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Medallion and Costume Gun Fans - Let's chat about who we would want to be
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From: guest (wish i could be her) , 108 months, post #1
Posting to see if anyone would be interested in sharing who they would like to be and why using either the medallion or costume gun.

Here is the scenario. You have The weekend to impersonate anyone you want using the medallion or costume gun. This is your opportunity to be your spouse, an ex, the one that got away, the girl next door, or any other female that strikes your fancy. Who would you be and why? BONUS: how would you spend your time as them? P.S. In the scenario, you don't have to worry about being caught. No one will know what you did at the end of the weekend.

From: guest (Neptune) , 108 months, post #2
Well, I've really got two options:

1. Medallion - My wife has a pair of shoes that she has never worn. She bought them from someone online who had worn them. I know what this other woman looks like. She is younger and differently shaped than my wife, so all I would have to wear would be the shoes... but since that is a fetish of mine...

2. Costume Gun - A friend of ours is always saying she wants to dye her hair pink. Although everyone she tells is supportive of her doing it (it would look great on her) she has yet to do it. I would take over for her for the weekend, get it done, and spend the rest of the time in her closet and bed. It would be quite a different world seeing as how she is a foot and a half shorter than I am, but I would love to fill her phone with new selfies with her new pink hair, her over the knee black leather high heel boots, and a mischievous smile...

From: guest (wish i could be her) , 108 months, post #3
Thank you, Neptune... Both women sound like you would have a fun time!

If I could have the medallion for the weekend, I'd time it so that I had clothing from various people's yard sales. I'd love to explore the randomness of wearing a a dress or skirt that belonged to a pretty woman. The randomness might be risky, but worth it IMHO.

Now if I could arrange to borrow a few items of women I know (maybe I intercept their donations to the Goodwill) I'd love to see what it is like to be them. Perhaps go to their favorite coffee shop and order something to see if they give "me" my usual. Or better yet, go shopping and try on all sorts of clothes for my borrowed body.

The costume gun is a little more personal but if we follow the scenario, whatever I do would be ok, so I'd love to try being the pretty woman at the bank and wear her outfits. I might intercept her as another woman at a department store when she goes shopping. It would be lovely to try on multiple women- and shop at the yoga store, or even better Victoria Secret!

Anyone else care to share?

From: guest , 108 months, post #4
The Gun is too dangerous for me and more so for any nearby woman I might envy. I've too much desire to be female permanently that it'd be a real temptation to commit murder and identity theft using it. I think in the original stories, putting one costume over another even briefly traps you in the one underneath, and I'd likely do that so that I couldn't go back to being who I am now.

Now, with the Medallion I'd become a little girl and claim to have amnesia, as someone here has suggested -- assuming I make an attractive, personable girl-child, I'd probably end up all right. Hardly anyone would care if the original me vanished.

Rather sad that I couldn't just have fun with either.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 108 months, post #5
One thing I would like to do if I ever got my hands on the medallion, and I have incorporated it into a story or two. I would buy a bunch of a garment from a second hand store. For example, just grab a handful of panties from a bin, cut out the gussets and put them in a paper sack. This way you have little idea what pair of panties the gusset came from. Then put on the medallion, grab a gusset out of the bag and touch it to the medallion. Once you have transformed you are stuck with whatever form you get for the next twelve hours. Maybe a little girl, teen, woman, or old woman, you could wind up any race as well.


From: cj , 108 months, post #6
Medallion -- I'd go shopping (unworn items). And to avoid suspicious stares, I'd likely go with my one of my friends and their kid(s). Not sure how young I'd go... probably no younger than 8-9-ish to around 11-12. Though, with that Medallion as fleeting as it usually is... I'd better figure out a a plan B, C, and D. should I become stuck.

Oh, and now I've come up with a new Medallion story... a bit macabre and maybe a bit disrespectful. Now to figure out the logistics of how to pull it off successfully and respectfully.

Costume Gun -- Amazingly, I think I actually have a couple female friends who would be willing to submit to becoming my costume for the weekend. They're not really my first choices for play / suiting-up... but still. I couldn't use that thing on an unwilling party.

From: guest (wish i could be her) , 108 months, post #7
Hurray! So many posts on my favorite topic! Thank you one and all. I hope I can tease a few more responses!

@cj please share your macabre disrespectful medallion story idea!!! pretty please!

