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Becoming Male Is A Promotion, Female A Demotion
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From: guest (JK) , 138 months, post #1
In most of the stories I read, it seems to me that a female becoming a male is a promotion and a male becoming a female is a demotion.

Even if the male wanted to be a female, it seems the new she accepts that it is a demotion, just one she wanted.

Your thoughts?

From: guest , 138 months, post #2
99.9% of all the stories written tend to fall in the same trap. Men who are turned into women are always drop dead gorgeous and submissive. Women who are turned into men are always vindictive and borderline rapists. Guys always resist having sex until it is forced on them by the woman and then they become total sluts.


From: hskfmn , 138 months, post #3
"We now return to 'Men are Terrible and Will Hurt You because this is Lifetime' "

From: magicmaximus , 138 months, post #4
I don't see it, I mean those are probably the kind of stories I lean toward but that majority of stories on fictionmania right now are not that scenario. To me it seems like I am wading through material of guys become girls because they want a better life. I suggest maybe looking at all the captions from the old Donnie's site, they are being hosted a couple places now I believe. His stuff was almost entirely the opposite of the theme you suggest.

From: guest , 138 months, post #5
It's simple. Men have penises and balls. Women have vaginas and breasts.

From: cj , 138 months, post #6
So which is better guest (post #5)... and more importantly, why?

From: Weirdoid , 138 months, post #7
CJ, the best is penises and boobs. Sadly those with that want to get rid of the former as it seems only I like the idea of gender flexability, intermediates, and interchangability in an otherwise binary world.

As for the topic, it addresses one thing I dislike in TG stories. In stories with swaps or couples mutually transforming it seems the female turned male instantly adapts and becomes a macho brute whose job is to make love to the MtF. I like the idea of men (including FtM changes) acting girly, and it sucks constantly seeing it.

I have been reading interactives lately and from that have been innundated in TG cliches I hate, many that make me feel bad when reading them.

FtM machoness and instantly liking her body, loss of self after transformation, the body controlling the mind, couples swapping parts always doing it in a way thast ensures mutual heterosexuality (thus if one partner swaps genitals with someone his lover gets the opposite), the ONLY part swaps explored are genital or heads and anything else becomes a full MtF change. If a group gets transformed they ALL change (no normals interacting with changed) and every group members change is the same (thus if two swap heads the rest will, and not other parts), If a personality or life swap makes a guy love another guy he will be feminized before they can make love, etc. All these cliches annoy me and is full of them

From: guest , 138 months, post #8
Well, I've never had a vagina and breasts so I will go with penises and balls because it's all I know.

The aspect of body swapping is unique in the sense that we don't know how it would change a person's thinking, emotions, and personality. In Lalola, Lalo changes his personality and emotions completely just because he gets to experience life with a vagina and breasts. He goes from being a manwhore as a male to a woman that falls in love with the man of her dreams. Isn't that sexist? Why would changing private parts turn you into a faithful person and make you not want to fool around with others? One thing that makes me is how Lalo can give up his male body so quickly just so he can have a man insert a penis in him and live happily ever after as a woman. That's not realistic. A lot of men would want their male bodies back.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #9
99.9% of all the stories...

Do not exaggerate! A lot of stories are much more well-balanced.

From: Shard , 138 months, post #10
It has always been like that, it's history. Literally, look at that and realize it's HISTORY ......HIS-STORY, not "her story". It's "good to be the king" and the alpha male, and you really don't realize how that is so engrained in cultures and religions.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #11
Let's not confuse two things. A story in which a MtF realizes the obstacles set to women by society could be a nice one. But it's not the same thing as if this person suddenly loses all brains and only wants to suck dicks.

From: guest (JK) , 138 months, post #12
Thanks Forestier for trying to get it back on subject

Again (and rewritten some)

In most of the stories I read, it seems to me that a female becoming a male is a promotion in society/life and a male becoming a female is a demotion in society/life.

Even if the male wanted to be a female, it seems the new she accepts that it is a demotion in society/life, just one she wanted.

Or a male who becomes a female against his will, of course sees her new life as a she as a demotion in society/life.

Your thoughts?

From: cj , 138 months, post #13
It is enlightening to see the different ways that different people approach the idea of gender swapping.

I've read and seen many unique takes on what would/could happen. It is not always the case that a MtF transition is a demotion or that a FtM transition is a promotion - but it does seem that a majority of them follow the stereotypical chauvinistic views of men. Probably because a majority of them are written from the male point of view - and as much as we'd like to bury any preconceived prejudices and try to see things from a female point of view... it is difficult to forget years of indoctrination, behavior, and experience - and try to adopt a completely foreign history and perspective.

As to the sudden change in behavior and personality - it could happen, and there could be explanations for it. Personally, I'd like more character development - but even I fall into the "I want to get there now" race to finish my stories... and then there are the stories that are sheer entertainment or... well, you know... guilty 'pleasure' stories.

Perhaps since these are niche fantasy stories, they are heavily weighted on a quick and happy outcome. So the character becomes beautiful, rich, spoiled, pleased, and happy. The drama is minimal. There are no worries in the new life. These stories have their place, and are sometimes fun to read.

Personally, I love it when a story feels more real. When the character isn't completely happy, even when they wanted the change. I want the character to go through life with body image issues, dealing with changes that come from their new habitat... I want them to feel the differences, to adapt, to grow, to eventually accept their new life as much as we all have to accept our own.

From: guest , 138 months, post #14
It's viewed as a demotion because women are seen as weaker and emotional in American society. They are seen as the ones that make babies and do the cleaning and cooking. Yes, I know it's 2013 but a lot of people still think like that. Men are seen as strong and tough and the ones that work while their baby mommas take care of the little ones. And women can't use urinals too so that's another thing you could point toward it being a demotion.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #15
Because it's true. It is easier for a man to attain a high status. It would be even more difficult for a M2F, as she does not know how to go around these obstacles.

Women are not taken seriously.

From: guest , 138 months, post #16
They are not taken seriously because they have breasts and vaginas. They are considered weaker because they have babies and can't stand peeing up.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #17
I don't agree with guest 16. Get a hit in the balls and see who is weak.

Perhaps men always see women as sexual objects.

I sometimes wonder how a society would be if people would change sex at random.

From: Forestier , 138 months, post #18
But, on the other hand, would a F2M be able to behave like a man and gain a higher social status?

From: cj , 138 months, post #19
"Perhaps men always see women as sexual objects."

Just watched an interesting video that somewhat addressed that:

From: guest , 138 months, post #20
I was being a little sarcastic in post #16. I was mainly saying what society says. Sexism in America will always exist as long as people put labels on gender. Just think about it for a minute. You see a woman that needs help carrying stuff or pushing something or something that requires more physical strength. A man would more likely help a woman in that situation than if it was another man.

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