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Almost all fictionmania stories the same
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From: guest (Moose) , 94 months, post #1
Basically i've noticed that a bunch of fictionmania stories always follow the same format
"oh shit something just turned me into someone else"
"I hate this i hate this so much"
"I now have all the memories of this body im in"
"ive somehow destroyed the one thing that can turn me back into my original self but in reality do I wanna go back?"
-ending scene is usually leaves openig for sequel-
Like why is it just this format?

From: cj , 94 months, post #2
You need to read more stories there Moose. :-)

There are plenty of stories where the MC is not swapped, they are physically TF'd or 'disguised' to be (usually) a member of the opposite sex. Sometimes a new category for sex needs to be created for the modified character.

Sometimes the TF'd character wants it, most times it's either unwanted, or the TF'd character(s) feign contempt at their change.

Some of the stories have the TF'd character with only their own memories, some are written to allow the TF'd character to more easily pass in their new role by having skills that they didn't need until the TF or disguise, and yes, some TF'd characters do receive enough of the former resident's memories that they might well get confused as to who they really are.

Actually, I think the "stuck" thing is about 50/50. Sometimes being stuck is good, sometimes it's not... and sometimes those who return to their original form, later miss the new life they had to (or chose to) give up. A fairly nice mix of endings.

The sequel thing though. The only way that there wouldn't be an opening for a sequel is if the character or a body that they need dies... or both. And some writers, like myself, just aren't that great at ending a story... or don't want it to end.

So, yeah. You just need to let the grab bag pick some random stories for you... read all of the suggestions... and then when you've read about 100-200 of them (depending on how long/short your random stories were), then let us know if you still have the same opinion. ;-)

From: guest (Silhouette) , 94 months, post #3
It's a fairly common format across -a lot- of written TG media, really, presumably so because stories along those lines are very appealing to a large portion of us.

I can understand the frustration of having trouble finding more unique content though. How would you like the format to be changed up? What kind of different stories would you like to be able to find?

From: guest , 94 months, post #4
Some of this is wish-fulfillment by authors. If an unhappy physically-male author wants to be a happy woman, it's not too surprising if e.g. a male character in his story is okay with (or more -- possibly delighted by) being stuck as an attractive young woman who knows how to live as a female and perhaps has a ready-made new identity and a male friend who's fine with her being his girlfriend. The "I hate this so much and I want to change back" is in such cases is a try at complicating the story or merely the character, or hiding the rawness of a straightforward wanna-be-a-girl plot.

Okay, I'm generalizing and oversimplifying a bit.

From: guest (jill) , 94 months, post #5
What I hate is people that complain! If you don't like it don't read it! Look at the lack of body swap stories on there, every year it's getting worse and worse. I'm dying for even one, so what if it's the same thing it's still better then nothing at all. So far the month of September that's what we have, not a single body swap story. We have 11 total since July 1 some of them continuations from previous stories. Why do people then complain and ruin it for everyone else, if that's what an author wants to write let it be. If you don't enjoy it just don't read it, if it's a body swap story skip it and I'll enjoy the same old pattern. I mean no one is forcing you to read it. Yet almost every body swap story the same statement is made.

I hope these people never go watch a movie, how many movies end with the bad character winning? The justice league or the marvel characters all locked up or killed, as the crime syndicate runs the world, the action movies were the good guy fails to save his family, save the world, etc. It's all the same the goody guys win out at the end, yet everyone and I'm betting the ones that complain about the format included, still watch them.

From: guest (Moose) , 94 months, post #6
This was written by me at 2am and I was way too sleepy to notice my tone
This wasn't a complaint it was more of a thing ive noticed in body swap stories
I was wondering what the case might be for that so thats why I started this thread so
I could get some info from the authors perspective i apologize for the way this came out xD

From: guest (Gypsy) , 94 months, post #7
a little harsh Moose, but your point is understood by this guy

there are some very cookie cutter things happening in stories, I know that I do a lot of that, and that it is very messy, poor, unoriginal writing, but you have to remember- not many of us can or ever will make a living as a writer

I would- without appearing aggressive or jerk like like to say-
the acceptance of the change is what bothers me so much

a guy that is a clear and strong heterosexual would not change and accept it instantly, or jump into bed with his buddy in the first twenty four hours

I get that lots of people like that, but I want to read something with a world that I can get into, with people that I can believe are developed and aren't just cookie cuttings of the characters from the last story

if your character jumps into bed after the change very quickly then mention that the character has had some bisexual feelings or that the change has changed him or her. a simple paragraph to alert the reader that there is something there... makes a world of difference

also- as a reader, if you opened the story to read, then write a review, takes moments, tell the writer what you liked and did not like, be supportive, and kind even if you think it sucked. be kind, seriously, be kind

thanks, and have a wonderful week

From: guest (Saint) , 94 months, post #8
If you want your mind blown Google "the heroes journey." 90% (or higher) of all movies, tv shows, books follow a formula. Then there are the tropes of genres that pop up again and again. It's the details that add 'originality'

But I agree after 17 years of reading tg fiction it's getting harder to find anything that feels fresh

From: guest (vup) , 94 months, post #9
Re: what cj said:

True it's not all one formula but with over 27,000 stories there are only so many plotlines one can follow before patterns turn into formulas turn into cliches. I stopped reading those years ago because I got to a point of "okay, I get it;I see where this is going". I'm not complaining and I don't blame the authors. It's genuinely tough to keep things fresh after all this time as others have pointed out. But I can understand how someone would get frustrated because you can't know that you'll be disappointed with a story until you've invested your time.

