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Lola Chile Version
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From: guest (Kyle) , 121 months, post #1
I like how this version has so many plot changes and layers to it. Does anyone know why Pepa's mother Estrella wants Lalo to literally be her daughter? The language barrier with Spanish leaves a lot of questions. Thanks.

From: guest , 121 months, post #2
She does not want him to be her daughter, She wants him to be her daughter's husband. She tells him she will break the spell if they get together but he doesn't want to because he loves Grace. Chile my favorite version too. :) Great love story and really funny.

From: guest , 121 months, post #3
I never understood that. Why would a mom want her daughter to be a man?

From: guest , 121 months, post #4
umm I just explained it shes basically punishing them. If they get together she'll return them to their bodies.

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #5
I think this is the best version as well. The standard La Lola is how Lalo adapts to the change and ends up staying female. Interesting, but not so much. Lola was amazing to watch unfold. Lalo goes through so many different circumstances that it was very fun to watch. He becomes "Lola" and deals with the initial pressure of adapting to that change. What made it interesting to me is that he fought for Grace to the end. But it was also realistic. At various points Lalo gave up and was going to stay female as he felt he couldn't be turned back. Grace had to talk him out of it at one point but then Grace grew tired of waiting and started seeing other men. Lola tried to become her "amiga" but that didn't work out so well. He even tried to date Diego but couldn't do it. He then had the pressure of meeting his parents and convincing them of the change. And then of course, he met Pepa in his body. He tried to marry Pepa, but couldn't do that either. He then had to deal with her pregnancy as they briefly switched back a few times and during one of them Pepa was with Justin for an evening. I wish a show like this was in English. It has every conceivable plot that a good body swap story would have in my opinion. Plus, Blanca Lewin is a great actress and really easy on the eyes.

From: guest , 121 months, post #6
Yes Lola (Blanca Lewin) and Grace (Ingrid Cruz) had great chemistry. My favorite scenes is when they're together.

From: guest , 121 months, post #7
Didn't he try to seduce Grace's boyfriend Simon to break them up? And then he also tried to date Pepa's baby daddy Justin. I think he wore a short black dress for the date. One of the few times he was in a dress. I wish youtube would allow the episode that had Grace's wedding in it. Lalo wears a short black dress in that episode.

From: guest , 121 months, post #8
lol yeah on all accounts #7

From: guest , 121 months, post #9
Would it have been the end of the world if Lalo had walked around one time in the apartment while talking to Grace in some lace boyshorts and a bra? I mean that body is just delicious and he wasted it.

From: guest , 121 months, post #10
@#9 I think she did in one episode but instead of the bra it was a tight tank top. When they both lived together and were getting ready to go to sleep.

From: guest , 121 months, post #11
As I said in another thread, Apparently Canal 13 where the chile version of lola appeared, Has a new cable channel named Rec TV where they'll rerun old shows. hopefully lola is one of them since its my fav and episodes rarely exist online.

Hopefully we might see chile lola soon in the near future. Some plp are even asking for it in the comment section of the vid.

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #12
post # 11- It would be great to see the initial episodes as they seem to have disappeared from the internet. Episodes 215 to the finale are on Youtube, but deal mostly with the pregnancy Lalo inherits from Pepa. The best body swap themed segments are in the earlier shows.

From: guest , 121 months, post #13
He was a woman/lola for almost 2 years. There was 2 pregnancies that happened during this show's story, Romina's and Pepa's. Kind of interesting when you think about it.

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #14
Yes, you would think you would end up loving the person who's body you had for that long? I think that is what Estrella thought would happen. Lola mentions in an episode that he shares something with Pepa because of the body swap but reaffirmed his love for Grace.

From: guest , 121 months, post #15
He loves Pepa like a sister. When he finally let himself love Grace no one could replace her in his mind.

From: guest , 121 months, post #16
Since the earlier episodes of lola don't exist online I've read some synopsis of them, While talking to Grace, Did lalo imply having sex with Romina as lola in an episode? Supposedly saying how Romina makes him feal good physically or something like that?

From: guest , 121 months, post #17
when lalo and Romina where living together cause he thought she was pregnant by him.

From: guest (Robbie) , 121 months, post #18
Not that I know of. Lalo changed back to himself for a bit early on and was with Romina for a night. Romina used this against Lalo when he changed back into Lola. Little did Lalo know Romina had been fooling around with Gaston while he was Lola and it was actually his child, not Lalo's. She wanted Lalo to believe it was his so he would be with her and not Grace. Romina made Estrella have a condition on the spell at one point that said Lalo could become a man again if he agreed to marry Romina, which he did in a civil ceremony. Lalo eventually catches on to Romina and actually becomes Lola reluctantly so he does not have to stay married to her. No Lalo, no marriage he said.

From: guest , 121 months, post #19
ok What I read said this. lalo tells Grace, Romina is crazy but she would do anything. Ever since he's a woman he hasn't received any affections or gestures of love. Grace says i've done everything for you to turn back. lalo says i'm not referring to that but of the body.
In spanish i copy an pasted directly as its written i'm gonna write it on another post because it doesn't fit this one.

From: guest , 121 months, post #20
Grace dice que no se puede enamorar de esa bruja, Romina finge que se siente mal, Lalo/Lola se va a hablar con Grace a otra parte, en el depto de Grace disctuen, Lalo/Lola le dice que fue ella quien ella que lo rechazo y Romina esta loca pero esta dispuesta a todo, Grace se ofusca y enoja mucho dice que lo mataria por ser tan imbecil, se calma y le dice que aun esta Luna y sus hechizos, Lalo/Lola le dice que no quiere ilusionarse con Luna, Grace dice que no puede tolerar ni aceptar a Romina, LaloLola dice que tendra que aceptarla no mas , que desde quees mujer no a tenido y recibido ningun cari�o ni gesto de amor, Grace se enoja y dece que ha hecho de todo, LaloLola dice que no se refiere a eso sino de piel, con con ella no paso nada porque es mujer, Diego no paso nada porque es hombre, Grace interrumpe y dice que Romina es una mujer sicotica, LaloLola interrumpe diciendo que es la sicotica que la que puede ayudarlo, le pide que que no le haga las cosas mas dificles que si aun siente cari�o por el que ayude.

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