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From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #1
(Message deleted by douchbag nazi moderater)

From: cj , 109 months, post #2
Funny Jc. No, seriously. I actually did laugh. Your post was humorous, based on some of your recent posts and our moderation of them.

I can only think that you are making money from directing people to that website. There is simply NO OTHER LOGICAL reason I can determine, why you are suddenly so violently opposed to following the rules/guidelines (and the site owner's wishes) that HAVE BEEN IN PLACE FOR YEARS.

If you followed the example of others who have also been posting here for years. You would have found that mentioning the site, but NOT directly linking to the content, MIGHT have let you slip past (I mean, we can all Google stuff)... but your best option would have been to find a site that LEGALLY HOSTS the content.

Since Jc needs a reminder, I will remind everyone: "I do not want this site to become a portal for copyright infringement. This is my site and I ask that you respect my decision on this matter. --Paul" from this website's FAQ page. If you post a link to copyrighted material, it will now be under additional scrutiny from the Trusted Users, and if we can't determine the host site's policy/procedures in dealing with copyright infringement in a very quick manner - the post with the link will most likely be removed.

Also, if you post something like "Free movies available from" - you can bet your butt that we will remove the post (or thread). That is an advertisement, and likely goes directly against Paul's wishes.

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #3
You take this way to seriously when in reality nobody really cares. The FBI isn't going to shut this site down on account of someone on its message boards posting a link. You ppl are absolutely ridiculous to not only believe that but also to waste the time of ppl who come here and have no interest in even watching full copyrighted materiel

From: cj , 109 months, post #4
"You take this way to seriously when in reality nobody really cares."

Obviously, the owner of the website cares. Yes, we take breaking the law very seriously.

I take it that you are on one of the FBI's copyright task forces then, since your statement contradicts their mandate to enforce the law.

"You ppl are absolutely ridiculous to not only believe that but also to waste the time of ppl who come here and have no interest in even watching full copyrighted materiel"

Then why the heck did you even post your link here if you feel that way?

I guess the bottom line is this... If you don't want to FOLLOW THE RULES for using this website, please find another website.

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #5
cj the only sites that they are concerned with are the ones that are actually disturbing copyrighted materiel for the intention of making money off of new titles that haven't had a chance to generate their profits before the content becomes old and less cared for. I think I speak for most ppl who come to this site when I say we really couldn't care for defrauding anyone or watching full length shows/movies etc. all this talk about this site becoming a portal for that is absurd. All we care for is the individual parts that interest us in regards to the transformations, tg swaps ,possession etc and not watching the whole thing from beginning to end

From: guest (Common Sense) , 109 months, post #6
Jc did you ever stop and consider that the website owner might not necessarily be concerned about it on legal grounds but moral ones? Perhaps they view the advertising of stolen content as wrong? Things don't have to be illegal for people to not support them or be against them. Not wanting to support stolen content and theft is to me a good enough reason not to allow links to the content or places where people can get it.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 109 months, post #7
This site has been around for many MANY years and this has always been the policy. Perhaps that's WHY it still exists today.

Not sure I really understand why anyone might feel slighted simply because they can't use this website for their own personal advertising.

It's a losing battle of course, but at least we try and we will continue to do so.

From: paul , 109 months, post #8
This is not the first time this compliant about posting links has come up. If you are having a hard time thinking about in terms of copyright, consider it in terms on common decency. If a person or group spent time and money making something and are the now selling it, the decent thing to do is pay them for it.

From: guest (9466) , 109 months, post #9
Well Paul I understand where you're coming from to a degree. However, as I stated before, the vast majority of people who post links here only care for small aspects of most of these shows and movies. When I watch transformation, possession tg swap related material I very seldomly care for the rest of the title unless it focuses on those aspects for the length of said media. If we were all to pay full price for every show/movie just to watch one short part of it that would be a pretty crazy thing to do unless you have a lot of money burn and waste unessesarily. You're not taking Ito account that these shows and the actors/producers extra have already made their profits and are still getting royalties from them and shall continue to receive them regardless. I respect those who take part in providing that materiel but as the consumer it's myself and the consumer of that meterial that ultimately determine the value of
That product and not the people who
Take part in making it. I've looked for certain titles such as strange aeons on DVD on eBay to purchase it there but they literally want 55 dollars for it. One on amazon wants 88. Would you pay that for a DVD? I highly doubt it

From: guest (That Guy) , 109 months, post #10
OK, admittedly I'm and old fart, but lots of people on this site and most others act as if they are entitled to see for free the copyrighted works of artists who spent their time and money creating something that they are selling. You are not. If you want it, pay for it. If you can't afford it, hopefully the artist will share it. If not, live with it.

