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What is this Thai Tv show about ?
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From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #1
What is this Thai Tv show about ?

title is เหยื่อมาร Yuer marn

old lady wants young female body

can you tell the story about thanks

From: guest (guest) , 119 months, post #2
what episode is the old lady wants young female body?

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #3
end of episode 7 ,also she had sex with the young boyfriend in episode 8 using her body

From: guest (guest) , 119 months, post #4
is there any body swap?

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #5
no just female possession

From: guest (guest) , 119 months, post #6
do u know any shows like this but body swap, thanks in advance

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #7
I don't know I want the story of this TV show ?

From: Eric , 119 months, post #8
SOme shows liek this
Skeleton Key
Witches Brew
Allison's Birthday

TV shows
Since Aunt Ida came to stay ( nigth gallery
The HouseKeeper
Charmed, Freaky Pheobe
Spinning Wheel, The Hitchhiker

From: Eric , 119 months, post #9
Jay I've been fightingm y way through them wihtout undedtrstanind the lanuage. But I have eiher missed are have not yet out to where she has sex with ehe boy friend. The villiagn sure seems to enjoy her beauitful young body

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #10
Yes Eric in the end of Episode 8 part 6 The Old Lady is enjoying her new young sexy body while the young lady now a ghost stuck in the jar i need more information about this tv show i need someone to translate in english thanks

From: Polover , 119 months, post #11
If you're interested in this show, I suggest you download the videos because there seems to be absolutely no other source for it besides Youtube and we all know a complete series' time on Youtube is always numbered. I also think the Youtube videos cut off some segments between part but like I said, there doesn't seem to be anything better

From: Eric , 119 months, post #12
I have some info. Not sure how helpful it is.I found the shw's dvd for sale but it has no subtitles. The only thing I have ben able ot figure out is that the villian is dying of gterminal cancer. I ran the summery through a translated but it makes no or little sense. Here it is. I hope someone can fugure it out better than me/
Print version playwright in love with the young architect Mok for typing but Samornsri mother board to support young cancer nobility print server is affected by the order of his mother's friends Osrda Mok Mok for her lost love as well. For this reason, the print version is not always envelopment Mok Architects young married girl with vine ornament, a wealthy businessman. The vine ornament as sexual impotence. Reverse envelopment is a high sexual desire. Lada is a mentor Mani Ram is the magic month for months to remove the Mystical Body.

Chim Chao da great-grandfather was Sir Mani was opposed to making Chim Chao Chao was imprisoned souls of souls in a jar. And vine ornament, the heirs have inherited the spirit of the ancestors of the future. Lada Jewell relative who is the uncle of her Methodist Methodist Yusuf have 2 children and the end of the rainbow is a seedling Methodist disclaimers out of the estate, Sir, because I do not sin against successor. And they closed it a secret for fear that the end of the rainbow will be sorry. Since the end of the rainbow love so much vine ornament. Vine ornament and I love the rainbow as well.

Type the numbers and her best friend Piggy. Hollywood has taken to make sure that the print version of this Ebyheps Tึgฆat age. Thereafter, the print server finds the strangest things. Frequently gruesome royal patron of Liberty, Uncle infection and Inspector General decided Sikkabt Puck. To help liberate the Holy Spirit, which is the successor Chao Pu release. Lung infection with magic I can take it as well as the Mystical Body of RAM. A chance encounter with a printed version by mystics knew that retribution is coming into her life. Cancer also engaged with print server print server, but refused.

Samornsri went pleads with Liberty threatened to quit the print version. Independence unwillingly yielding Print version gutted the independence went away to sea. Piggy think that the print version is said to have committed suicide, according to a Liberty print version. Independence to an understanding with the print server successfully. And that night they both belong to each other. The Samornsri has brought fortune to the print server detected that the print server is dying. Samornsri do not force the ball anymore. Type the numbers and the independence of the infection, but I'm poor and grandchildren. Lada Jewell cancer can be treated. Envelopment is thought to occupy your property.

I want to be a politician and payroll, so to have a sexual relationship with a child Dollaya Minister may make a valiant upset. After Osrda disappointment of Liberty was a mistress of envelopment. But DDollaya Osrda she threatened to break up with payroll. Independence Day party in the print version a chance encounter with vine ornament and envelopment. Very satisfied with the envelopment of the printed version. Liberty and Vine Jewell was pleased as well. Type the numbers but do not like the sight of a envelopment of her. Type the numbers suggest that she believed the nightmare was dressed in white in all the nine days, nine times to exorcise.

The couple found the body of vine ornament. Print in draft form, but it's vine ornament and nectar in RAM. Piggy said that the end of the rainbow jewel vine Methodist killed her father. Up the fight By Kris Kelley Saithip the wrist in the waning months of the spirit world of souls lost and died overnight. Sir supernatural spiritual successor shows up again by pulling the vine soul gem in the print version. Jewel of the payroll and pay da karma which is torture. Type the numbers and start a new life and founded the Liberty Foundation to help orphans. Of silver vine ornament and envelopment.The couple found the body of vine ornament. Print in draft form, but it's vine ornament and nectar in RAM. Piggy said that the end of the rainbow jewel vine Methodist killed her father. Up the fight By Kris Kelley Saithip the wrist in the waning months of the spirit world of souls lost and died overnight. Sir supernatural spiritual successor shows up again by pulling the vine soul gem in the print version. Jewel of the payroll and pay da karma which is torture. Type the numbers and start a new life and founded the Liberty Foundation to help orphans. Of silver vine ornament and envelopment.

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #13
Eric this is Hollywood and Liberty lol

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #14
Anybody here speak Thai we need someone to translate we appreciate thanks

From: guest (EvilED) , 119 months, post #15
List of Main Cast :

Moke : Our good guy hero / young boyfriend. architect

Pim-On : The heroine / young girlfriend, screen writer, who get her body stolen.

Pong-sa-korn : Middle age architect, corrupt, horny, flirty, husband of Ladda-manie.

Lad-da-ma-nie : Successful business woman, confident, ego bitch, the villain.

Dern-ram : The old evil witch / right hand woman / royal servant / trust adviser of Lad-da-ma-nie, have witchcraft, she can take her soul out of her body and do dirty job for Lad-da-ma-nie, like to wear dark cloth.

Cheir : Old wise man, white hair, good wizard (He like to wear white cloth)

Sa-morn-sri : Pim-on's mother, mother of heroine.

Inspector Pak-ka-pon : Good police.

Sir Serb : Or Lord Serb, the good guy old man soul that trap in the jar, grandfather of Cheir, he was like enemy of Lad-da-ma-nie's clan / family / bloodline.

From: guest (jay) , 119 months, post #16
Thanks EvilED for info but we need more translation on the videos where Lad-da-ma-nie using Pim-On body

From: guest (F2F Guest) , 119 months, post #17
Enjoyed the show very much. Lots of F2F. Mostly Lad-da-ma-nie to Pim-On but sometimes to other women and there are other implied sex scenes. That is, they go to bed and wake up together. There is a M2M scene which flowed well with the show. And there was a M2F segment that was horror and funny at the same time.

From: guest (Troll44) , 119 months, post #18
What episode is the M2F segment?

From: guest (F2F Guest) , 119 months, post #19
Last episode. You will see where nurses and doctors tie Pong-sa-korn to the hospital bed. Then they put a mirror up to him.

From: guest (evilswapper) , 119 months, post #20
The ending is lousy. The successful businesswoman would have put the lovely body to much better use.

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