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From: guest (What The Hell) , 117 months, post #1
Cisgendered. Who dreamed this up?

Am getting tired of a very minor part of populations deciding what the majority will do, be called, or what have you.

Am a male who was born a male, identifies as a male and lives as one.

Am not cisgendered and I date women, not womyn

From: guest , 117 months, post #2
Actually, it was a cisgendered person who came up with the term "cisgendered".

It's not at all meant to be an offensive or demeaning term. It's simply meant to put transgendered people and non-trangendered people on equal footing. "Cis" is a Latin word that means the opposite of "trans"; whereas "trans" implies crossing a barrier--in this case, the gender barrier--"cis" suggests something that doesn't cross that barrier. So a cisgendered person is someone who doesn't change gender.

Without a term like "cisgendered", "transgendered" people have to resort to phrases like "normal people" or "non-transgendered people" when they're discussing people who aren't transgendered as they relate to people who are transgendered. That marks transgendered people as abnormal, a deviation from the norm, and therefore something to be judged against the norm. Trans people are in the process of trying to normalize transgenderism, to make it an acceptable way of life, rather than something people consider deviant and immoral and monstrous and disgusting. As long as transgenderism is viewed as a deviation from the norm, it will never be considered socially acceptable.

It's like the way people often only mention race in the United States when they're talking about people who aren't white. You have a guy, and then you have a black guy. You have a woman, and then you have a Native American woman. Using language that way defines white people as normal people, as real people, and people of color as a variation from the norm. By having words like "white" and "Caucasian" and "European-American" we have language that allows us to discuss race not as one "normal" race and then a bunch of weird others, but as many possible variations, none of which is superior to or more normal than the others.

In other words, think of "cisgendered" not as a way to define people who are not transgendered, but as a way for transgendered people to talk about themselves that doesn't mark them as different than, and potentially inferior to, "real" people.

From: guest (hello) , 117 months, post #3
This is why I'm pretty fed up with the LGBT extremist out there. I'm pro LGBT rights as much as anybody, but when they keep on making up these terms it's annoying and pointless. They act like they want to be the victim and the cisgendered are putting them down all the time.

From: guest (Kara) , 117 months, post #4
This can be a very sensitive subject. As I understand it, "cisgender" is simply an attempt to destigmatize the term "transgender" which the sex industry and a significant portion of the population has rendered as negative. By giving the both terms a prefix, it "levels the field" by making both terms equal in perception. I understand the preference but I personally don't agree with it for purely selfish reasons. I just find it awkward to be suddenly "forced" socially to accept a newly-coined term to avoid offending someone. I don't use derogatory terms when I can avoid it but this isn't the same thing IMO because the terminology and accepted language is new. However, both words and language evolve through usage over time and I accept that words that may once have been socially acceptable can be seen as offensive (ie: rhe R word).It's really just a cycle though as eventually the replacement terms will become offensive and be replaced with
yet other terms.

Don't even get me started on "womyn" or "humyn". The respelling of words simply because "m-e-n" is part of a word's construction is just silly and takes political correctness a few steps too far IMO.

From: guest (lily) , 117 months, post #5
Am getting tired of a very minor part of populations deciding what the majority will do, be called, or what have you.

Yes, it must be exhausting for you to have to know that some people refer to you as cis. I am sure that it is every bit as bad as being afraid that you will be disowned by your family, or fired from your job, or denied access to housing, or refused life saving emergency medical care, or being flat-out murdered because someone thinks "trans" means "inhuman and unclean".

On behalf of the trans community, I apologize for bothering you. We'll go back to being disposable freaks and you can go back to being "normal".

Also, I think the "I" key on your keyboard might not be making contact.

From: Carlsbad , 117 months, post #6
Warning in advance: the following post contains offensive language, used in the context of a discussion on semantics. If you are uncomfortable with slurs or offensive terms, skip this post.


