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A Female Is A Failed Male [Mature Content]
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From: guest (Me And Me Only) , 118 months, post #1
No I do not believe that, but could see where some could try and make the argument.

We all start out as female embryos but in the womb some graduate to become male. On average bigger, stronger, less emotional, not tied down with pregnancy and the like. Those who do not graduate remain female.

So enjoy reading TG fiction where a male is changed into a female and in time becomes convinced they failed as a male and must go forward as females.

One story that comes to mind is "Under The Moons Of Eden" where an all male military force is marooned on a planet and half of them are slowly transformed overnight into an image of their ideal female. In that story I thought there should have been emphasis by those who remained male to the new females that the force which changed them looked at all the men, and the ones found less deserving to remain male were changed into females they now are.

This helps make the new females less sure of themselves and more accepting that the male they pair up with was the better male of the two and them as the new female need to accept being dominated by and submissive/passive to her man.

Just one of my likes in TG fiction

From: cj , 118 months, post #2
I recently pondered if, in fact, the old chauvinistic point of view that men were "superior" to women, was in fact a ruse, allowed by women even to this day.

When you really get down to the nuts and bolts of things... most of men's desires are all in an effort to put them into position to choose the best and the most (or sometimes all) available mates.

So, isn't it really the women who hold all the power over men? After all, men are always out to do what they have to do to win the girl.

What if the women simply allow the men to think that they are in charge, when what is really happening is that the women lure and guide the men to do their bidding through subtle coercion and the reward of sexual and other pleasures.

Sure, I know that there are several holes to my theory (violence against women, and other atrocities... religious and cultural practices that might seem to debunk it too) - but... what if?

From: guest (Me And Me Only) , 118 months, post #3
Have thought about the same a bit. Sure appreciate the input to the conversation.

From: cj , 118 months, post #4
My pleasure. Gotta' play Devil's Advocate when I can. :-)

Thanks for staring a unique discussion.

From: guest (lily) , 118 months, post #5
Or, a male is a deformed female. His breasts stunted, his womb divided and useless, his gonads dangling precariously exposed and in the way.

What is a Y-chromosome, after all, if not a broken and misshapen X? A puny thing, having lost 96% of the genes it possessed as an autosome to the X. And so many of the remaining genes have deleterious effects, In the developed. western, nations the life average expectancy of women exceeds that of men by as much as a decade.

And yes CJ, I'd say that the practice of female genital mutilation is sufficient to falsify your hypothesis that women created the "myth" of the patriarchy.

From: guest (ThatGuy) , 118 months, post #6
Well, maybe genitals don't contribute to your entire personality and worth as a human being. Just a thought.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 118 months, post #7
In today's world I don't believe that there is as large of a gender divide as believed or endorsed by certain forms of media.

Then again I don't exactly believe in social constructs theories or even sexuality being a choice either. I mean who would choose to be aroused by some weird fantasy of becoming the opposite sex and not by the same means of all of our peers? If these theories were correct, all of us would've been brainwashed as children to find the same exact things attractive as everyone else.

Heck, on the other hand we might have grown up with more feminine mannerisms and attitudes.

I don't know, to me it seems that much of today's gender science is a crock of you know what geared towards making males feel guilty for things that not all of them do, and making women feel that if they don't conform to more independent roles (whether they want to or not) that they are traitors.

Honestly the only things about tg that seems to interest me is the different body. Becoming the thing you once desired in a sexual way. It never had anything to do with being "dominated" because as a teen the idea of being with a man completely repulsed me. I just wanted to be in a woman's body and be her, be beautiful and thin and have those curves too.
I just think some people over think it.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #8
Perhaps the question needs to be what do you mean by fail? What is the test?

If the test is the number of progeny the adult can conceive, then men pretty much win. They can father far more children than a woman can bear (there's a double meaning in that!).

If the test is who is more likely to survive on their own in the wilderness, again, men most likely win. The size and strength are in his favor.

If the test is who is more likely to provide the glue that holds modern civilization together, that one goes to the women. Despite what your respective governments may tell you, it's women who provide the social fabric that make the modern organized world possible.

Human society is rather like that of equines. It's the mares that keep the herd together. The stallions mostly keep to themselves, providing protection from predators and when needed, stud services :)

Each has a role to play - there is no failure, just capabilities that, as a generality, make one better in certain areas than the other. And as a whole we all benefit from each other.

From: guest , 118 months, post #9
Lol that's stupid, were all failed females... For a few reasons

1) the Y chromosome has less information then the X,
2) this makes males sickly and weaker then females

We do start of as female embryos, but a female sperm will make a stronger baby then a make sperm, as such more baby boys die then baby girls.