And everyone, since this is only fantasy, please don't let the idea prohibit your imagination. I for one cannot help to think what it would be like to borrow an identity. Perhaps knowing that it is not possible allows me to speculate more freely. I hope this encourages posts.

I'll add another idea to the weekend scenario...

I think it would be fun to take all of the outfits from the yard sales and perhaps some that I had acquired through less scrupulous means (paying off the dry cleaners to let me have various uniforms/dresses/etc) and enjoy a weekend of being different people.

The woman that I would like to be would probably object to letting me borrow their identity for the weekend. If I could secretly zap them though, I would enjoy trying different professions. A real estate agent here. A physical therapist there. A yoga instructor...That would be fun! And since I have a passing knowledge of what they do, I think I could get away with it!

From: guest (Hlretro2013) , 108 months, post #8
I would love to come home on Friday and find my wife had just arrived home as well. I am totally surprised she wore a form-fitting skirt suit and 5" heels all day at work. She wants to go out for dinner and drinks--I am aghast she insists on not dressing down. Later that night she blows my mind as I find she wore her corset and stockings all day AND night.

The next morning we need to perform our Saturday chores, she once again dresses in heels and hose. Slowly dressing herself, teasing me as she pulls shoes and dresses out of her closet I thought she would never wear.

It was a perfect and tiring day as she tried on every single shoe in the mall. She claimed she needed to find the perfect pair for the Opera that night. I complained and played that I was irritated, but I was thrilled as she constantly flashed her stocking tops.

She looked like a Glamorous starlet that night at the Opera house. She had somehow convinced her best friend Monica to dress the nines as well. My wife had lent her a dress and heels; she also insisted Monica to wear hosiery. I wondered all night if Monica had borrowed my wife's tights or was she wearing a pair of my wife's stockings as well? In the end it did not matter since I had a blonde on one arm and a brunette in the other.

After another insatiable night with my wife, I had woke to find her in her white wedding corset, silk stockings and her (I thought) sealed wedding pumps. She was amazing!

Awakening in the afternoon after a wonderful session with my beloved, I see my wife dressed in another skirt suit, seamed nylons and stilettos'.

She holds a dust-bag containing the pair of Louboutin's I bought her last night and a cheap looking medallion in the other. She smiles knowing that I am too shocked to move.

"So" she asks "Do you think my medallion stories are fantasy?"

"J J J Jen Jennifer?" I somehow seem to stammer out.

"I am keeping these!" She smiles holding the red bag.
"Maybe Monica will come to visit YOU next weekend....she will look hot in these!" a different voice coming from my wife says to me.

She gracefully walks out the door. Her heels make no sound as she quickly glides down the hallway.
Gasp!! "Her Manolo's!" I say breathlessly...a big smile growing on my face.

From: guest , 108 months, post #9
Guest #7: in the original stories, the suits made by the Gun allow a perfect impersonation: the wearer gets the original's memories and even think he's actually the real woman (generally a guy wearing a woman) for at least a few moments. The Gun is a lazy man's device: zap the girl, put her on, nobody need ever suspect you're not really her. Some schlub sick of being himself gets to be as classy a lady as he can shoot, for life if desired.

From: cj , 108 months, post #10
"cj please share your macabre disrespectful medallion story idea!!! pretty please!"

When the time is right. i'm not comfortable with it at the moment.

From: guest (wish i could be her) , 107 months, post #11
Post #9 Looks like I qualify for full schlub status. It would be fun to be someone else for a few days. I agree it is wrong to do so- not saying that I would, but since this is fantasy I give myself permission to explore it fully!

There have been some very nice posts on the subject here so far and I hope others will be encouraged to post their ideas.

Here's one for the road....

The delivery came as expected. A non-descript box with a hand written return address that pointed to the online seller. Inside was a complete costume that was sized for someone much smaller than myself. I had paid a pretty penny to purchase the complete outfit.

The complete costume included black patent strap leather flats, white tights, a blue dress, white pinafore, a long flowing blonde wig, and black felt hair bow. After some convincing, the costumer even included the blue contacts that she wore.

I've watched the original costumer online and know that she will be nowhere near the comic convention that I plan to attend. It will be the perfect opportunity for my Alice debut. I've studied for weeks now and can reasonably imitate the movements, gestures, and motivations of the original cosplayer. Heck, she even posted tutorials on how to do her makeup!