New words enter the lexicon by people using them. The word "blogging" would probably sound insane to someone in 1989, but it now has a nearly universally-understood meaning. I don't mind the term "cisgender" because it provides a useful way to describe people who are not trans. As long as a word serves a useful purpose that is not adequately served by existing language, I welcome it into my vocabulary with open arms. However, when a word does not serve a useful purpose, or attempts to awkwardly usurp an existing term, then I will fight it tooth and claw. Case in point being "womyn", "handicapable", "differently-abled" and other politically correct mumbo-jumbo. If I refer to someone as a "cripple" it provides an immediate, vivid mental image. As in, "the latest bombing in Kabul has killed 5 soldiers and left 13 crippled." Whereas "IED attacks have rendered 5 servicemembers inoperable, and made 13 differently-abled" masks the horror and vividness of the description. No one likes to be insulted, and the visceral response to being insulted is to ban the insult; but the problem is not the word itself, but the connotations it developed from being used as an insult rather than a neutral descriptor. It is entirely possible that, had racism and slavery never existed, the word "nigger" would still be an acceptable, neutral word to refer to a person of color. That particular utterance is no longer acceptable not because it was somehow cursed, but because it carries with it all the implications and weight of 4 centuries of hatred and intolerance. Just like a swastika wasn't associated with evil until Hitler appropriated it, words like "retard" or "idiot" were not always offensive, but only became so through their consistent use as insults. I don't personally take offense at the term "retard" or "retarded" as an insult, unless they are levied at a person with a legitimate mental handicap. The offense comes from the simultaneous use of a term as an accepted descriptor of a person, and its use as a pejorative.


From: guest (Valkan) , 117 months, post #7
I think "cisgendered" sounds pretty cool!

From: guest (Jayzie) , 117 months, post #8
It doesn't bother me at all, honestly. It's just a word.

What bothers me is the "die cis scum" shit I see. The world seems to work in a way where victims want to group everyone who has a single similar trait into the same category as the person who assaulted/attacked/offended them.

I see this all the time with white people. Regardless of beliefs, political affiliations, etc, white people are always called "racist." That's nothing more than an observation I've noticed. Discrimination is discrimination no matter who it comes from.

From: guest , 117 months, post #9
Meh, it's just another one of those made up words that only ever gets used by tumblr types to feel better about themselves.
I don't blame people for thinking it's stupid, I'm trans and I think so too.

From: guest (What The Hell) , 117 months, post #10
Also, was reading where a school was saying not to call children boys and girls anymore but purple penguins.

What the hell?

From: guest (Roger) , 117 months, post #11

If you don't like "cisgendered" for non-transgendered people, don't use it.

IMO, most of the rants in this thread are just sloppy thinking. Many also take off from the original subject of the OP to share a variety of better-or-worse-reasoned opinions on political correctness and/or semantics.

So far, only post #2 sticks to the subject and makes a clear, reasonable argument for its position. It's an opinion not, so far, convincingly challenged elsewhere in the thread.

It cetainly convinced me that the term does serve a reasonable purpose.

From: guest (What The Hell) , 117 months, post #12
  1. 2 and #11

No it is a term being forced into the lexicon by political correctness, which lives to play the victim card.

In order to try and make "transgendered" feel better about themselves they are attempting to force those who are not to accept a term for themselves that includes the word "gendered".

Like #3 said, I am fed up with them. If you want to be accepted, keep your shit to yourself and live and let live.

Cisgendered, Purple Penguins.

Screw all of you PC nazis

From: guest , 117 months, post #13
I hate extending technical terms to unrelated purposes. Cis- and trans- are for double bonds in organic molecules, just as I believe "for all intents and purposes" has or at least used to have a precise legal meaning. It's clever the first time but it gets annoying.

Still, the forces of political correctness are unstoppable right now and like it or not we're stuck with this oddity.

From: guest , 117 months, post #14
This is why right wing views should be called wrong wing views, if you are bothered about being referred to as cost endeared then imagine how transgendered people must feel, in a ideal left wing social libertarian world we would all just be people. Either put your label gun ayah or stop moaning when someone labels you.

