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Turkish TF video, need help!
From: guest (rattle) , 8 months, post #1
Found this doll TF video:
Alternate links:

This clip might be from an anthology series that might contain gender and other TF, but I can't find the source.

Hoping our Turkish friends or the legendary @grenzgaenger might know where this is from.

From: smrwilly , 8 months, post #2
Thank you for the screamer. ;)

From: guest , 8 months, post #3
Are you sure this is originally Turkish? How do you know it's part of an anthology? Any more clues?

From: guest , 8 months, post #4
So I've been searching for a while. The language barrier is a problem, but not an insurmountable one. The issue is the lack of leads to go off. Comments on Douyin are absolutely useless as either they are deliberately obfuscated to non-Chinese domains or the Chinese have an extremely different internet culture to us, as every single comment is spam of some sort of bear-like character, with the odd emoji-spam in there. The other links have no comments, so this is a cold lead. Reverse image searching is also rendered useless as the original uploader has apparently significantly increased the saturation and redness of the video, so image searching technology is completely thrown off. It's so distorted that I can't find a way to possibly try and bring an image back to what may have been the original video. I also tried to translate the subtitles of the video, and while it gave some information, the narrator does not give any clues as to the name of the original or who made it, or really any way of finding it. As a last resort I tried to google sentences like "woman wishes to be barbie doll at birthday and wish comes true movie" translated into Turkish, and sadly this would have been a LOT easier to find had the Barbie movie not existed, which totally ruins anything that isn't an exact search and throws out articles and webpages about the movie, regardless of searching language.

With the information I have, I'm stuck. Either someone with better technology or knowledge will have to see this thread, or we're not going to find the original.

If the OP can come forward with whatever information he has that is making them think this is Turkish and part of an Anthology, even if those things aren't true, the information you have might be worth something in finding this. This is a brilliant transformation and to not find the original would be a great disappointment.

From: guest , 8 months, post #5 I've downloaded the video and uploaded it onto YouTube to hopefully reach a wider audience.

From: grenzgaenger , 8 months, post #6
This could also be one of those non-professional clickbait amateur videos aiming for often searched words (like "Barbie", "Transformation"). There are tons of these videos on youtube.

The text at the fridge looks turkish though - Süper Gücün ?

From: guest , 8 months, post #7
That was my thought as well. I tried to reverse image search the refrigerator but nothing came up. "Süper Gücün barbie" and such isn't giving any results. I'll keep trying different combinations.

From: guest (rattle) , 8 months, post #8
OP here. Turkish because of the text in the refrigerator, as grenz has said. Guest of post #4, thank you for the effort. Yeah, the uploaders on these sites are not big on providing sources at all. They also tend to get and summarize stuff from movies or horror anthologies, like the story recap stuff on YouTube. That and the nature of the plot having some sort of "be careful what you wish for" lesson makes me think this is from an anthology. I've run this too on Google's reverse image search, and it somehow returns a Russian actress instead (who only somewhat resembles the woman in the clip).

@grenz, thanks for coming. It does seem to be those clickbait stuff on YT, which, as guest #4 has pointed out, would've been easier to search if the Barbie movie didn't exist yet lol.
Also, yeah, the Turkish text on the fridge, if I recall correctly, starts with "Dear Mom" (Sevgu Annecigim) and is essentially a thank-you message, thanking her for all of her "superhuman/superpower" efforts. There seems to be a sender name at the bottom that I think reads as "Baris Kiziroglu(?)," which might be her kid's name. I used google's image translate for this too.

One thing I haven't tried is talking to the uploader lol. Though I'm not sure they're willing to tell us the source, or whether I'm talking to the original uploader who had a role in summarizing the story in Chinese.

From: guest , 8 months, post #9
I don't know if you'll even be able to talk to the uploader in the first place. That would require making an account for these Chinese websites, and I wouldn't advise that for obvious reasons unless you have ways of hiding your digital identity to a sufficiently high degree. Even if you manage this, these websites appear to be heavily restricted to non-Chinese addresses, with fake subscription numbers given and comments either disabled or obfuscated and/or incomprehensible to Western viewers due to a lack of context of Chinese internet culture. I have somewhat sacrificed my full safety here by visiting these websites for prolonged periods of time to research and rip this video, and hopefully now that it's on YouTube more people will be able/more willing to view it. It's a good thing I'm getting a new phone soon so it doesn't matter as much to me. Because of all this, I doubt talking to the original uploader is a possibility.

I am also very certain that the original source had no part in the Chinese summary video; although my video is muted, in the original video some of the sound from the source is played, and none of it is in Chinese. The woman "wishes [she was like Barbie" in English, and I think the husband says "happy birthday" in English as well. These Chinese summary videos are just copycats of the phenomenon here in the West, where text-to-speech or a paid narrator briefly narrates the original source.

I will check the new leads and see if they go anywhere. I doubt the Russian actress is the woman in the video, but I will see if anything comes up with the proposed son's name.

From: guest , 8 months, post #10
I've checked any possible leads and I still have nothing. Someone else with better knowledge and/or grasp on the Turkish language will have to try. Maybe there's some sort of Turkish forum this could be posted to?

From: guest , 8 months, post #11
Welp, I'm guessing this is staying unsolved then.

From: guest , 8 months, post #12
Oh wow I never saw that. Pretty good stuff overall!

From: guest (rattle) , 7 months, post #13
It seems the original uploader posted their videos into YouTube. I left them a comment, and I hope they respond. If any of you can leave comments too, they might give out the name for this.

From: guest , 7 months, post #14
Thanks for finding this and partially reviving the search, however I don't see this person getting back to any of us unfortunately. All we can really do is hope some new clues come up or someone comes forward with more info at this point.

From: guest , 7 months, post #15
So, after looking at the other videos on that channel, I have reason to believe this is from one of those amateur horror short film studios on YouTube. This seems like the kind of content this person narrates. I think there's a good chance the original could still be found.

From: guest , 7 months, post #16
Sure enough, I found it:

From: guest (rattle) , 7 months, post #17
Fantastic find! While we didn't miss much from the Chinese websites' preview, bravo for finding it! At least we know these guys rip content off of short film creators, and that should guide our searches moving forward. Thank you

From: guest , 7 months, post #18
No problem. I suspected for a while that this may have been the work of an amateur horror channel; finding the Chinese video on YouTube confirmed it. This also confirms that the Chinese websites were heavily modified for western addresses, and we should stay away from them as aside from the security risk, they are essentially useless for any kind of lead. From my brief skim, there are probably some other transformations worth finding on that channel.

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