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What is your main/favorite imaginary scenario?
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From: M2FB , 114 months, post #1
Sometimes.... I like to fantasize that I have swapped heads with a random person. Even as far as sometimes dressing the part from the neck down. Which makes sense, since head swaps are my main kick.

How about you? I just randomly felt like sharing. Dont feel obligated to if you dont want to share.

From: guest (Guestimation) , 114 months, post #2
Mine is, and long has been, a fantasy of being seduced by a mysterious, very beautiful woman in a private, beachfront villa at a tropical resort (think Fiji). After our tryst, she reveals herself to be a sort of Circe figure, who casts a spell on me, in a 'mirror chamber' just off of the bedroom, that gradually, over the course of several minutes, transforms me, painlessly, into an incredible beautiful and feminine young woman, a bit shorter than her. In this mirror chamber, we both watch me change, from multiple angles, via the reflections in the mirror panels surrounding us, that are facing each other.

I retain my male memories and basic personality, but my mind is also becoming increasingly feminized, so I find myself moving and behaving like a socialized 'traditional' woman, despite myself. My orientation drifts over to that of a straight female. Then, the Circe woman changes herself, while facing me, in a similar, gradual transformation, into a tall, handsome, masculine man (along the lines of 'Don Draper' from MAD MEN), which was her scheme from the outset, and has her dominant (but gentle) way with me.

Oftentimes, this whole scenario turns out to be the result of an elaborate genie wish I've made, every detail worked out beforehand. The Circe woman is my "perfect match" soul-mate, who has long had an entirely-compatible FtM/mutual gender-change fantasy of her own, and has been magically plucked from whatever part of the world and life circumstance she was living in (and has been briefed on what is set up to happen next), by the wish.

Subsequently, all this planning has been purposefully blocked from my memory, as part of the wish, when the scenario begins (I "wake up" at the beach resort, meet the girl, etc), so it is all surprise to me, as it happens, even though I designed it. The mental block is lifted at the point where the two of us have finished changing, and I'm the woman, surrendering to him. This is also the point where my planning has ended, so what the future brings is truly a mystery to me (and her-now-him).

From: cj , 114 months, post #3
My main "tastes" change (or morph) from time to time, but don't stray too far from a core of...

Ability to shape-shift with density control, mass-displacement or conversion, as well as the ability to phase-shift / pass through objects. This would allow me to experience a wide range of things, such as flight, being various animals and different humans (mostly women, would be my guess), allow for age-regression, and give me a huge advantage at conventions and Halloween and costume parties.

But most of my transformations would see me first learning how to be a proper young woman... by growing into it from girlhood like most other women. Though I'm sure once would be plenty for me.

After that, I think my main changes would be eye color and hair type and color. And changing from male to female (or animal or hybrid) anytime I so desired. The possibilities are only limited by my imagination. Eagle vision, cat-like reflexes, super-sensitive hearing, super-human strength and flexibility...

From: M2FB , 114 months, post #4
Well damn, my thing is so lame in comparison heh

From: guest (tsn) , 114 months, post #5
Like cj, my 'tastes' change as well.

If I could have anything in my current life it would be to alternate between the sexes each day.

However, I like to fantasise about swapping bodies or possessing people with my best friends. Of course we only become women. Our minds are slowly changed to that of the body we possess but we can still be ourselves at will (we have to try though). I have this fantasy as it allows me to pretend I can talk about something I feel is very personal to me with them and have them understand. Sadly I don't think I'll build up the courage to admit to this sort of thing. :(

From: DB Cooper , 114 months, post #6
A beautiful female friend is accidentally flattened (steamroller, wringer, etc). With restoration impossible, I have to 'care' for her.

From: DB Cooper , 114 months, post #7
My favorite TG fantasy is that my wife/girlfriend starts secretly slipping me powerful female hormones. When I complain of the side effects, she tells me I'm ill and takes me to an isolated place to 'recover'. By the time I work out what's happening, I've grown breasts, lost my facial and body hair, and look pretty much like a woman...even undressed. Resigning myself to my fate, I dress myself in my lover's clothing and meet her at the door. I'm now the wife.

From: guest (Dark Fantasy) , 114 months, post #8
One of my fantasies is to possess another girl.

She is aware that she is being controlled but she is not able to resist me making her do things that I want her to do. I force her to do dirtier and dirtier things, like wearing sexier clothing and cheating on her partner. Every time I force her to do something she doesn't want to do her body becomes more like I want, larger firmer breasts, a tighter more toned body and I steal more talents and memories from her mind until it is just her life is completely mine.

From: observer , 114 months, post #9
Mine is fairly simple. I would love to swap bodies with my wife for at least a year. She doesn't work and wants to get out. This would sure help that. We've been married long enough that I think impersonating her would be easy. After that year who knows?

From: Forestier , 114 months, post #10
I'd like to find a sorcerer who could really change me into a woman (with IDs and all). Simply.
Or swap with my SO.

From: guest (Lily) , 114 months, post #11
My biggest fantasy has always been to transform into a tight bodied Latina girl (I'm white). The fantasy involves me magically turning into her and replacing her, getting full access to her wardrobe and makeup, obtaining her memories, etc. I've a certain ex in mind that makes this fantasy more powerful for me. Kinky, I know.

From: guest (Lily) , 114 months, post #12
P.S. If anyone wants to write me a medallion of Zulu story along those lines I'd be willing to commission it.

