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What would you want the person/body to be wearing when you get swapped?
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From: guest (Bud) , 110 months, post #1
What would you want the body that you're swapping into or transforming into to be wearing at the time? Or would you rather be naked? Or be wearing a skirt/dress and heels or maybe just lingerie and heels or a costume and heels?

From: cj , 110 months, post #2
Oh, my answer to that would depending on who and/or what I was swapping or transforming into, where it was happening, how the swap/TF was being accomplished, how old the new form is going to be (especially so if human... -ish), how many witnesses and who are they in relation to either/both the old and new me... and finally, my mood or state of mind at the time.

While it might be fun to suddenly transform into a Unicorn wearing a tutu, a Golden Retriever wearing an evening gown isn't very realistic or practical. Also impractical would be destruction of my own clothing while TFing into a Clydesdale for an hour or so, and then being equally nude, and with nothing to wear after the TF back.

For full stealth, I guess a full-out swap with the clothing staying on the body and the body being fixed in location while the "soul" swaps would draw the least attention from others.

While being able to TF my entire wardrobe, including what I'm currently wearing, to match my new form as I TF my form itself would be an invaluable power... I think that perhaps a more realistic approach would be the clothing remain the same while the body being covered changes... necessitating that the transformee quickly undress so as to avoid damage to clothing or painful restrictions or pinching due to the clothing becoming too tight.

Of course, a realistic portrayal of TF would then cause all sorts of problems for the TFee, as in not having a valid proof of ID in-hand, or a handy outfit to cover their new naked form... perhaps even a wardrobe to match their new form (if human... -ish).

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #3
Fishnet stockings, garter belt, probably a corset, choker because I find them sexy for some reason, red lipstick and nail polish, black eye liner, and high healed shoes.

Yeah, that's the kind of guy I am.

From: Forestier , 110 months, post #4
I don't care, as long I can change my clothing afterwards. Something comfortable would be nice.

From: guest (Got2b) , 110 months, post #5
Sport gear a jock in football pads and jersey, cleats etc.

From: guest (Fah) , 110 months, post #6
I'll be possessing school girl or college girl so I'll be wearing her reduced size uniform on weekends. So it's nice and tight lol

From: guest (skippy) , 110 months, post #7
The situation definitely plays a part in what you would be wearing because more than likely, if you swapped with a woman, you will likely be wearing whatever she was wearing in her body. For example, if she is having sex with her husband/boyfriend, she will likely be naked which means you will be naked. If she was working at an office job or school, you would likely be wearing a dress/skirt or dress pants suit with heels. If she was a cosplayer at a convention, you would likely be wearing her costume which might be uncomfortable especially with all the attention you would get.

From: guest (dcao) , 110 months, post #8
Part of the fantasy is that it takes me out of my comfort zone. I like loose fitted clothing that doesn't show too much off. If I were to suddenly switch into a girls' body or my body suddenly becomes female with the inability to easily hide myself away (such as it happening in the bathroom at a restaurant, at a beach, etc. But it was a 'only I know I switched, everyone else is oblivious that a man is suddenly a woman' I'd want to experience something out of my comfort zone.

So, something revealing, tight, etc. In public such as yoga pants and something baring my midriff. Not having a shirt hanging at least slightly past my waist is an alien idea ot me as a guy. As well as wearing pants that basically double as a second skin. If it were at the beach/pool, etc a thong bikini, etc.

If it were an older woman/mature woman, etc such as late 30s through mid-to-late 40s, a very tight dress/skirt sinched tight at the waist with a belt with the top tucked in, and the dress or skirt to be very tight across my 'hartmann hips' and exaggeratedly pronounced butt. Where when I walk it shows it off to anyone with eyes.

But that's just me. I'm much more into being a girl with a big butt than to really care much about boobs, etc.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #9
Yeah, as a woman I'd be much more about having a nice, firm butt than big boobs.
I agree with your post too, dcao. I've always wanted to wear certain things though, and look both beautiful and delicate in them. So no matter what she was wearing, as long as she had a nice body I'd be happy. Even happier if I can go change into some new things, like a thong for instance.

Haven't we all wondered what it would be like to have a flat crotch and have that fabric basically hugging the area as a constant reminder of what we no longer are? That would be one of my favorite parts of the swap.

From: guest , 110 months, post #10
Wearing things that hugged a flat crotch? Bunny costume in Legally Blonde? Disco pants? Bodycon dress?

From: guest (Anonymous) , 110 months, post #11
For myself, a little black dress with a pair of reasonable heels.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #12
Post number 10, even a one piece bathing suit (ironically not thought of as sexy, but I've always found them extremely arousing), would suffice. As long as it is tight. Most panties are even tight.

What would be even sexier (very strange, but just an opinion) is having a pad between said tight panties, thong, or swimsuit. It would be a constant sexy reminder.

From: guest , 110 months, post #13
If you're gonna wear a one piece swimsuit, it should be black and wear black stilettos.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #14
Why would you wear stilettos to the beach? I don't think that would be easy to walk on the sand with.

From: guest , 110 months, post #15
Okay not to the beach. However, you could wear stilettos at a pool and then take them off.

From: Greg , 110 months, post #16
Jeans and shirt. I like what I wear dammit.

From: guest , 110 months, post #17
Zatanna costume

From: cj , 110 months, post #18
I've been thinking about this question since it was asked. And while my initial response holds true, I feel that given my most-likely "dream" scenarios for a swap or transformation (barring any non-human variants), regardless of how much I'm age-regressed, would all end up with me in a similar type of clothing... simple, comfortable, and oh-so-universally worn...

Pajamas! Well, or some related variant thereof.

I mean, my most-likely scenario involves me waking-up in my new form.

From: guest , 110 months, post #19
Form fitting/hip hugging fingertip length dress with black stilettos

From: guest (guest) , 110 months, post #20
Lying on the beach in a bikini? It is a variant of the waking up in bed routine but in public and without a readily available mirror to check yourself out in privacy.

Don't know who you are, where you are or what is going on. Everything about the body feels alien while people keep looking at me. And a bikini is a culturally acceptable way to walk around in clothes that cover about as much as underwear.

It would be a relief to get back to the hotel room, check myself out and change into something else. But these people that I don't know want to spend the entire day dressed like this. Kinda like jumping into the deep end.

Another variant on that theme is standing before a mirror in a bridal suite. She looks absolutely beautiful and the dress draws attention to her curves. Not sure what is going on or even wearing this thing and trying to walk in it seems strange. Tell someone you never met "I do," spend the day with that person, then figure out what is going on.

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