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Rock Lee's ninja pals bodyswap
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From: guest (Dark_Zeal) , 142 months, post #1
The episode mainly focuses on Lee and Naruto switching bodies (with Lee using naruto's chakra to turn into sakura at two points). At the end, even more switch bodies.

Neji -> Sakura
Sakura -> Kakashi
Kakashi -> Tenten
Tenten -> Guy
Guy -> Neji
Ino -> Sai
Sai -> Ino

Its a pretty funny episode too, worth watching.

From: Bodyswap1 , 142 months, post #2
Wow! I can't wait to see this funny episode.

From: DivineBandit , 142 months, post #3
With so much filler in Naruto, and a whole family of ninja techniques revolving around mind transference, it's hard to believe it took this long to get a bodyswap episode.

Pretty satisfied with it, even if Rock Lee and Naruto weren't my ideal swap pair. The transformation and the end makes up for it.

From: guest (Guest) , 127 months, post #4
I think Neji did not end up in Sakura's body but Naruto, because Neji would have restraint and the tone from Sakura's body was around Naruto's style of speaking. Plus we know naruto has done his share of crossdressing in the series, mainly when he had to do the sexy technique.

From: guest (Guest) , 101 months, post #5
I hope they make another body swap episode, not their Chibi form but in their normal human form.

From: barackobrahma , 101 months, post #6
Saving the link before CJ deletes it... hahahahahahahaha

From: guest (shinchan) , 101 months, post #7
You can watch it legal on Crunchyroll:

From: guest (guest4240) , 101 months, post #8
I really wish they could do a filler episode in Shippuden of Naruto switching with either Sakura or Ino. I know it probably wouldn't be the most popular episode but I would love it.

From: guest (Guest 2546) , 101 months, post #9
Damn , Neji Inside Sakura's Body was the funniest . Especially Neji's Deep voice combining with Sakura's feminine Voice.

From: guest (Guest342) , 100 months, post #10
Are there any naruto tg body swaps or possessions ?

From: guest (Poprops) , 91 months, post #11
I was wondering if there are any continuation after they switch bodies ....

Fanfic stories..? Fan arts...? Fan made comics...? Etc...

Are there any though...?


From: guest (Highheeks) , 91 months, post #12
I've manage to find one in fanfiction...

Hope there's more out there...

From: guest (Poprops) , 91 months, post #13
Thank you very much.... It was a short chapter but it was Continuation alright....

Are there still more...?

From: guest (Fstlips) , 83 months, post #14
Here is a close to legit drawing from deviantart.

Seems like Ino usesbody swap jutsu between Sakura and Choji.

From: guest (FormerNarutoFan) , 83 months, post #15
Sorry to burst a bubble but that isn't a drawing...It is a screencap from one of the episodes. All Ino did was telepathically communicate between the three of them. Ino did get her body temporarily taken over that specific episode but no swap jutsu.

From: guest (Fstlips) , 83 months, post #16
Well, Its good to know that the pic was actually a part of an episode. I just hope that there will be other body swaps out there between the characters.

From: guest (FormerNarutoFan) , 83 months, post #17
I don't think there will be but I wish the writers thought of it before they did the new generation. I really wanted Sakura to switch with someone but I like how Neji reacted in her body. I think Lee would have been an even funnier Sakura but I liked all the characters before the new generation.

From: guest (Fstlips) , 83 months, post #18
Yup, the episode was great. Sakura speaking in a deep male tone of voice is pretty much convincing that Neji, who has a deep voice was in her body.

Which do you think is better?

The English version where Neji (inside) Sakura's voice stay high pitched or would you rather prefer the Japanese version where Sakura's voice really goes deep since Neji is in there?, and why?

From: guest (FormerNarutoFan) , 83 months, post #19
I do like the Japanese version, but I like the higher pitched English version. I understand Neji has a deep voice, but I like how the English voice actress uses Sakura's pitch with her body, as I see bodyswapping as using their vocal system. She did a bad Neji impression, but I like how Sakura's body matches the voice.

I was hoping for Lee as Sakura the whole episode as Lee was caught peeping on her, and when he transformed into her his actions Nd Sakura's voice were hilarious.

From: guest (Fstlips) , 83 months, post #20
What do you mean she did a bad Neji impression? Was it the one with the higher pitch? Or Low pitch voice?

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