From: Polover , 114 months, post #13
My funny experience with post #8:
"That sounds kind of dar-*looks at poster name*. Oh"

My fantasy is basically to become like Danny Phantom and then fly to some public space, stand somewhere, close my eyes, and wait to phase into someone that walks into me. I'd repeat until I ended up in a woman with really large, natural breasts and then just have fun being someone different and having free access to boobs. I'd also like the ability to be in complete control, a passenger, and merge our personalities together at will.

From: cj , 114 months, post #14
I would question why it seems some of you seem to desire to "force" others (possession and then taking control, random swaps)... but from those posts, perhaps there's a sexual component to it... dom and sub type stuff. I can understand that. But if that's not the case, I'm curious as to the idea's foundations.

I myself used to fantasize about just swapping bodies with various beautiful women that I didn't really know - until someone questioned me about this issue and I gave it some thought. I realized that it wasn't in line with my nature, and my own desires shifted to "mutual" swaps or transformation (when becoming an existing person).

That said, I've started to notice that I sometime imagine what it'd be like to be influenced by the rules, commands, thoughts, or control of an outside force. Such as if placed in an cyborg body that has been programmed with Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics", and they over-ride your own desires for acting; or the futility of fighting the compulsion of a magical spell.

Still, it would seem to be darker to force another person than to consider being the one being forced. But perhaps that's just me... or my not understanding completely.

And, yeah, I get that these are just imaginings, ideas, fantasies... not reality. Anyhow, I was just curious.

From: guest (neptune) , 114 months, post #15
My main fantasy is "Power of a God for 24 Hours". In this time I would make a new life for myself (new body [female, of course, new identity, new job, new house, new car, new girlfriend/wife, etc.), then make a copy of the old me, "fix" him so he would be a better husband for his wife, make it so he doesn't remember getting the power or any of the changes I have made, then with what time I have remaining help improve the lives of all my friends.

Of course that's a little grandiose, so I usually fall back to the Great Shift. I always look at the people around and plan who should switch with who whenever I see a woman that I want to become. The beauty of the Great Shift would be that everyone would be super understanding of me suddenly having a female body, everyone would be given a chance to rediscover themselves which could lead to an amazing cultural revolution, and I personally believe that if it happened a lot of the world issues we face would diminish (racism, sexism, etc.). The only downside is that I fear more people would become religious, or the already religious would become more so.

And lastly, I occasionally fantasize about simply becoming my wife leaving no trace of my previous self behind. I could impersonate her well enough, and the insurance money would allow me to live my life however I wanted.

From: guest (tsn) , 114 months, post #16
I forgot to mention my other fantasy.
I live my life normally but I have this weird curse that turns me into the person that last sat on a seat and gain their personality. 99% percent of the time they're women. My clothes also change to match my new form including them becoming a girl's version of what I'm wearing and/or also reflect their personality which I now posess. I keep my memories and sometimes I carry a cushion which blocks the curse (don't question why clothes don't!). I am transformed until I sit down on something else or sit on the same thing I'm sitting on again or the cushion. Like neptune also said, I like this as it allows people to not question why I'm a woman.

From: guest (aras) , 114 months, post #17
probably F2F.
Usually a much older woman somehow stealing youth and beauty from a girl.

I have a recurring dream of a 60's woman scientist who invents a head swap machine. Then somehow recruits a unknowing 20 something body donor, a file complete with blood type and model photos. Then one night in the lab the younger finds herself sedated then strapped into the chair. The older sits and activates the machine. Two clamp like arms move onto their necks. It has a central pivot and rotates like a carousel. With a click their heads are off, then we see the arm rotate the older head to the younger body and fuse it.
Then we see time-lapse face snapshots forwarding a few weeks.
The old woman's grey hair totally fades away and her wrinkles vanish, her face looks 25 now. The model body is better than she was ever born with.

From: guest (JD) , 114 months, post #18
My fantasies always include either a powerful woman or an unnatural occurrence that transforms me. Either I drink a potion, some freak accident happens or someone forcefully transforms me into a woman. I don't really think about long term effects of the transformation. Sex is not really a part of my fantasies. I love my current life, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

My arousal is out of curiosity. I am just interested in the physical body of being a woman. How does it feel to have breasts or not having a junk that I always have to fix? How does it feel to wear yoga pants, or have wide hips? Pee like a woman, sit like one... Cross my legs like one or other degrees of freedom I would get.

From: cj , 114 months, post #19
"Sex is not really a part of my fantasies."

Depends on which "fantasy" I'm imagining. Learning the basics and social interactions as a kid, marveling at the bio-mechanical and physical differences of my new form (male, female, species, hybrid), and most of my wardrobe curiosities, I'm with you on the sex not being a part of those thought, dreams, or fantasies.

Every now and then I wonder about what sex would be like as a woman (or even animal or hybrid). Sometimes those sexual thoughts might include specific items of clothing. Both mostly my curiosity centers around the clinical, non-sexual experience.

Now bringing the idea of sex into my ideal, "dream" situation... That concerns me. Having my sexual knowledge and desires locked away while I was in a child's (pre-pubescent) form/body is a given... but it gets really fine-line tricky... It's sickening to think that I'd have to consider allowing some sexual awakening as my younger form enters puberty, or do I choose the saddening thought that I'd just have to skip ahead to "legal adulthood" and miss that essential experience that is growing-up as a teenager just to avoid feeling... being wrong. Where would you draw the line - how could you experience being a girl growing into a woman without those years? I don't know.

From: Weirdoid , 114 months, post #20
lately my fantasies are less about changing me and more about dating a woman who turned into a manly bodied man. Hugging her and comforting her when scared, getting her girly clothes in her new size, helping her to accept her body and get back her old female life despite her body. She'd be so soft and feminine on the inside, yet so big and manly on the outside.

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