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What TV shows were you dissapointed in for non-TG?
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From: guest (Just asking) , 156 months, post #1
What TV shows were you dissapointed in because they did take the opportunity to explore TG storylines?

One of mine would be Star Trek TNG......What not have the Counselor/Empath Troi deal with a male crewmember who wanted to be female, then through their technology he becomes a female crewmember?

From: guest (Marcus) , 156 months, post #2
Buffy seemed like it would be ripe for a TG episode with magic pushing at the edges of the world and an almost all female cast. Xander was just hapless enough of a character to be cursed to spend an ep as a woman.

From: guest (wego) , 156 months, post #3
Fringe has the potential either with the shape shifters or as a fringe event. Be nice to see a swap not played for comedy.

From: guest (Newman) , 156 months, post #4
star trek tng had a possession episode were deani troi was possessed and in fringe their was 4 possession episodes one with some girl and another 3 were olivia dunham was possessed

From: guest (Newman) , 156 months, post #5
also in fringe the shape shifters have took female forms at some point, one at one point even pretended too be olivas partner

From: guest (Just asking) , 156 months, post #6
Yes I know Star Trek TNG dabbled a tiny bit into TG side-storylines but I thought they should have went full bore and had a major storyline with a gender change

From: rugal , 156 months, post #7
I'm a bit disappointed that in the DBZ Abridged series they just killed off Ginyu (by having Vegeta step on him) immediately after he switched into the frog. One of the things I liked is that when Goku and Ginyu switched in that they had the regular voice actors do the role more like the person that had been switched (so the guy who voiced Ginyu did Goku-in-Ginyu's body) so it would've been nice to see Megami33 try and do Ginyu-in-Bulma's body.

From: guest (him) , 156 months, post #8
Heroes i was disapointed they never had a bodyswapper hero. There was the lass who can create a false image to look like someone else (dident physically change, just gave the appearance she did to other people)

Im hoping that in the future of One Piece when Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew face off against Law's crew they will all trade body parts thanks to his Devil Fruit power :D will certainly make things interesting battle wise!

From: guest (Good Witch) , 156 months, post #9
On Bewitched wanted to see Uncle Aurthur become Samantha becasue she needed to be somewhere else.

Wanted to see Louise (larry tate's wife) and Darren swap bodies.

In order to break up D & S's marriage and keep a promise to Samanthat that she would not change Darren anymore into animals or objects, Endora changes Darren into a woman and since two women cannot be married, it is over

But the best would have been the episode where Tabitha changes the man into a 12 year old boy and he does not want to change back to an adult and since Tabitha did the spell Samantha cannot make him an adult again....Should have ended with Samantha agreeing to let him start life over at 12 but with a side spell like, "Let him start over at this age of 6 + 6, but this time as a member of the opposite sex". Poof he is a blonde 12 year old girl and is taken in by S & D as a new daughter and older sister to Tabitha

From: Dale Ribbons , 156 months, post #10
You realize there is no way that would have happened on late 60's/early 70's prime time, family hour, network television, right? :-)

From: Eric , 156 months, post #11
I dream of jeannie - a natural!
Bristol County, Jr
The Flash,

From: guest (Pygar) , 156 months, post #12
Quantum Leap.
While Sam always APPEARED to be the people whose places he took, he never actually BECAME them, or physically inhabited their bodies. He was himself, merely perceived as the "aura" or somesuch, of the the man or woman he impersonated. Oh, there were some attempts to blur things with the Down's syndrome kid or the pregnant teenager. But ultimately he wasn't the blind guy; He could see just fine. He wasn't the rape victim; he pounded the would-be rapist. He wasn't the downtrodden secretary; he clocked the leering boss.
Producers probably didn't want to confuse people or underutilize their star Scott Bakula. They'd also have to re-cast their lead every episode with a real actor or actress instead of just finding someone to stare blankly at the mirror for a few seconds.
Ah well.

From: guest (Good Witch) , 156 months, post #13
Dale, do not be such a Debbie Downer, it is just fun conversation.

From: Guyote , 156 months, post #14
I was always dissapointed at how little Animorphs, both the show and books, explored it, even in situations where it would be tactically benefitial for them to take on other people's bodies. I mean I know they have their ethics, but it's a war for goodness sake.

From: karla_enciso , 156 months, post #15
no ordinary family

From: karla_enciso , 156 months, post #16
sabrina the teenage witch

From: guest (Good Witch) , 156 months, post #17
Sabrina would have been a good one! What would you like to have seen?

From: karla_enciso , 156 months, post #18
it would be great that sabrina aunt zelda(beth broderick) takes over sabrina young and sexy body,it could be body swith or like in episode sweet charity impersonating her.
there are 2 great stories in fictionmania,one written by eric and the other written by dan,both are great.

From: guest (Dracoknight) , 156 months, post #19
Wasn't there an episode of Sabrina where she became a boy?

From: Dale Ribbons , 156 months, post #20
You know, I had come up with a bunch, but someone called me names, so I'm not going to play. NYAH!

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