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Checking Submission or Edit Status [moved from another thread]
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From: cj , 98 months, post #1
Moved from another thread.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 0 mins, post #65
How might one know if one's review has been accepted or rejected for inclusion to the database and how long should one wait before making an enquiry?

Asking for a friend.

From: cj , 98 months, post #2
Left-hand menu.

Submenu under What's New you will find Unapproved - these are edits and new submission awaiting a decision.

Recent Changes lists any entry that has been updated (edit approved).

Submenu under Recent Changes is Rejections -- this lists any submission or edit that has been rejected... and why.

From: cj , 98 months, post #3
Checking the status of a new entry submission or a change / edit to an existing entry can be done by choosing an option from the menu on the left-hand side of the page:
  • The Unapproved sub-menu item under What's New will show you a list of all changes and new submissions that are awaiting approval.
  • The Rejections sub-menu item under Recent Changes lists all the submission or edits that have been rejected, and the reason for rejection.
  • The Recent Changes menu item lists all entries that have been recently changed ( edit has been approved ).
  • Any approved new submissions will show on the site's home page, which is the same as, and can be accessed by selecting the What's New menu item.

From: cj , 98 months, post #4
Please let me know which post (2 or 3) looks better / is more clear to understand / read. Thanks!

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #5
3 > 2

Also, it's way more funkadelic.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #6
That's like a long list. A really, really long list.

I don't envy you or anyone else who has to sort through all of that.

From: cj , 98 months, post #7
I'm glad you like the colors. :-)

Yep, addressing that list is a task sometimes.

Some of the submissions are quick and simple, while others are tough to verify. Then you get into the borderline / questionable stuff -- should it be included in the database here or not.

And sometimes it's after you've done all that work, that you realize it is already in the database... sometimes with a slightly misspelled or AKA title... or under the author's name.

And then once you approve or reject it, you might have to go edit the entry to fix the formatting or category listings, or the tag coding. And you sometimes have to check the entry for consistency against other entries, especially if it's part of a series.

Speaking of series, sometimes a series entry is warranted, and then we have to edit the entry to code in a link to the series entry. That way you can visit the Doctor Who entry, for instance, and find a list (and links) to all the episodes in one place.

But it can also be fun and rewarding to be able to be a part of that process. We just have to work at it bit by bit to knock all those pending jobs out and get the proper credit to the first person who submits the new info.

I'll keep helping out with that when I can, for as long as the big guy will let me. :-)

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #8
Thanos? Is the big guy Thanos?

From: cj , 98 months, post #9
He has not revealed his secret identity to me.

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #10
The Body Switcher Primordial?

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #11
"Unapproved" menu doesnt show for me. =/

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #12
I was going to go with the Hulk because they actually do refer to him as "the Big Guy" including Bruce Banner, especially Bruce Banner but then I thought that was too obvious. Doesn't really seem like his thing, either,

From: cj , 98 months, post #13
""Unapproved" menu doesnt show for me."

Click on What's New menu item first, then the Unapproved sub-menu should be available.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #14
Are you working from top to bottom or is there more to it than that? I'm going with the latter otherwise everything that gets listed would take years to get into the database (which isn't approved automatically from trusted users). From what I've seen, it hasn't quite seemed like that.

From: cj , 98 months, post #15
We're supposed to be working them from the oldest submissions / edits (from the top of the list) first.

That way the first to submit an entry gets the credit... also so that approving older changes don't inadvertently revert an edited entry to an older form.

But I also check for new submissions and edits. If someone were to submit today an entry for something that was released yesterday - if I don't see it already in the database, or pending - I will often just approve it (if it meets all the other requirements for belonging). Same with changes - if it's new material or newly released info... and there are no pending edits in the Unapproved list - I will sometimes approve them (if they meet the criteria for approval).

And for those newest submission or edits that need to be rejected for whatever quickly obvious reason -- I try to do that right away if I can. This helps keep the list a bit shorter.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #16
Looks like it all could take a while, doesn't it?

From: cj , 98 months, post #17
With a concentrated and combined effort -- it could probably be knocked out within a weekend. But that would require a fairly coordinated attack, and lots of luck on scheduling.

It's been a long list for years - but the backlog used to close-in on three years... well, over two years for sure.

We mounted a major effort a while back and got it within a year.

With any luck (in time to volunteer on the effort), we should be able to pull it nearly down to zero by 2017.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #18
Except you just know someone's going to ruin that plan by (shock horror) submitting more new material. Several someones probably.

It's a conspiracy I tell you!

From: barackobrahma , 98 months, post #19
CJ, tha submenu doesnt appear to me. =/

From: cj , 98 months, post #20
Just one device and/or browser, or have you tried more than one of each?

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