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Shameless self-promotion thread. Advertising on
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From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #1
I haven't heard back from Paul yet (I'm assuming that's where that message went on the contact form) and he may well be not interested anyway making this a moot point but as I've never made a secret of here, I am here to promote a webcomic.

Now even if Paul wasn't against the idea, I want to know what the members think. I was looking at getting an ad encoded into the site itself, down the right side of the page, just to the right of the forum topics. It'd be like what there already is on the site - if you go to it here:

This one below's the alternate world spinoff. Probably makes more sense if you've read about the first 60 pages of above but even if not, it's easy enough to work out.

and look down for what's currently the Spying With Lana permanent embed. I'm thinking of something like that here. It is a webcomic with a topic that fits in with this site, so it's not like trying to sell computers or holidays or toothbrushes or something. Here are the ads I had in mind, running down the right side of the page.

I know from experience that things like that Spying With Lana ad generate a steady stream of background traffic. This site has always been very good for us but for argument's sake, I think this would improve that. I guess we'd pay some money or something in return if the site admin went for it.

Of course, I want to know what the membership would think of this first. I wouldn't do it if the people who actually use the site didn't want it.

I imagine some of you might have noticed by the mere act of linking to the site, I'm doing some backdoor advertising by just posting here.


From: guest (Gypsy) , 95 months, post #2
I like all three comics

I would love to see some of the background characters in Exiern that have seemingly been forgotten or lost in the story.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #3
I could pass that up to management if you tell me who (it's also possible there's plans for some of them). Also, there is in fact, a story doing that with some of them right now called Neese, which is all supporting characters having their own adventure. It's just that it's only on the Patreon at the moment.

From: guest (james) , 95 months, post #4
The comic looks nice, although is really annoying at this era of the internet to have to reload the page for each page.

Does she have sex at some point? If so, can someone link that page here?

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #5
Now that would be telling.

From: guest (james) , 95 months, post #6
I'm asking if that has already happened

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #7
I help promote it butI can't answer the question past the 5th of November 2015 as that's as far as I've read.

I'll give you a massive clue. Is he riding a unicorn in a given page? Then up to that point in the story at least, you have your answer.

From: Swapgirl , 95 months, post #8
I don't think an embedded ad would be appropriate for this site. One of the appealing things about Metamorphose is its simple, almost minimalist design; it makes it easy to load the site, and easy to navigate. It's also one of the very few sites on teh internets without any form of advertising... it's refreshing.

Metamorphose has existed since 2000, and the list it was based on existed a few years before that. The site's design has been essentially unchanged since 2003. In its 16 years of existence, Metamorphose has never had advertising. Adding an ad now would be a huge change... and it would open the door to more ads in the future, which could lead to all sorts of problems.

Plus, I'm not really sure it's necessary. I think most people on Metamorphose probably already know about Exiern; it's one of the most popular TG webcomics out there, and we discuss it pretty regularly. So I don't know that it would create much additional traffic.

It's Paul's decision, of course. But I would be pretty grumpy if advertising were added to the site at this late date.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #9
That's what I figure is the most likely outcome that they wouldn't go for it. Still, it can't hurt to ask, which is what I'm doing with everyone involved.

However, I think cj and I have this understanding where I've got to at least try and be creative with my occasional name drops and links to the site. If done right, it definitely causes a boost in traffic.

From an ad point of view, I have found a permanent marker in general does make a difference, the permanent ad on the site which goes to Spying With Lana has led to a decent uptick in their baseline readers. I think it's at least partly responsible for the shift from 1,100 for the day to 1,400 for the day (the other being a continually running ad on Top Webcomics).

I wouldn't do it if the people here didn't want it anyway.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #10
Now that I'm awake, I can give a better answer to james's question, yes there's magic and people get turned into things they're not. Some people welcome this, some are neutral and our hero during the eleven year course of the story (in real time, I actually don't know what it's been story wise), veers all over the place.

In this world, accidental magical transformations aren't completely unheard of so people aren't always fazed by it as it can usually be fixed,if you want it to.

So what's a bit different about this story is that the freakout comes much later when it seems this case has been different.

As for Gypsy's question, I can answer that better too. The current owner is very aware of who's who in the characters and what they might be doing right now and some of the long missing characters at least are definitely in the pipeline.

I know this because I'm helping to get that part made.

