number of men transformed into women would not only have sex with men, but would choose to become pregnant at some point.

The urge to reproduce is strong in both men and women. For some, the ability to conceive and carry a child would be an opportunity, not something to be avoided at the cost of celibacy, nor a reason to pursue only lesbian sexual relationships.

In any case, many anatomically male persons have become women and researchers have asked some of them this very question.

This study (url= followed 20 MtF transwomen through SRS. 6 of the participants in the study reported that their sexual preference changed from gynophilic to androphilic after transition.

Anne Lawrence published this study , ( of 232 post-op transwomen, which included a review of previous research into the question. Most of the paper is gibberish, as Dr. Lawrence struggles to fit the participants into the whimsical and unsupported "androphilic" "autogynephilic" model, but it might be interesting to someone with the time to try to tease out the relevant comparisons. The short answer here, is that a little more than half of the participants reported being exclusively gynephilic before transition, while only 25% reports that they were exclusively attracted to women after transition.

There was another study from the Nehterlands, which I cannot locate right now, which followed 60+ MtF transsexuals and found that about 1:4 reported a change in orientation from exclusively gynephilic before transition to exclusively androphilic after transition.

It is interesting to note how things have changed over the last 30 years. In the 198os it was general accepted that all MTF transsexuals started out as "heterosexual" men. Gay men were often rejected for HRT and SRS on the grounds that their desire to transition was a neurotic rejection of their homosexuality.

In fact, admitting that you got any kind of pleasure from sex in your non-congruent body was generally regarded as possible grounds for disqualification. If you were a man, who married and fathered children, you were expected to say that you only did thees things in an effort to suppress your female identity.

It was also expected that straight men transtioned to become straight women. It was something of a revolution when Kate Bornstein got her therapist to sign off on her reassignment despite her insistence that she did not want a vagina so that she could put a penis into it. There were other transsexual lesbians before Kate, but they mostly had to lie to their therapists to get approval letters.

Now, among young and early transitioning MTFs, it is not at all unusual to identify as lesbian before transition.

A generation ago, saying that were an assigned-male-at-birth homosexual woman would likely get you diagnosed as a heterosexual cross dresser or a pathologically misandristic neurotic (probably because your mother hated men, or some other neo-freudian nonsense).

From: guest , 139 months, post #33
Interesting study you have there Lily.

The only issue would be the problem of self report credibility.

For instance, maybe before the man transitioned into a woman, he had been somewhat attracted to men, but never admitted to it, due to fear and anxiety that it is unacceptable to have such feelings as a anatomical male, but after they become a woman they feel emboldened and empowered to embrace that portion of their sexuality. Or perhaps they just never confronted to their desire for the old same sex before?

From: guest , 139 months, post #34
  1. 33 you're so right, Im a mtf transsexual, and before srs I didn't think think of having a relationship with a man. Thats because I didnt want to have sex as a man.

Almost all people are bisexual more or less, its just be usually didnt found the correct person, or are too scared to try, since our society still sees bisexuality as a sin.

From: guest , 139 months, post #35
I don't think I would wear pants if I was placed in a woman's body. I'd wear skirts and dresses that showed off my legs, butt, breasts, hips, and curves. If I have to be female, I want to look good and attractive. I would definitely use that to my advantage and to get men to do things for me.

From: guest (lily) , 139 months, post #36
I want to look good and attractive. I would definitely use that to my advantage and to get men to do things for me.

Yeah, its nice to dress up and show off. Its also nice to be left the hell alone sometimes. You would, I think, find that being on display gets old pretty quickly. As useful as it may be to have your furniture moved by men who want to look down your blouse, there are also lots of men who feel entitled to look up your skirt just because you are wearing one.

Not that wearing slouchy old jeans and a shapeless sweatshirt will keep the dedicated sleaze balls from leering and making rude/lewd comments. However, subdued and sexless clothes do less to excite the amateur /casual sleaze balls and -- so -- can make for more pleasant trip to the grocery store.

Plus which, skirts and dresses get COLD. Its was just about 1�C this morning where I live. I had to go to lunch with some colleagues; kind of a formal thing for which I needed to be in business attire. I thought about a skirt and hose, but one step outside and it had to be a pant-suit. Waiting for the bus in a skirt on a cold day, even with a long coat over, is miserable experience.

From: cj , 139 months, post #37
Thanks for the dress/skirt insight lily.

From: guest , 139 months, post #38
If I wear a skirt or dress in a female body, I will have a taser or gun in my purse, LOL. I would embrace the wind up that would be blowing up my butt and crotch when wearing skirts or dress. Besides, it would be interesting to go to a public restroom and not have to unzip my pants to pee. All I would have to do is just raise up or lower my panties and skirt or dress and hosiery if I'm wearing hose. I would use caution when dressing but at the same time if I saw a lonely sad guy that was probably single and had nothing good going in his life, I might give him an upskirt moment to cheer him up but that would be it and it would be in a public place during the day.

From: guest , 139 months, post #39
@ Poster #38

Unless of course that "sad lonely man" was gay, then you might have just further ruined his day, lol!

From: guest , 139 months, post #40
"I want to look good and attractive. I would definitely use that to my advantage and to get men to do things for me. "

I always treat men and women equally. I never give women special attention. I hold doors for both men and women, as I believe in treating the sexes equally.

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