Anyway don't take my word for it watch this, then stop peddling chauvinist myths :)

From: guest (Me And Me Only) , 118 months, post #10
Lighten up Francis

From: guest (lily) , 118 months, post #11
@Lady S.

If the test is who is more likely to survive on their own in the wilderness, again, men most likely win. The size and strength are in his favor.

Define wilderness please? Being larger means more mass to haul around, which requires more calories. It also means a larger surface area through which to lose water.

The square-cube law means the larger organism has a proportionally smaller surface area through weight to radiate heat, so if the "wilderness" is in the tropics then the advantage may well go to the smaller individual.

The whole notion that a man's superior physical strength will make him more fit in any test of survival needs to be examined. Men are, on average, stronger than women but the advantage is most easily observed in contests between men and women.

If the test is who is more likely to provide the glue that holds modern civilization together, that one goes to the women. Despite what your respective governments may tell you, it's women who provide the social fabric that make the modern organized world possible.

Well. that's just silly. Men AND women contribute to the "fabric of society". Women are as likely as men to be inclined towards cooperation or inclined towards disruption. The patriarchy magnifies the effect men have. The story that women provide some kind of scaffolding for society is no better than CJ's idea that women are secretly in charge of the world. It is an excuse for excluding women from political power.

Human society is rather like that of equines. It's the mares that keep the herd together. The stallions mostly keep to themselves, providing protection from predators and when needed, stud services

Which makes perfect sense because we evolved from horses�oh, wait, that's not right.

There are lots of social animals. Heard animals, like horses and cattle, are not a particularly good model for comparison to human societies. Nor are packs of dogs, wolves, hyenas etc..

In small numbers we are more like troops of other primates. In that our social interactions and conventions are learned rather than innate and that the ways we organize ourselves can change rapidly (in less than a generation) in response to changing conditions. It is the protean nature of our behavior that enables us to occupy every spot on the planet and what makes this age the anthropocene.

From: guest (Jc) , 118 months, post #12
Regardless of what is true or isn't it still boils down to perception and what we all ultimately get from male and female status. some men like myself like to believe women are weaker for sexual arousal. The Humiliation and subjugation of a female is a turn on for me for some reason. And imagining myself as a woman or girl is very sexually exciting because of that. But in reality I like the best of both worlds because I'm a switch when it comes to submissive/dominant roles.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #13
Which makes perfect sense because we evolved from horses�oh, wait, that's not right.

Don't cloud the issue with your fancy logic! No modern animal "evolved" from another modern animal. However we share a common ancestor (in this case Boreoeutheria) so some of what we are is in them, and some of what they are is in us.

The point is, males tend to fight for dominance. In ancient societies the successful male human kept harems. The fact that this is no longer widely true in what we now call "civilized" society does not wipe away the fact that when left to our own devices, this is one of the natural human social structures. I should point out that in equine society it is the stallion that keep a "harem" of mares. It's no coincidence the terms are the same.

Also, it's worth pointing out that the very real race of intelligent horses known as the Houyhnhnm are clearly superior to mankind. Even Gulliver knew that!

But I digress... your argument about size fails because the scales are not sufficiently different. We're not talking about an ant surviving where an elephant would perish. The average size ratio between men and women is only around 1.08. The physical difference is in overall strength and endurance. I'm not saying that ALL men thrown into the amazon forest alone will outlive ALL women. Just that the odds are very clearly in the men's favor.

Take a look at primitive human societies in the rainforest... the men hunt, the women maintain the village and raise the young. There is a natural order for the two sexes. Equality between men and women only arose because of industrialization when strength and endurance were less important.

From: guest (Lily) , 118 months, post #14
Lady S you don't know what you are writing about.

your argument about size fails because the scales are not sufficiently different. We're not talking about an ant surviving where an elephant would perish. The average size ratio between men and women is only around 1.08

Does "size" mean body mass? Height? Is this an average for human populations? Is it a meaningful comparison for all populations? Does it vary by ethnicity and economic system? Does it change in a predictable way in response to environmental changes?

In ancient societies the successful male human kept harems

Which "ancient societies"? How many? Where were they? How ancient?

Sexual polygyny is hardly universal. Even in societies which recognize or sanctioned it, it was (and is) the exception rather than the rule.

As for "harems" and similar, the separation and seclusion of women is about more things than sexual dominance and restricting the access of subordinate males to breeding females. Furthermore, it is a entirely a practice of agrarian "civilized" cultures.

