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New YouTube video - The Magic Wash Cloth - A Possession Parody
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From: RdDrfJames , 93 months, post #1
Hi All,

Just posted a new YouTube video today. This one's rather silly, and more of a parody of a possession video, so if that's not your thing you may want to skip this one.

WE ARE planning to do a straight up possession video soon, so I wanted to ask what kind of things you'd like to see in one. Let me know.

And I hope you enjoy the video.

The Magic Wash Cloth


From: guest , 93 months, post #2
really wish, you make a new video about male transforms into a female (TG) to trick another male

From: guest (fanjustthe) , 93 months, post #3
man sir i really love all the stuff you do. love the twist ending. i also like guest idea

From: guest (T Lo) , 93 months, post #4
Don't know what we did to deserve you James!

You're a true gentleman, sometimes.

Keep up the great work.

From: guest (don letto) , 93 months, post #5
yeah, i also like guest idea. maybe 2 or 3 very interesting

From: guest (carlitos) , 93 months, post #6
that was pretty fracking hilarious dude, kkep it up :D

From: guest (667) , 93 months, post #7
I know everyone hates it, but I always like seeing the voice swaps on a possession. At least it kinda makes sense more on that situation

From: RdDrfJames , 93 months, post #8
guest #2: I have done a video like that before. In The Wand of Change guest starring Nicki Hunter, a guy turns into Nicki to play a joke on his friend. It was a fun video and I'd love to do more like that, which is one of the things I'm hoping to do with my Patreon page, make bigger productions with more people.

fanjustthe: Thank you so much! I had fun setting up that twist ending early in the video, and was glad that it paid off in the end. :)

T Lo: Thank you so much, I really appreciate you saying that. :)

don letto: That would be an interesting story to tell. So a question to anyone who wants to answer it, what would a good motive for someone to impersonate a female to trick another male? I can think of a few reasons, but I'd like to hear other people thoughts. (Maybe I should make a new thread for this?)

carlitos: Thank you so much, glad you liked it! I really have to give Robyn the credit for the idea for this video. She came up with the concept and really sold it. :D

667: We are talking about doing a possession video some time soon. I don't know if we'll do that as a voice swap, but we're also doing one of my Channel Swapping videos, which will have a voice swap (and a non-swap version).

Disclaimer: I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep, so hopefully what I typed above made sense. :)

Thanks for all the comments and watching our videos!


From: guest , 93 months, post #9
maybe I can help a don letto request.

For example, the woman asked for someone to impersonate her, to trick someone who loved her.when the man wanted to kiss, he returned to the original form.
someone wants to have an item that he wants. he has a friend who has it, but his friend is very stingy. then he disguised as a woman, so he can easily to take or borrow his friends stuff.

sounded very strange.
but it might be a good idea

From: guest (fanjustthe) , 93 months, post #10
post #9 i kind a like the second suggestion

From: guest (jatr) , 93 months, post #11
maybe I can give you another idea.

her boyfriend asked to a date. but because she has something else, so she asked her brother to disguise and date with her boyfriend. but, they met and and he was confused, which the real girlfriend

From: guest (Also Interested) , 93 months, post #12
Great video! Definitely amusing!

Going into the new thread topic, I'd say maybe a guy refuses to have a bachelor party, so a friend turns into his fiancee to convince him to meet up somewhere, then his friends all surprise him and take him out of town to party. Don't know if for the sake of the story he's stuck as her all weekend, but I'm thinking you can do enough of him as her just trying to get him out of the house...awkwardly trying to impersonate her.

From: guest (reee) , 93 months, post #13
When is the channel swapping video going to be out, James?

From: guest (Pinky) , 93 months, post #14
Reasons I can think of for a man to impersonate a woman:

  • He has a gender-neutral name and needs to be a woman to get someone to favor them (judge, loan officer, etc)
  • He wants to get a deal on a purchase (car, house, etc)
  • He is trying to get help with some physical task (moving, yard work, etc)
  • Free stuff (drinks, concert tickets, admission to a club)
  • Trying to get a job (bonus if he has to continue to be a woman at work)
  • Hiding from police/criminals

From: guest (guest) , 93 months, post #15
He's looking for proof that a guy is cheating on his friend.