From: guest , 109 months, post #11
Okay, Jc. Even if you don't care about the legal or moral aspects of sharing links to illegal content, please realize that this is not your site. This is Paul's site. He designed it, he's hosting it, and we're here as his guests. He gets to set the rules. When you're a guest in someone's house, you don't break the rules he sets for you; that's just common courtesy.

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that, if Paul has let you attend his house party, you show a modicum of respect and gratitude toward him and not, you know, stomp all over his floor with your muddy boots if he asks you not to.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 109 months, post #12
<< If you are having a hard time thinking about in terms of copyright, consider it in terms on common decency. If a person or group spent time and money making something and are the now selling it, the decent thing to do is pay them for it.>>

Some guy in Ebay had a habit of downloading my writings, the nselling the ecopy on Ebay for cash.
When I complained to him, he laughed.
When I complained to ebay, they ignored me.

So I acept and agree with the listowners rules.

From: hskfmn , 109 months, post #13
> "This is Paul's site. He designed it, he's hosting it, and we're here as his guests. He gets to set the rules. When you're a guest in someone's house, you don't break the rules he sets for you; that's just common courtesy"

Thank you! Exactly! This is only really partially about the argument of linking to copyrighted stuff, the other part of course is, as stated, this is not YOUR site. This is not YOUR house. When you go to someone else's house, you play by the home owner's rules, and if you don't like the rules, you are more than welcome to leave.

This is Paul's website. He hosts it out of the goodness of his heart. We are guests here, and he has never asked us for a penny to support it. So please, show some respect and be good house guests.

From: guest (Kara) , 109 months, post #14
The current generation was raised by the Internet and this has led them to feel entitled to...well...just about everything in life. Everything on the Ne t is free and exists soley for their use (it doesn't). Therefore, life should mirror the Net and we should be able to take whatever we want and anyone who disagrees is a corporate Nazi trying to monopolize information and
keep it from the masses who shouldn't have to pay for it....blahblahblah.

corporate nazi

From: guest (Guest2000) , 109 months, post #15
Maybe the answer is a message board with titles
of movies/programs and links of where to buy

From: cj , 109 months, post #16
"Maybe the answer is a message board with titles
of movies/programs and links of where to buy

Well, we have the catalog / database... and it already has the ability to include links. All one has to do is submit a change for the entry. :-)

From: guest (Jay) , 109 months, post #17
I also think that the rules here dont make sense (sharing a link isnt a crime) , but i respect the admins wishes.
So the best thing you can do is adapt or get banned

From: hskfmn , 109 months, post #18
Jey, you're right, sharing a link isn't a crime. Watching a full streamed episode isn't a crime. I myself watch Archer and Supernatural on various websites that stream the shows illegally. So, I certainly can't claim to be "part of the solution." However, we have to look at the bigger picture.

This is the ONLY site I've found on the web that discusses this kind of subject matter and words cannot express how grateful I am to know of its existence or how grateful I am to Paul to hosting it so we can all have the benefit of updating the catalog and discussing topics on these message boards. So, is the FBI, FCC, or MPAA looking at this specific site under a microscope? Probably not...BUT websites DO get shut down for hosting copies of full copyrighted material, this is just an unfortunate fact.

So, frankly if the choices are continue to enjoy all this site has to offer, or risk getting shut down, I choose to play it safe and keep the site running. I would hope many of you would feel the same. So I will continue to uphold my responsibilities as one of the moderators here, even if it makes me unpopular with a few people, and of course, if another moderator feels I've erred in a post deletion, they can of course overturn my decision, it's happened before. I just want to do everything I can to help keep this site up and running.

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #19
This site
Is clearly not a site for downloading full length copyrighted shows/movies. I've seen countless ppl over the years get fed up with their posts being removed over petty nonsensical stuff. And yes, a link being shared is is a trivial thing that nobody can or will legally be able to shut this site down for. I'm almost 40 and payed countless thousands of dollars for media legally. At
Times I payed more than the product was even worth. I don't expect anything for free. However I refuse to pay for old media I've payed for already that I've seen already. It's ridiculous and I'm not going to be ripped off like that. It's like paying for basic cable with channels that are ad sponsered like tbs, USA etc. people are being ripped off left and right in this society. I've never seen any artist go broke over people downloading their meterial. This is part
Of life. Everyone downloads and steams stuff each day "illegally" anyone here who says they do not is just a liar and a hypocrite who needs a serious reality check. This site will never live up to its full potential if the moderators and host keep driving them away. I left more than a few times over the years only to return to see the same petty things happening.

From: hskfmn , 109 months, post #20
Aaaaand once again, point...missing it...

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