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From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 94 months, post #1
Literally two days after I found one of this guys stories his deviantart account was deleted. Is it possible that someone has any remains of any of his work?

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 94 months, post #2

From: guest (InflatablePiggy128) , 93 months, post #3
You'll never guess what. That's me! Hello, I'm InflatablePiggy128 :P

I obviously have no way of proving this, as I deleted my account, but you can still read about... 15 of my stories. Ish. If you go to*/* you'll see that Wayback Machine has caught some of my more popular stories. God knows if any of your favourites will be in there, but it's a little loophole I discovered :P

From: guest (happenstance) , 93 months, post #4
Why exactly you deleted your DeviantArt account again?

From: guest (InflatablePiggy128) , 93 months, post #5
I'm really not happy with writing fetish stuff. I hate having fetishes, and I feel like it hinders me more than if I didn't have them, especially because they're so weird. I left, and originally left my account ongoing, but the temptation was too much, and alas, I deleted it. Sorry :(

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #6
Damn...I never thought I'd actually find you lol (then again someone made the same exact thread about me a couple weeks ago and here i am as well).
Well I'm glad to meet you. And I already explored that option (and def found a few gems), but In particular I'm a huge fan of your Bottomless Breasts story and your story when Emma was sleeping in the classroom.

And that's the same reason I got rid of my DA account too. I hate having a fetish (and I'm really trying to limit my exposure to it), and the fact I got a little successful with my fetish kinda bothered me.

From: DocVS , 93 months, post #7
I'm not certain of the reasonings you both gave for leaving your DA accounts:

When you say fetishes hinder you, and you are bothered by your own success, I can only imagine, respectively, that you are each saying that a) your fetish stifles your potential for creativity and pigeonholes you to only produce works associated with them due to a possible new commitment to their popularity, and b) a belief that your fetish became something that is somewhat taboo and shameful and that you were indeed bothered by the fact that you garnered the attention and respect of like-minded fans that enjoy the same fetish as you.

I have my own fetish, and unapologetically and unsurprisingly, it involves the whole concept of voice swapping. I will admit I have never purportedly announced that as my fetish, but it is implied (hence the Doc"VS") in my handle/nickname.

I have tried to put in my energy into taking that fetish and expressing it In the form of unique content. whether it be in my blog and in my long dormant stories. And without going into details, I wil admit have received a decent amount of attention.

However, I have also been criticized, with fairly harmful, unwarranted comments. Comments that persuaded me in the past to spend almost more than a year shying away from creatively expressing myself. Not to mention the responsibilities of my real life getting in the way.

It makes me question at times whether or not life would be better if I just didn't even bother. Would save me a lot of emotional stress. God knows I already have enough of that now in real life.

Now to qualify this, if you mean that the two of you "hate" your fetishes in the sense of the active involvement in trying to express said fetish in creative and unique ways, then I would agree. It gets tiring, it expends energy. Because passive enjoyment, aka looking and enjoying other people's material related to your fetish, created by like-minded people, is still something I try to do. It's a part of me. I suspect the two of you do the same.

Maybe "hate" and "bother" are the wrong words. You two did reach a level of respect and attention with them. I don't see how you can "hate" or be "bothered" by something that you two a) enjoyed doing and b) did very well in.

How I envy the opportunity to reach the heights you guys did with your DA accounts. But I take what I can get, it seems.

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #8
I dunno bro. It just feels weird being a straight dude having a TG fetish, it just feels unnatural yet I have a strange attraction to it. But I guess you were kinda right talking about the creative outlet stuff.

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #9
I mean gaining internet attention (my blog hit almost a million hits before I even started DA) from something I myself is not proud to have is a little unsettling. Embracing my fetish kind of took away from my personal life when I was in the thick of it, used up a lot of my time. Now its just a time to time indulgence, but devoting all of this energy and getting all this attention in such a short amount of time had led to me getting more into than I thought i would have to. I overworked myself for something I was ashamed to be passionate about.

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #10
as of right now. i don't nearly have the drive i had for it before.

