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What TV shows were you dissapointed in for non-TG?
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From: JayGee , 156 months, post #21
I always would like to see a permanent switch. It would be interesting to see, where after a season or two of a show, one character changes permanently. Like if Max had remained Maxine for the rest of the series. Or something.

From: guest , 156 months, post #22
Legend of the seeker had the opportunity for more, shame it ended so quickly

From: Gadzooks , 156 months, post #23
Always though American Dad could work in a TG episode. Plenty of weird CIA technology floating around to work out a brain swapping device, and it might be kinda funny to see manly Stan swap bodies with hot housewife Francine. Cliched I know, but seems like something that should have happened by now anyways.

From: Eric , 156 months, post #24
Thanks Karla, but the story you are thinking of 'Good Deed' With a Valery/Sabrina switch was never on FM! I wrote it with ROBO, It was on his site which is no longer active. For anyone interested its on female to female body swap on Yahoo clubs. But you have to join to read anything.
Its in the files under Eric.

I wrote several female TFs but most were not posted to FM as I & the site managers got flack that it wasn't TG

From: guest (Well) , 156 months, post #25
Well if it is not TG, then it does not belong on a TG site....Just as this question is about TG and not F to F

From: guest (JDunn58) , 156 months, post #26
Two And A Half Men!!!

Charlie messed with the wrong woman, she was a witch, she changes Charlie into a woman (maybe Jenny McCarthy)...In time the new female Charlie becomes as much of a man chaser as she was a woman chaser when male.

From: guest (Pygar) , 156 months, post #27
Now that would be a fun way to get rid of Charlie Sheen AND keep his character around!

From: guest (JDunn58) , 156 months, post #28
Thanks! too bad I was not a writer on the show..... honestly think it would have worked and lasted a while

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 156 months, post #29
Farscape did that.
They had an alien attack Moya with some weapon that switches everyon's bodies. Crichton becamae Erin for awhile and there was a scene with him jumping up and down to watch/feel her boobs move.

From: JayGee , 156 months, post #30
the wizard of oz series I guess did a permanent change.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 155 months, post #31
While Sam always APPEARED to be the people whose places he took, he never actually BECAME them, or physically inhabited their bodies.>>

Not true.
It was made clear that when Sam Leaped, his mind actually inhabited the body he leapt into while their mind inhabited his body back in the lab.
He had to look into a mirror to see what body he was inhabiting at that time.
His friend/co-worker would occasionally comment on how the dispossed person was doing in Sam's body.

Imagine the leap he did into a pg woman going through labor....
from the woman's view.
She is pg, labor then.. suddenly she is a man locked in a room with no one telling her anyhting... then she pops back into her body witha baby and has missed the entire giving birth and early days of her kid.

From: Dale Ribbons , 155 months, post #32
I hate to say it, but I think you're wrong. I think Sam just appeared to be the person in the past in his reflection or in the eyes of the people back then. I can think of at least two occasions when he demonstrated abilities the people he was impersonating in the past didn't have: First, as a little boy being bullied by an older sister, he picked her up and carried her using his adult strength; Second, as a legless war veteran, he stood up on his legs, scaring an attacker.

From: dadoctah , 155 months, post #33
...and the blind piano player, and the astro-chimp (he was able to swim; chimps can't stay afloat).

And chasing someone like a track star when he was Dr Ruth.

From: Random , 155 months, post #34
Early on they(the shows creators) were unclear on if Sam's mind was leaping or his body. The official books based on the show used the "Sam's mind leaps, not his body" approach(thus in the book 'The Wall' when Sam leaped into the woman he was actually a woman). Later on they decided to say that Sam's body is leaping, and had episodes that demostrated that.

From: Eric , 155 months, post #35
Hey, its a TV show. They kept changing the rules to fit the script. In retrospect I suspect that might have prefered not to go with the concept of the audience seeing Sam. I remember very well reading the show described by the producer after the first 3 shows. He said very clearly that they were using the concept ( quite valid scientifically by the way) that the same amount of matter/energy in the Universe is a constant. So for the time travel to work he had to travel mentally. So the early leaps were mental. Then they started 'changing rules' some of the explanation that since guide was guiding the leaps - well naturally he could do anything.
In one of the shows Sam ran into the devil who was very unhappy with Sam making right what he made wrong.

From: guest (gg) , 155 months, post #36
If its non-TG I'm immediately disappointed!

From: guest (saico) , 155 months, post #37
I'll tell you something I find disappointing, every comic made these days thats over 200pages on femures tg comics has the slow transformation taking 200 pages till there changed, its so boring, a transformation should take no longer than 5 to 20 pages at maximum, and its never a willing change, its always forsed or by accident, its so lame, thats why I'm not buying any more of there comics....

From: rugal , 155 months, post #38
Sort of reminds me too but I'm disappointed that there was never more of Clayface on Batman: The Animated Series... at least an episode where he impersonated Batgirl or Summer Gleeson.

From: DB Cooper , 155 months, post #39
The old Anne Jillian Show, which was immediately canceled. A teen girl who just moved to California tells the neighbor boy that she worries about fitting in with the perfect local girls. The boy, who looks about twelve, says 'Are you kidding? I'd kill to have a body like yours.' Such wasted possibilities...

From: kreplach , 155 months, post #40
"Fringe has the potential either with the shape shifters or as a fringe event. Be nice to see a swap not played for comedy."

Anyone remember William Bell (aka Spock) in Olivia's body? Can't get much more TG than that. It was played a little bit for comedy but mostly it was deadly serious. The reason you may have forgotten it is that it was also completely asexual.

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