But to Moose's point: it's interesting that certain things become more common than others. It's a reflection of some common psyche, I guess. I'm curious myself as to what the basic nature of the appeal is. I enjoyed it, too, up to a point.

From: Weirdoid , 94 months, post #10
The formula is very common. Worse yet deviating from it leads to criticism.

From: Weirdoid , 94 months, post #11
CJ I also stopped reading TG stories outside interactive sites too. In part because my tastes (men acting girly or with girly physical traits with a Magic/tech cause and gay leanings" is rare. I. Part because a couple common tropes such as "loss of self", macho ftm changes (I like them girly acting), and forcing heterosexuality even when it makes no sense" make me feel bad when I read them.

From: cj , 94 months, post #12
"... deviating from it leads to criticism."

Writing leads to criticism. :-)

I agree. When you're part of a niche community, the plot lines don't stray far from others and the stories can all start to look the same within each of a few standard subsets.

And I also agree that our own wants and desires trickle (or flood) into the story, so there will be plenty of wish-fulfillment.

I do like how technology is allowing those like Weirdoid with less-common interests / tastes in an already niche genre to find a venue that allows exploration of those the interests and tastes.

I guess a possible solution would be to have a place to talk about such things... you know, like the Fictionmania Hyper Board, or even our Message Board here at Metamorphose. Try to figure out what TF or TG general category that you'd like to see some variation on, Drop that as the Subject line (thread title)... then post your requests... what you'd like to see.

I'm not saying that any author is going to take it up and write a story for you. Most that don't do commission work, probably write the stories that they want to read. But at least you'll have the information out there, and perhaps someone could direct you to a story (or site) with just the stuff you are looking for. And it could be a resource for authors who want to try something a bit different.

I don't know. Just a suggestion.

From: guest (Silhouette) , 94 months, post #13
Just want to sort-of echo what cj is saying in loving it when people share what they're into and looking for from a story. I may only be a caption writer, and I do only write captions that interest me personally, but more than once I've been inspired by ideas that people posted here. The best way to get what you like written by others is to share it and explain why you enjoy it. Sometimes that matches up with a writer's tastes and then sexy, hot magic happens! =D

From: guest , 94 months, post #14
There are great stories written on FM. Most of the older stuff is absolutely fantastic, the newer stuff not so much.

From: guest (Kyon) , 94 months, post #15
The Omnidentity series on Pixiv is pretty decent. It's f2f and kind of deals with the psychological perspective of someone who just gained the ability to shapeshift, none of that memory inheritance or getting stuck stuff.

  1. 52 on Fictionmania is also quite good, for something different. Prostitutes who live in a facility and change bodies depending on their clients' desires.

Just have to keep an eye out for unique material.

From: guest (Kyon) , 94 months, post #16
Whoops, that should be (numbersign)52.

From: guest , 94 months, post #17
Like someone said, the older fm stuff is really good. But its a shame a lot of the older material is gone. I remember some drama a bit ago but dont remember what happened or if its possible to find the older stories that were removed.

From: rugal , 94 months, post #18
My biggest beef is that I think many of them are just plain bad at writing characters, dialogue, things like that. The Amy stories I always enjoyed back in the day because I liked the more character driven nature of it and while there's set ups and other things I like (possession, characters turning into/impersonating others in general is my big thing) you can only read so many before you get tired if the characters you're reading about aren't interesting. The set-up is nice but why do I want to bother going on if the characters exist almost purely as cardboard cut outs for the purpose of said setting?

I get that most of it is fetish wish fulfillment but there still has to be something there. The protagonist can be sympathetic or despicable but if I'm following them I want a reason to care and I feel like a lot of times on FM that can be left by the wayside.

From: guest , 94 months, post #19
Rugal, what other stories do you recommend to someone who likes similar things (character impersonation/possession)? I also really enjoyed your stories on!

From: guest (leon) , 94 months, post #20
What rugal said. Even if its just fetish fulfillment, there's no reason for it not to be engaging.
From what I can tell many people dig the impersonation aspect, yet there's no definitive category for it and even if "Identity Theft" covers some, it definitely does not cover all bases. Shame really.
I wonder why there hasn't been any push to make one since there always seem to be some demand from the community, even if it doesn't appear to be a massive one.

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