From: guest (Just Myself) , 95 months, post #11
Thanks for your work

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #12
Thank you but my boss and his predecessors deserve all the credit. Between them, they've all been doing the heavy lifting for the last 11 years.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #13
To add to what Swapgirl was saying, another thing is with adding graphics to a site like this, even simple ones is that it can definitely add to load times and increased data usage in a significant way and that could be more hassle than it is worth in terms of + revenue. Quite aware of that fact, you don't want to repel your existing user base.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #14
Well, just thought you'd all like to know, as part of a larger ad blitz over the last couple of days, also views referred from this site included, have pushed viewing figures almost to a new daily record as it is and there's still 10 hours to go.

From: cj , 95 months, post #15
"...cj and I have this understanding where I've got to at least try and be creative with my occasional name drops and links to the site..."

Occasional (i.e. sparing, infrequent) is the important word there. :-)

Now, as to my personal opinion. I like without any ads. That has to do with the subject matter here. My privacy / anonymity is key here - ads erode that. The more servers that are involved, the less I'd be willing to share here.

But that's just my personal opinion on the matter.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #16
"Occasional (i.e. sparing, infrequent) is the important word there."

Oh yes, believe me, I'd like to think it was only mentioned by me infrequently and I'm clear when I do so. I'm sure if I step out of line, I'll get a warning and rightly so.

Now here's the thing, though. If you go to the Exiern site (handy link here:


and scroll down to where it says "Spying With Lana", that's not Project Wonderful or AdSense or anything like that. That's a graphic coded directly into the site as much as the actual comic page itself is. It's not giving away more than if you click on anything else on the page.

So yes, it's an ad but from the point of view of the website code and (non) involvement of web advertisers, it's an "ad". No ad servers involved at all, it's still just the site. From a traffic referral point of view, I know it works, there's a steady stream of traffic above the previous baseline, that's been the case for months now. It's been very reliable. I don't doubt it would be the same here.

Now, my cunning plan is twofold. Since like I said, the subject of the webcomic is related to this site as opposed to widgets, dental floss, holidays or a new car etc, part of my angle is ... "well, it's related subject matter".

If this were to happen, I'd be looking at asking if the ads as above could run down the side just to the right of the "What's New" on the main page and Messages/Posts on the message board.
I am aware that graphics of any kind can affect loading of previously text-only websites (mind you, I just remembered people insert images in their posts occasionally, I wonder what effect that has esp. mobile device).

The second part of my cunning plan is that I, from the outset would if I had to guess, think it would be a 'no'. Can't hurt to ask now, though, can it? However what I did expect is that people would go and look at the site because I brought it up. As they do every time I bring it up.

So, really, my most realistic goal was to try and find a new excuse to bring it up. If the other stuff were to happen, well that would be a bonus but realistically, this was what I was aiming for. I have to keep thinking of new and creative ways to justify these posts.

This one was for a special occasion, it was our way of marking the coming end of webcomic, The Adventures of Dr McNinja. So the aim was to try and boost the traffic over the last 2 days (my boss gives me a lot of leash, so this was all my idea). Anyway, all the different things done (of which this was but one part), was a smashing success. New one day record.

So, thank you everyone. I think I'll do everyone a favour and take a long break from bringing Exiern up again.

Hey, cj will attest I've always been upfront and direct about my shilling when I do that, so I at least have this going for me.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #17
OK, I should make the logic a bit more clear. The Adventures of Dr McNinja has been a very good site for advertising Exiern. Lots of traffic, our way of saying goodbye as the story ends, I guess. Did a big two day ad/name drop for August 1st/2nd.

Here's top referrers for the last week:


As I said, has been very good to us. We'd also be very happy to help financially if needed, hence this proposal (trade $ for a name drop) but I suspect we're not needed :-).

From: cj , 95 months, post #18
"I'm sure if I step out of line, I'll get a warning and rightly so."

Indeed. :-)

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #19
cj tells it as it is. I know the rules but reminders are always good and welcome. Keeps me in line.

Just a bit more to illustrate what I was talking about:

This is from Spying With Lana, referrals from Exiern used to be zero, with an embedded graphic, it's now been a decent flow of traffic every day since and it's been months now.

top referrers

(Spying With Lana has a glitch where the number one reported referrer to itself ... is itself.)

I should do it the courtesy of a link, shouldn't I?


I think it's quite good and I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with the creator. I thought it was good before that (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

Also, despite the similarities, it actually pre-dates Archer by a year. So it's all a big coincidence, basically ... as far as I know.

Past week


Past day


Now looking at to Exiern, just from there being an entry in the database alone, there's steady traffic. Now, with just the current forum mention, it's up some more again.

I have no doubt a permanent mention of some kind on the main page and forum page here would push those figures up even more. Even just talking about it has an effect, as seen here.

top referrers

Past week


Past day


From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #20
Let's try doing that correctly this time:

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