And, of course, there are many societies in which polyandry is practiced as either a formal, or informal but accepted, union.

You may be inclined to conflate promiscuity with polygamy. You may decide to treat all "ancient" history as if time started in the bronze age. You may disregard any evidence from biology or anthropology which does not support your thesis.

And of course, when you are shown to be saying something foolish you will post with a patronizing "Don't take it all so seriously, couldn't you tell I was just kidding? After all I pretended that Jonathan Swift intended Gulliver's Travels to be read as natural history."

It is predictable and tiresome .

From: Lady Sekhmet , 118 months, post #15
Lady S you don't know what you are writing about.
This is a poor means of refuting prior comments...

First off, I'm delighted you agree with me that a modern animal cannot evolve from another modern animal which renders your we evolved from horses comment purely argumentative.

Does "size" mean body mass? Height?
I am referring to the ratio of men's to women's height which remains very close to 1.08 across populations globally. Despite this highly consistent height ratio around the world, men are far more than 8% stronger than women. According to the NIH , women are approximately 52% and 66% as strong as men in the upper and lower body respectively. Men are also stronger relative to lean body mass.

Regarding Harems: Which "ancient societies"?
Let's see... there's the obvious Muslim societies which go back thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians practiced it thousands of years before that. The Aztecs, the Chinese, the Japanese, many African nations... and lets not forget the Mormons! Though they are a much more modern group of course. But I'd say the practice was hardly uncommon wouldn't you?

Huh, what do you know. I guess my comments weren't so foolish after all? Maybe they were valid and easily substantiated arguments? Perhaps you should take a peek at that internet argument table and pick one to come back with :)

And of course, when you are shown to be saying something foolish you will post with a patronizing
Lily Lily Lily. Did you honestly feel I was patronizing you with the Houyhnhnm reference... come on, really? This angered you? It didn't make you smile maybe just a little bit? pffft... I bet you're no fun at parties!

From: guest (Me And Only Me) , 118 months, post #16
Please do not take this down a path were the conversation gets locked, like too many other ones have.

If the conversation title, or discussion upsets you, please just move on and let those who want a good, friendly conversation continue.

From: guest (guest1) , 118 months, post #17
Women are inferior to men...but it doesn't matter, they weren't designed to compete with men, they were designed to compete with other females for the males attention. The feminist argument and equality argument is to make women feel better but in reality there is no comparison.

The California law that says, if a women has more then 2 alcoholic beverages and engages in sex and then following sex decides she wasn't comfortable she can charge the male with rape. So two drinks and your not responsible for your actions but a man can drink 70 beers and still has to be accountable...that law sealed the deal, the equality movement is bs...

From: guest (Me And Only Me) , 118 months, post #18
Another point from a story like "Under The Moons Of Eden"�.Am sure that most all of the soldiers saw themselves as superior to women, or such a thought. Then half of them become women. Women with an uncontrollable urge once a month to have sex until they become pregnant.

They are in a hostile environment where physical strength is the best skill to be had for building a home for all of them and these new women do not have it, plus they are now all expectant mothers, depending on men to build shelter, hunt, and provide for them. While they are now the homemakers. They as women still have an impotent role but it is more in support now and not leadership.

In the story the main man into a woman makes comment on how as a man she was intrigued on how a woman could create life inside her, but now as a woman was in awe at the power a man had over her. To claim her, make her pregnant, make her his.

Would have like to have seen some tension in this story, and others, between a man and new woman were he tells her, look, we both graduated to be male, but when it came to one of us had to be a woman, it was you who was chosen. So you lacked something as a male that I did not, failed, and was put into the female roll, now live with it and be my supportive wife.

From: guest (Me And Only Me) , 118 months, post #19
"they weren't designed to compete with men, they were designed to compete with other females for the males attention. The feminist argument and equality argument is to make women feel better but in reality there is no comparison."

Nice input to the conversation.

I have stated kind of the same in other posts. Remove all things of modern society and you go back to the basic male/female design. He is in charge, the leader, the provider. She is the helper. He is the hunter, she the gatherer.

Now carry that to something like this. A big strong male named John is marooned on a deserted island with a big strong hand named James. The island changes James into Jayne, a petite female.

To survive, John will have to do the majority of all the heavy lifting, Jayne will naturally have to support John.

People may not like it, but that is nature, the natural design.

From: cj , 118 months, post #20
"... they weren't designed to compete with men, they were designed to compete with other females for the males attention."

I never considered that argument before. I love it.

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