From: DocVS , 93 months, post #11

After reading your response, I empathize. If it indeed takes away from your personal life, and can even adversely affect it, then yes I can see a good reason to make your fetish a "time to time indulgence." I just don't think you have to be ashamed of yourself. "Unnatural" doesn't mean you are odd nor should you think having an interest is taboo: I think it just makes you unique.

From: guest (InflatablePiggy128) , 93 months, post #12
Happy I stumbled across this, and sorry TGKiiD, any story not on the list is lost to the void of nothing.

Whilst I appreciate what you guys are saying, the reason I quit is I hate being subject to these unnatural and unwanted sexual views. It's an extra weight, a burden that I have to upkeep, and I 100% do not think it's worth it.

And whilst it's by-the-by, I have deleted my account. I found this thread by googling 'InflatablePiggy128' to see if anyone cared or mentioned that I left, and all I built up is effectively gone.

Nothing about my personal life was really affected by it. I just felt like it was unfair to my girlfriend and to myself that I had to think about her inflating or eating a live human whole to get some stimulation from it. And that's really the main reason I left.

Whilst there are some ideas I wish I'd used, and now looking back I realised that I at times was really selfish and needy in the deviantART community, and a lot of the stories were unwanted and just written for me. I feel like I went about it all wrong, and in a way it's comforting that it's all gone.

Saying that, I do frequently check in on some people's galleries... >:(

From: guest , 93 months, post #13
I have to agree with DocVS. What society considers "normal" in terms of fetishes have always changed. Just because yours do not compose a larger part, doesn't mean it's something to be shameful of and should be tossed aside. Sure, you might not get the social gratification you somewhat expect in return of your efforts in creating content you like, that doesn't mean there are not a shit-ton of people who just want to remain anonymous yet indulge in the things you do just the same. With people worrying about whether their nude pics are stored by intelligence agencies, who can blame them.

And sorry but not sorry, you should realize you're the only people in the world who think the way you do. You have to know that you simply have access to the skills and technology, and are willing (or were willing I guess) to create something with it. The English-speaking world comprises about 25% of the entire population (including those who are not native speakers) and you better believe not everyone has an internet connection. Is it really plausible to think the remaining 75% do not have a single fetish they consider to be weird? The point is, no matter how deep your analytics go, there isn't a definitive measure to know how much your content influences others, even halfway across the world. Why the f*ck should you feel ashamed? Do you think George R.R. Martin indulges in his fetishes through the depraved characters he writes? Does any fiction writer ever?

From: guest (InflatablePiggy128) , 93 months, post #14
I don't feel ashamed, I feel hassled. I'd rather not have them than have them. I never asked for these fetishes. And whilst it is unique and I can use it to make interesting stories, I'd rather not. I started on dA writing out things purely for myself, and simply shared them so other people could read them, and slowly got sucked into the community and taking part in that aspect.

The people were lovely and the community was great, but I didn't, and still don't want it. I didn't choose this, I was burdened with it. It's like ordering something from Amazon and it arrives broken, so you have to go through the returns process. You don't want something that should be normal and straightforward to become twisted and complicated.

I've had these fetishes since I was 6 years old, and before I even understood what a fetish or basic attraction was. I distinctly remember picturing weird TF situations and inflation in my head about girls in my class when I was 6, and I've carried it on this far. Well I don't want to anymore.

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #15
With Piggy on this. I'd rather not have to think about these kind of things to feel stimulated. I started making captions for me, it purely my own thing, and I had my own way of doing which I liked. I started relying on what other people wanted, and I lost my own drive for it. Towards the end, I kinda did move towards myself again (even weirder stuff), but DA wasn't rocking with it. So I do feel burdened when I did it. I'd rather not have these kind of urges, and I rather not be known only for these urges.

From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #16
I understand fetishes are pretty natural, but if I could, I would have taught myself to be attracted to something else. eventually TG media will become over-saturated and my work will be forgotten, but its nice to still see people who hold on to it.