From: cj , 117 months, post #15
"it is a term being forced into the lexicon by political correctness"

Examples / proof?

I'm not seeing / hearing anyone forcing me to call myself cisgendered. The ONLY time that I've seen this come into play with regards to myself or others is when the conversation requires subdivision of men into those who were born mostly XY and those who were not. Proper, distinct identification that is easily understood by all is something that is required in comparative sciences and statistics - "cisgendered" isn't a PC term in so much as a scientific one (see post #2)

I just don't see the term used much outside of this community, and then I've really only seen it used when appropriate. I can't recall anyone using the term "to play the victim" either.

I'm not discounting your argument... I'd just like to know why/where you're seeing this as you do, while I've experienced nothing close to it.

"Screw all of you PC nazis"

I'm reading that as a general statement and not an attack on any individual who posted in this thread (which I would have to remove, as it goes against Posting Guideline "You may attack an individual's comments but not the individual." )

"I hate extending technical terms to unrelated purposes. Cis- and trans- are for double bonds in organic molecules"

Look up the etymology of the Latin prefix "cis". Science uses Latin terminology as the Latin language is considered "dead" and unchanging. Science also advances with human knowledge and understanding, it doesn't stay stagnant - growing as needed. "Cisgendered" is a term that was needed for more clear and concise description of certain organisms when compared to others. "Cis" is not exclusive to chemistry.

From: guest (Forestier) , 117 months, post #16
For you info, the West Bank (yhr part of Palestine west of the Jordan) is called in French Cisjordanie. A few decades ago, the kingdom of Jordan was called Transjordan.

From: guest (King Sanity) , 117 months, post #17
"Yes, it must be exhausting for you to have to know that some people refer to you as cis. I am sure that it is every bit as bad as being afraid that you will be disowned by your family, or fired from your job, or denied access to housing, or refused life saving emergency medical care, or being flat-out murdered because someone thinks "trans" means "inhuman and unclean"."

This is ridiculous. Transgendered people are not "normal" merely by defenition of who they are. Not that they aren't right in the head or anything but they don't fall into the norm. Male and Female are the only 2 genders that exist and anyone who thinks there are more needs to get a brain check. If you Identify as one of the other more power to you but you cannot simply create genders. Tranksgender'd people creating the term cisgender is a term that is primarily used by sjw's as a way to make what they are doing seem "normal" they say oh it's not weird it's just different. Ignorant stupidity is what that is.

From: Carlsbad , 117 months, post #18
  1. 17:
> anyone who thinks there are more needs to get a brain check.

All right, make it out to "Carlsbad", in the amount of 3500 brain-dollars. I'll be waiting so I can deposit it in my brain-bank.

From: guest (Alex) , 117 months, post #19
My english is not good enough to explain my thinking correctly, but i'll try, and i apologize for my poor english skills.

Is dont mind transgender at all. Its a shame that they're being discriminate for who they are, and how they live. I hope the society will get them the same rights as the rest of us.

That being said, i personnaly think that gender, just like the color of your skin is not something that you can choose. You can choose to live AS a girl, do some surgery, or even have a fonctionnal womb in the end, it doesnt make you a woman, the same that a woman who cant have kid is not a man or that a girl that doesnt dress feminine etc.

Again, i'm sorry for my english skills.

From: guest (What The Hell) , 117 months, post #20
  1. 14, You forgot to mention FAUX news. So to be against the term cisgendered, redefining wha does not need to be redefined, or against pc is a right wing view only?

You are correct cj, am attacking no one here and yes pc nazis exist.

So in this changing world of language, where does calling boys and girls become wrong and you have to call them Purple Penguins?

Is it within the rules to post a link to this story?

In it you will find "Even more auspiciously, Stephen Colbert referred to "cis-language" in a recent episode of The Colbert Report. On June 17, in a segment of the show called "The Word," the comedian announced that his racial identity is "ciswhite" because, as he put it, "I've always been comfortable with my birth-race."

So in the light I want to be called cishispanic, since I was born hispanic and am comfortable with it.

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