So now that I have everything, I carefully remove the last of own clothing and touch both the blue dress and the medallion to myself. The familiar shock is always unexpected. The transformation takes as long as a hollywood shower and I enjoy the changes to my body. Soon I am at the perfect height and shape to wear the complete costume.

Er...Physical descriptions redacted :-)

In just an hour, I am the well groomed image of the original cosplayer. I spin and twirl in front of a mirror to see all sides of my borrowed body. The contacts went it much easier than I expected and the wig seems to cover my scalp without issue. Perhaps what I love most is wearing a costume over a costume. I am the cosplayer that wore this last as Alice and to the comic world that will attend the convention I am Alice in Wonderland (the popular theme park version). I can't wait to be seen and admired and stopped for photographs!

From: guest (wish i could be her) , 107 months, post #12
And voila! Bonus picture to go along with the description above :-)

From: guest (Anonymous) , 107 months, post #13
I have always wanted to fuck this girl named Eve who is married to Adam.

The first thing I would do is you the costume gun on Adam so I could satisfy my carnal desires with Eve. Then with the knowledge I gained from that I would use the medallion of Zulu to turn his wife into his fantasy girl whom I would then put on using the costume gun.

I would then try and seduce Adam using the girl of his dreams body but be his wife underneath.

From: guest (JandS) , 107 months, post #14
A few days ago, with my wife, we asked each other "if you should have a homosexual relation with one of our friends, which one you'll choose ?". And she chose a cute redhaired friend. So, I think if had the medaillon for the week-end, I'll try to obtain something owned by this friends. And I'll turn myself into her to make a surprise to my wife. And yeah, as you can guess, I hope we would have lesbian sex ;)
But, just for you to know, I don't think I could do the opposite (I chose a man friend for me but even if he was Brad Pitt I don't feel ready to be fucked by a man IRL :P)

And if I was alone this week-end, I would try to change into an ex girlfriend ('cause yeah, I love my wife but I have to admit my ex was a little more sexy) or another beautiful woman. But if it's just for the week-end, I don't think I'll be ready to try sex with a man. I'll content myself with grabbing my boobs, masturbation, going to town to buy me sexy lingerie... and grabbing my boobs !!! ... and masturbation.

BONUS : I'll try to accomplish my supernatural fantasy : making love with a mature woman into a young body.

No costume gun, it's too agressive for me.

From: cj , 107 months, post #15
Just a reminder. This is NOT an adult site. Please try to keep posts appropriate for younger teenage eyes to view (Things you'd be comfortable sharing with a 13 year-old).

From: cj , 107 months, post #16
I didn't want the thread going off the rails. I know how into things some of us can get once we get started. :-)


JandS - That weekend fantasy of yours... it has all the makings of a fine AF story... and then near the end when you're trying to switch back to normal... the Medallion is gone! "What am I going to do now?" Getting caught by your wife, stuck like that for life. What happens next, is this now your new life?

From: guest (JandS) , 107 months, post #17
If my week-end fantasy is into a anonymous beautiful woman, It will be hard but maybe I could deal with my wife. But I think she wouldn't stay with me. "Lesbian stuff" would be a good experience for her but if it had to last forever...
And there is another problem : my son. It could be hard to deal with it. But I'll try, even if it's difficult.

Then, if my week-end fantasy is into my ex... It will be worst and certainly my wife will do everything to ruin my life (and I couldn't reproach her for it). Again, I will try hard to make amends, at least for my son.

So, if I've got the Medallion, I think the wisest would be to told about it to my wife :P... and keep it with myself preciously. Because, I couldn't pass the luck to use it.

From: cj , 107 months, post #18
LOL - ah, but the story that could be written. :-)

From: guest (guest) , 106 months, post #19
If I could housesit for a female friend, I would love to use the medallion to become her for the weekend while she was away. I'd get to wear her clothes and live as her and possibly venture outside to be seen by neighbors, friends, and possibly walk to the local coffee house where I would order her usual. It would be great for the barista to write 'her' name on my order. To be seen as her and interact with others while borrowing her identity seems like an ideal way to get to know her and possibly consider more permanent arrangements. Muuhahahahahhaha!

From: guest , 106 months, post #20
Go to a convention and use the medallion to cosplay as Zatanna or Ms. Marvel or whichever character you want to cosplay as. I think getting the attention would be hot. I would also be tempted to appear around the cosplayer that I used the medallion on to see how they would react to seeing a double of themselves.

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