From: DocVS , 93 months, post #17
Maybe because I have different reasons to creating my content, whether it be captions or stories, but I do not share the same reason as Piggy and TG KiiiD. Different strokes for different folks, and that's OK. They have reached that level of sincere satisfaction so the level of impetus is not what it used to be for them. I respect that.

But for the time you two were in the limelight, you did make a difference and allowed other people to appreciate and embrace that yes, there are people like you who enjoy the same interests/fetishes. That cannot be discounted, and that was a good thing. It will always be remembered fondly.

It's much harder to legitimize yourself and keep an interest/fetish going under an environment of judgment and criticism. But then again, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

From: guest , 93 months, post #18
I think that everyone that has a fetish will have issues with it... because, by definition, is some kind of devotion beyond the usual. So, one might think... "why I'm so different from others?". But, the thing is... probably these others (usually just a really small part of the entire world, since we can't know, with the necessary deep to make such analysis, more than a few hundred people) also has some kind of devotion beyond the usual, towards something else. It can be something "socially desired", like someone who wants to work more than is expected from... good thing, hun!? No. They are workaholics and on the verge of burnout, in deep anxious and depression crisis.

I know it's easy to say to something "I wish I could work more/less", but not so easy to say "I wish I were someone from the other side of the gender fence, BUT I'M STRAIGHT, OKAY?".

I also discovered this fetish when I was a kid... I didn't speak english by then, and Internet was something really new in my country... so, until my late teens and young adulthood I thought that I was the only one in the world with this fetish. I tried to talk a few times to some close friends, and their immediate response were "Are you gay?". At the time, that hurt me... prejudice of my part, I know now. I'm not gay, but wouldn't fell hurt if someone asked me that today. But what killed me more was the loneliness... "Am I really the only one? Damn... Maybe I should die, so... the world isn't for me". And that stayed in my head for years, until I come in contact with our community... seeing that I wasn't alone, specially by seeing what guys like you (TGKiiD, DocVS and InflatablePiggy128, as well a lot of others) did, I could ease that despair feeling. I had others whom I could talk to, without any restrictions.

So... think about it guys... YOU ROCK! You did great, and helped at least one... me. But I dont think that my story are the only one now. Probably there is a lot of others that you touched with it. If someone dislikes your work, don't fell less for that, because you are amazing.

I still don't few comfortable talking about this without being anonymous... most because of this childhood trauma. I'm afraid that my world will fall if someone knew about it. But, since a few months back, I started to see it as just as a fetish. Well, like I said, everyone has fetishes... but, usually, they don't talk about it. Unless in specific situations.

I had a girlfriend that I hinted this fetish to her. I felt secure that she wouldn't judge me and once said that if I had the view she had, being able to see her boobs (and guys... G cups in a slim body! :D ) whenever I looked down, I would be in heaven, but wouldn't be able to do anything else besides masturbating. She responded that she would do the same if she had my cock and balls between her legs, and started to sexting me with pov pics.

So... that went well. We broke apart, but not because my fetish. Don't think that anyone will turn you down for that. And don't be a douche... if your counterpart shares her/his fetish, think how you would like to be treated if were you that were sharing the fetish.


From: guest (TG KiiiD) , 93 months, post #19
glad i could be of help I guess lol. the thing that bothers me the most is that, most of the people in the TG community are ACTUAL transgendered people. If you compare my captions to others,there's always just a sensual thing about it. Most others write their captions like "I'm a woman on the inside", so it did feel weird at first. I never questioned my sexuality, but I did feel uncomfortable being in a large community of people who actually want to be women.

From: DocVS , 93 months, post #20
That's not necessarily bad that your captions aren't as "sensual." I have a good online friend/TG captioner who writes extremely sensual captions, and her layout and polish is just so obvious. Most of them do not do anything for me just because sensuality isn't really the appeal for me in a TG caption.

Yes, there are actual transgendered people exploring the limits of their gender identity, but there are non-transgendered fans/writers who just find the exploration of gender (in their own unique manner, aka their fetish) something appealing. It's ok to feel uncomfortable at first due to unfamiliarity, but you and I and others, belong to the community just as much as they do (in my opinion).

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