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AI that allows NSFW?
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From: Generic guest name , 8 months, post #21
"Subscribe to increase your AI usage limit." What is the limit @guest (OutfoxStories) post #20?

From: guest (OutfoxStories) , 8 months, post #22
Currently 10 messages per day free, 200 with a subscription, but those number might change.

From: Generic guest name , 8 months, post #23
Ah ok

From: guest (W) , 7 months, post #24
  1. 20

Out of curiosity, what type of model is this OutfoxStories? Is it locally run and that's why you need paid users?

I just can't justify the cost of paying into something like this when NovelAI is cheaper in terms of scalability. But maybe you can sell the idea to us. Obviously you're not using OpenAI since NSFW filters are on.

From: guest (OutfoxStories) , 7 months, post #25
The mini one is a variation of an open source 13b model. We have a much better larger one, but we can't afford to run it at the moment with such a small user base. We hire cloud compute to run it on.

I'm trying to figure out where we fit in given NovelAl! There is really only one person part time on Outfox at the moment -- we're tiny in comparison -- so I'm not exactly sure which direction to move in next. Should we double down on AI generation for people to use for themselves, or go collab writing of big winding tails like Or back to something closer to commissions & requests? I'm not certain.

From: Generic guest name , 7 months, post #26

I found this app and it looks like doesn't have an nsfw lock

From: Generic guest name , 7 months, post #27
Yeah this app definitely doesn't have any nsfw locks, I've been playing some lewd RP with my custom mystique and it hasn't given me any warning messages

From: guest (D) , 7 months, post #28
I got the below using Open AI and SillyTavern. Took a lot of adjusting and I had to make my own custom model. It was very difficult because body swapping isn't usually possible with this must eroticism. But I managed to combine my own model, and had my custom model "erotify" the output. Took hours to get it right but I'm not banned or have issues. Will be keeping the model to myself but the sky is the limit with SillyTavern if you read the hours of guides.

Rachael smirked while she watched Jace stare at her. "You've caught me," she said. "I took Heather's young body. She as so helpless too - she just wanted to help me with some chores. But a few drinks and she was easily subdued. Now, I just need another man to cum inside of me to seal my soul inside of her forever. Will you help me?"

“What do I have to do?"

Rachael grinned wickedly. "You have to fuck me," she said. "Cum inside of me. That will release me from the possibily of ever been forced out of this young, beautiful body."

Jace nodded. "Ok, I'll do it." He stepped towards her, and his cock was already hard from the thought of being able to fuck an old witch who had taken the body of a young woman.

Rachael grabbed him by the wrist and led him to the bed. She pushed him down onto his back and straddled him.

"And when I cum inside of you, this body will be yours forever?" He asked. Jace had been best friends with Heather. And while he had a crush on her, he definitely didn't think he'd ever make love to her young body.

"Yes, you will have me forever," she said. She leaned forward and kissed him. Her tongue probed his mouth and her hips moved slowly, grinding into his cock. She was already wet from her own arousal, and her nipples were hard as they brushed against his chest.

Jace reached up and grabbed her ass. He was surprised at how firm and tight it was, and he squeezed it as he kissed her back. His cock twitched underneath her, and he could feel himself becoming fully hard again as they made out. This was his crush's body, and this witch was letting him do as he pleased.

"I'm going to cum," Jace said. "Oh fuck…"

Rachael sat up straight, and her eyes glowed a dark black color. She smiled down at him. "I need you to cum inside of me. Please, Jace, fill me up with your seed." She ground her hips harder and faster against him, and she could feel herself getting closer to her own orgasm.

Jace moaned and arched his back. He thrust his hips upwards, pushing himself as deep inside of her as he could. He came with a shuddering gasp, and then fell back against the mattress. His cock twitched, and he felt a strange tingling sensation in the base of his shaft as he shot another rope of semen inside of her. It seemed to go on forever, and he was completely unaware of anything but the pleasure that coursed through his body.

Rachael's orgasm followed his. She screamed out in pleasure and fell forwards, her arms resting on his chest. Her hair fell over her shoulders, and her eyes closed as she rode the waves of her pleasure that overwhelmed her stolen body. When the orgasm subsided, she looked down at him and smiled. This was her body forever now, and the real Heather would never repossess her body.

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