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Review: Miss Mystic
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Miss Mystic
From: ROBO , 234 months, post #1
This was quite a good movie. The best part was the old woman talking to her brother before the swap of how the young girl will just have to get used to living in her body and then after they had tricked her into swapping bodies and her teasing her and then walking out leaving her there traped in an old body.

The surprise ending I could see coming and was a little bit unclear but all in all its a must see for any body swap fans.

From: BOB , 234 months, post #2
sigh...please, don't encourage stuff like this. while there have been decent movies made on digital video, this is not one of them. while it is a step up from the directors other efforts, it still shows that when one tries to do everything on a film (write, direct, produce) one or all invariably suffer (especially the script). just cause you want to make a movie doesn't mean you should and just cause a movie is made on a low budget and on DV doesn't mean you can get away with filming a subpar script.

From: Dexter Dickie , 234 months, post #3
This movie is possibly the best out of Christopher P. Jacobs offerings, and that's not saying much. Though his films get 'less worst' as time goes on, they are still somewhat painful to watch. They aren't as painful as those atrocious movies '4 Cheerleaders of the Apocalypse' or 'Dead and Too Stupid to Know It' since Jacobs movies take themselves so seriously that it's much easier to make fun of the movie with your friends Ala Mystery Science Theater 3000. Yet when I watched these movies with my associates we felt like we were being assaulted with pretentiousness with characters (and the actors) thinking that they were either witty or intelligent which they weren't even in the least. I remember when watching Dark Highways remarking to my friends that "this movie makes me feel guilty for ever wanting to have joy in my life." It's so bad at times I can't even put it into words. And the movies are JUST TOO LONG. For the love of God, MAKE A SHORT FILM FIRST! Refine and practice your methods with short films so that when you make a feature it doesn't insult the audience by making them think that you actually expect them to sit down and watch some lengthy pathetic movie. I hope the guy who wrote Hometown Assassins is reading this as well. Seriously, it's great that you have dreams and aspirations but don't make lengthy, boring movies until you get the process right. You need to graduate from being an 'amateur' filmmaker before you can call yourself an 'independent' filmmaker.

From: Kelsey Jacobson , 233 months, post #4
I love watching Independent Films and I just get seriously irate reading some of these reviews. I saw Miss Mystic and loved it. You can tell how much creativity and work went into it. Not to mention, it was clear that the actors had fun making it... and I know how much work Christopher Jacobs puts into each one of his films and I have nothing but utter respect and admiration for him. His movies are entertaining, each plot line is something totally different and they are most importantly fun to watch, so that I leave the theater feeling nothing but glad that I went to see it.

As for Hometown Assassins, I thought it was extremely clever and well done. Jonathan Hardesty is a new film maker and I think he did a WONDERFUL job on his movie. I have nothing but admiration for someone who puts so much on the line everytime he puts something together. I know how much hard work and time went into his movie and I think it all paid off.

I'd like to see Dexter Dickie hold his incredibly naive views to himself until he can prove that he can outdo the two best Independent Film directors in the state of North Dakota.


From: guest (InKpott) , 210 months, post #5
Did'nt Neal Adams create a character by the same name as this one ?
If so , it had to be with his comicbook group 'Continuity' . . . . .

From: guest (me) , 201 months, post #6
where can i get this movie? i would like to watch it, but don't know where

From: Eric , 201 months, post #7
email the director, he probably has or can make you a copy

From: guest (me) , 201 months, post #8

From: guest (johnny boi) , 57 months, post #9
anything new about finding a copy of this movie? it looks great!

From: guest (4of11) , 57 months, post #10
Someone uploaded part of it on youtube. Just search for "MM - F2F Bodyswap"

From: guest (Johnny boi) , 57 months, post #11
I saw it... And i would love to know if there is more

From: guest (Pito loco) , 52 months, post #12
Do you have a link of the movie?

From: guest (Watari) , 44 months, post #13
You can't get the copy from the director anymore. He apparently died from cancer.

From: guest (Stag) , 44 months, post #14
I have the DVD. I tried sharing it for someone to rip it and upload/share with everyone but that fell through (twice). I'm just not tech savy and also don't have access to a dvd drive

From: guest (Sora K) , 39 months, post #15
Really hope I could see the full movie somehow

From: guest (Dean) , 39 months, post #16
Where do i find this movie Online??
You have a link of the movie?

From: cj , 39 months, post #17
Please start a new thread, unless your post is a review of the material or about a review of the material. Thank you.

From: guest (Guest) , 31 months, post #18
If anyone has a link of full movie video or even sell it, just tell me here

From: guest (Stag) , 31 months, post #19
I have a copy of the DVD. I tried to mail it to someone to upload but they didn't do least they mailed the dvd back.

I'll give it to someone on the condition they upload it somewhere to access. Otherwise My youtube has the main "snippets" of the swaps.

From: guest (SH) , 26 months, post #20
Hi Stag,
I am interested in ripping the movie from all to share if you don't mind shipping it with me.

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