The band (or duo) could be more popular if one of them was a girl.

Hiding from criminals. (I like that idea Pinky)

A guy turns into a female superhero to hide his identity.

Win the best Halloween costume contest.

Go on a date so he can get close to the guy who now has the wand of change and change himself back into a guy.

From: Polover , 93 months, post #16
  • Sees possession topic*
  • Reads string of other, non-possession ideas*

For the possession like you were originally talking about James, I think it would be interesting to have a dynamic between the possessor and possessee. Like a girl freak-accidentally possessed by a guy and them balancing each other's desires like the guy trying to dress the girl's body super sexy while she wants to be innocent and doing "girly" or "macho" activities. I feel like a hetereosexual guy and girl in the same body trying to date would be hilariously awkward. It would pretty hard on the starring actress but there are a lot of possibilities. To still have the actor have face-time, you could have their dialogue be exchanged in "mirror scenes" or maybe the setup is the ghost is anchored to the girl's body but can come out within a small distance from her and use ghost powers (perhaps to annoy/create havoc, perhaps to help)

Or recently deceased girlfriend possessing new girlfriend. The new girlfriend actually kind of wants the old gf's help because she worked in the same field as her (like sales or something) and was like so good she's somewhat famous for it and also knows the bf really well. The ghost just wants to continue being with her bf. It would be a dynamic of the new gf not getting her life taken over and learning about being herself and the ghost trying desperately to hold on to what she technically can't. I think is probably easier to still give equal opportunity to all actors.

Those are the ideas that quickly came to mind

From: RdDrfJames , 93 months, post #17
Thanks for all the cool suggestions!

Guest #9: I like the second one. I try to keep my cast size small, usually myself and the actress, just because adding more people is harder than you might think, with coordinating schedules and all that, but that one could work.

fanjustthe: I agree

jatr: I've kind of done a mistaken identity date in episode 3 of The Transformer. It was fun to do and it was the first time I've used a body double for the over the shoulder shots, which I thought added a lot to the video, but people didn't really seem to like the video that much, so I haven't tried another one. I might think about it again in the future.

Also Interested: Thank you so much! We have fun filming, so we're looking to do more. Year ago, I was planning a batchlor party body swap feature, but when the trail for The Last Wish came out, doing a second wedding body swap movie at the same time was probably a bad idea, so I looked into doing something else. For YouTube videos, that idea is a little to big, as it would need a bunch of guys and a number of locations. I could do fun stuff with that, though.

reee: I'm 'hoping' to get the channel swapping video out by Monday, BUT not sure I have enough time to put it together. Hopefully soon.

Pinky: All good ideas. We did a body swap in The Body Swapper part 2, so the girl could go buy a car as a guy, as she figured she'd get taken advantage of as a girl, so kind of have done that one. And then in a later episode the girl switches with a guy, so she can move a bunch of stuff around her apartment. I like the idea of free stuff, like a guy has a friend who has some cool concert tickets, but he wants to take a girl, so the guy uses a spell (or something) to either become his "cousin from out of town" or some girl the guy likes. I'd like to actually go to a concert and film part of that, as it would make it cooler, but it could be done with just the suggestion of them going out and come back home.

Guest #15: Were talking about doing a super hero type video like that. I've been a fan of the Dial H concept, so might do that, or just the guy can turn into one hero, which would be much easier.

Polover: There is a lot of comedy potential there. Are you talking like an "All of Me" kind of situation, where they are constantly fighting for control? Or one's in control for a while, then the other?

Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep them coming if you like. We're planning out our next videos. :)


From: guest (jatr) , 93 months, post #18
for guest post 9
the first suggestion also interesting. maybe you can use male genie/ghost to disguise

From: trifajar , 93 months, post #19
That's very funny.

@guest(667) You are not alone, I love voice swap too.

From: guest (guest 15) , 93 months, post #20
Cool. A super hero TG story sounds fun. If the guy turned into a single hero, instead of several different women, he would begin to build relationships and a reputation as a woman. Which isn't really him but it kinda is?

I'm not sure what Polover has in mind but a take on All of Me has a lot of potential. Could be really fun.

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