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New Netflix movie being worked on "Family Leave"
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From: guest , 40 months, post #1
Jennifer Garner will star in a comedy for Netflix called “Family Leave” in which she and her entire family have swapped bodies with another family on the other side of the world.

“Family Leave” is based on a book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal called “Bedtime For Mommy.”

In “Family Leave,” when the Brenners wake up to a full family body switch, they quickly realize the same thing has happened to a family on the other side of the world. They must unite with this group of strangers and determine how to undo the body switch, all while hilariously navigating daily life in a different body before it is too late.

From: guest (Mindmaster) , 40 months, post #2

From: cj , 40 months, post #3
Yes, but I like this one better... Thread subject title, and OP has a description. I'll link that one to here.

From: guest , 40 months, post #4
Why do I get the feeling this will just be another boring ass swap along gender lines?

From: guest (The Critic) , 40 months, post #5

Agreed, actually took the effort. Please lock the other one.

From: guest (Ray) , 40 months, post #6
Looking into the book it’s based on it seems like the mother swaps into a young girl and the daughter into an adult woman so I guess that’s something

From: guest , 40 months, post #7
Can’t wait for all the articles to describe Garner as being in “another” body swap movie, when 13 Going on 30 wasn’t one by our definitions.

In all seriousness I'm so excited. I’m hoping for some fun mix-ups, even something across race lines at least, or Jennifer switching with a much less attractive woman or something. My guess is they will switch the roles up though because that just seems easier to write a zany plot.

Super excited and will be putting a Google Alert together for this one!

From: guest (The Critic) , 40 months, post #8
Rather than a simple one-for-one body swap previously seen in Freaky Friday, "Family Leave will revolve around a full family body switch, per The Wrap. One day, Garner’s character and her family, the Brenners, wake up to find they have swapped bodies with another family on the other side of the world. Then, the Brenners must contact the strangers now occupying their bodies and attempt to undo the switch before it becomes permanent, all while dealing with daily life in an unfamiliar body."

From: guest (Hmm) , 40 months, post #9
This doesn't sound like book

From: guest , 40 months, post #10
Yeah, that said I wouldn’t be surprised if they have Garner switching bodies with a young girl considering she’s famous for 13 Going on 30.

From: guest (Dean) , 40 months, post #11
I would like to know in the movie, who switch with whom? which bodies characters would be busy? Who would be Who now??

From: guest (Dean) , 40 months, post #12
I'm very curious !!

From: guest , 40 months, post #13
Stay tuned guest (Dean) — I’m sure this thread will post as soon as that info is known. So far the alerts I have did not reveal any other cast members or those details of the plot.

From: guest , 31 months, post #14
Responding to someone's question in the general 2021 alert thread asking about Family Leave new Family Leave articles (e.g., cast announcements). I have searched for a while and even have a Google Alert for it, but I haven't seen anything besides the initial announcements in February.

Still very curious about the mashups of swaps we'll see. I know we'll be disappointed with the actual content in the end (Garner loves her family-oriented persona), but it'll still create a lot of fun fodder to think through the possibilities and alternate stories when we see the cast announced.

From: guest , 31 months, post #15
Give the source material it's incredibly likely that the parents will end up in the body of the children and vice versa. There's a russian swap movie with more or less the same premise minus the otherside of the world thing

From: guest (Mindi Flyth) , 31 months, post #16
It's weird they're basing this on the book “Bedtime For Mommy" since the plots don't seem related at all. “Bedtime For Mommy" is a children's book where a little girl struggles to put her mother and father to bed. They act like children and she acts mature. There's no body swapping, there's nothing about two families on other sides of the world. Why say it's based on a book, and presumably pay the original author for it, when your film seemingly has nothing to do with the book? It might make sense if “Bedtime For Mommy" was a phenomenally successful book, where just the title might get some butts in seats, but it wasn't.

Still, given the original book it's pretty safe to assume that Garner swaps with a little girl.

From: guest (Dylan) , 19 months, post #17
Looks the the movie is going into production soon.

Updated additional synopsis:

“The Walkers are a nuclear family of five: Mom Jess, Dad Bill, 16 year old daughter CC, 14 year old son WYATT, and 2 year old daughter Mia. But when a mysterious event occurs at the Griffith Park Planetarium, the nuclear elements split and recombine; Jen’s mind is in CC’s body (and vice versa), while Bill’s mind is in WYATT’s body (and vice versa). While CC and Wyatt try to navigate the impossibly complicated world that is adulthood (responsibilities, skills, fears, ambitions), Jen and Bill must work their way through the insanely intricate network of rites of passage (bullying, soccer games, music, parties, romance) that comes with being a teenager, while all four scramble to undo the spell that catastrophically recombined their personalities…”

From: guest (Madaba) , 19 months, post #18
Interesting. I guess they decided to go with a more simple plot instead of the whole two families thing

From: guest (111) , 19 months, post #19
What is the name of movie #17 post

From: guest (Dylan) , 19 months, post #20
"Family leave"

It's in the thread name itself

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