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Meeting the person that you swapped bodies with
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From: guest , 125 months, post #181
It is pretty scary to think what would happen if the woman in your body decided to not swap back because she found out it was more appealing to her being a man rather than a woman and she left you with a vagina and a nice pair of boobs for good.

From: guest , 125 months, post #182
Yeah, that would be scary. Hopefully if that was the case, the woman would be at least somewhat attractive and have a decent job.

From: guest , 125 months, post #183
Of course, I think I would eventually be able to deal with it. To be a single woman with a decent job isn't a bad plan and you would keep your male mind as a lesbian. I don't think we necessarily would prefer men since sexuality is on the mind and not in the body. A very macho man will still prefer women even if he swaps with a very womanly lady, unless he wanted to try something new.

From: guest , 125 months, post #184
Well I wouldn't 100 percent count on being a lesbian if you were swapped with a woman. You wouldn't know for sure until you were in the body and had gotten use to the vagina and breasts. I just think it would be scary if the woman that was in your body came up to you in her body and wanted to be physical with you. You would be a piece of meat.

From: guest , 125 months, post #185
Not sure how i would react to that. I suppose i wouldn't have any problem on having sex with "her" since i already would knew "he" was me with a lady's soul inside. I even could enjoy it as a new experience without feeling gay. But with some real dude the situation is very different and i highly doubt i could leave him penetrate me.

From: guest , 125 months, post #186
I think I've said this before on here but I think it would be hilarious to wear some type of sexy outfit or cosplay costume and see the woman's reaction in your former male body. Would she get mad knowing that her former body is on full display for everyone to see?

From: guest , 123 months, post #187
How freaked out would you be if the woman left you a voicemail with your male voice demanding that you give her back her womanly body?

From: guest , 119 months, post #188
How would you react if the woman in your male body was attracted to you in her female body and tried to flirt with you and hit on? That would be awkward and weird.

From: guest (Joe) , 118 months, post #189
Would you have a problem if the woman in your male body tried to feel you up in her former body? Where would you draw the line?

I think more movies should have scenes in which the two meet up.

From: guest (Anonymous) , 118 months, post #190
@Joe As it's one of my fantasies and so long as I would not get pregnant I would let them go all the way.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 118 months, post #191
Hey, I wouldn't care if she got me pregnant, I wouldn't even mind being that way for a few months, but she'd better swap us back before the birthing process. I would not go into labor without the drugs. I'm not a fan of pain nor the idea of something large coming out of my genital region.

From: guest , 118 months, post #192
Jayzie, you would be in a body that is designed for child birth so would it really be that bad? I would think that most women would make the man carry the baby and experience child birth.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 118 months, post #193
I really don't know. But it's often described as the "worst pain in existence." There is much debate to that, but I've experienced bad pains in the past. Some fleeting others that stayed for a while. A few of which that if I had access to heavy pain killers I'd probably down them with a sedative to put me out of it.

All I'm going to say is that if she is anti-"childbirth drug," I forget what it's called, in any way then she'd better switch back.

From: guest , 118 months, post #194
If you slept with her while you two were swapped, would you let her get you pregnant? I'm sure that would bring up a lot of legal issues. Would you be the "mother"?

From: guest (Bud) , 117 months, post #195
I think some guys would abstain or say no. I have no idea about the pregnancy issue.

It would be interesting to see the interactions between you and your swap partner. Would that person still have the right to be able to touch to their body even while you were occupying it? If she wanted to grab her former female butt while you possessed in, would you really be able to say no?

I mean what are you going to say if she wanted to slap your butt "don't touch my butt"? Is it really your butt? LOL

From: guest , 116 months, post #196
Would the worst case scenario be that she either died while in your body or got amnesia and thinks she really is you? Or for her to "pretend" that she is you and ignore/deny that you know she is in your body and you're in hers?

From: guest (Bud) , 108 months, post #197
I think it would be funny if the woman you swapped with demanding that you give her body back but you refused. That would be awkward.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 108 months, post #198
That would be bad, especially if you got all the "TG stuff" out of your system, you did it all, you had all your fun, you modeled in front of a mirror, you went to the beach in her two piece, you even had sex with her boyfriend or one of her female friends, and now it's all out of your system (if this could hypothetically happen), and you're having your second or third period.
Then she hits you with "Yeah, I like being a guy, not having periods, standing up to pee, not feeling vulnerable anymore, being the penetrater in intercourse, and not having to do my hair or make up or even pair my clothing items like I used to. This is so much better and we are NOT swapping back, EVER!"

What would you do then?

From: guest , 108 months, post #199
Be a woman(hopefully at least moderately attractive) for the rest of your life. LOL

I think it's funnier when it's the man in the woman's body that doesn't want to swap back.

From: guest , 107 months, post #200
If you saw her in your body out in public, would you confront her? How would you go about doing that? Would you talk in public or ask to go somewhere private? Would you trust the person?

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