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From: guest (XP) , 19 months, post #1
3 years after this game was released, I play again and done every story possible, all choices, all ends, and for a tsf collector like me, I gotta say, the body swap in this game is interesting, 3 girls (Iris, boss, Shoko Nadami) can be swap in this game with the killer, the hero, or a future victim (when the killer swap for a new body), but the problem is we don't see enough cutscene with a swapped character, only in the end of the annhilation route and in the sequel there is no body swap unfortunely
The point of the blabla is... are there any fan art with the body swap event of the game, like the killer or the hero in boss's body ,or the killer in Iris or Shoko, after 3 years it must be, if you have found one, can you show the link please ? (And sorry for my English if it is bad)

From: guest (tgfan) , 19 months, post #2
Yeah, I really wish it had more. And I was expecting it to be at least some sort of a story in the sequel.

From: guest , 19 months, post #3
I was really shocked Kotaro Uchikoshi (the author) didn't put any bodyswap in the second AI game. Most of his previous games involve bodyswapping as it's main final twist

From: guest (XP) , 19 months, post #4
Oh I didn't know the creator made another game with body swap scenario, what is the games names please ? I'm interested

From: JetAbyss , 19 months, post #5
I love AI TSF (ironic acronym) but I think the main caveat is that for an extremely story based game (it is a VN after all) the bodyswap is its biggest spoiler; knowing it basically requires you to know the entire plot and true ending of the game and I think that's a huge gate that keeps people out of it. I'd love to commission more fanart of it, or even fanfictions but it would require the artist/writer also knowing the game and sadly it's still a pretty niche game.

If you want though XP maybe we can talk over Discord, could RP the idea?

From: guest (XP) , 19 months, post #6
I don't know my english is not perfect and it probably be hard for me to find my words if you want the complete story,

From: guest (Iris) , 19 months, post #7
Basically all spoilers below so be warned.

Yeah i finally played this recently and im really glad I did. it was still a fun ride but the body switching aspect is basically not revealed until the end and you have to kind of use your imagination with some situations.

I did a deep dive online after playing reading people's thoughts and theories. Whats interesting is that in some of the "bad endings" things are left hanging. Like so sejima in at least two endings is technically still inside Iris body. What happens when he wakes up? Someone asked the creator of the game in a japanese interview what happens in that time line when he awakes. he kinda made a joke about it that So would use his new good looks to help his political career or something. Pretty interesting stuff.

I cant for the life of me find that article but if I do I'll share.

From: guest (tgfan) , 19 months, post #8
Beside the premise of Body swap, I would say the game is story and character are still top notch, I would recommend anyone try it even especially if you are new with genre.

P.S. His older game also has the body swap theme.

From: guest , 19 months, post #9
If you want, I know a few decent fanfics on Archive of Our Own that show off more of Saito's bodyswapping, though none of them are written by TF fans and thus kinda lack the 'punch' if you know what I mean, but they do sorta exist and I can gather some if you want.

From: guest , 19 months, post #10
Fuck it, I'll post it anyways. A detailed compendium of all the AITSF fics I found on ArchiveOfOurOwn (and maybe later other sites) that actually explore the bodyswap aspect more. None of these are written by TF fans (as far as I am aware of), and so don't expect them to read like one, but some do make for a very close read and I enjoy much of these.

--- start of fics --- (Continues off of the Ota ending with So stranded in Iris's body) (Continues after Annihilation ending with Date-in-Boss) (this sorta has brief chapter later on where we get to see Saito in Boss's body and Boss in So's body, which in my opinion is very well down and we get to see from Boss's POV in So's old body in the sheer horror of her body being stolen by Saito) (Probably my favorite, Saito in Boss having to act and pretend but still plotting to kill Date and make him suffer, you'll see why!) (Haven't read this one yet, but it is another post Annihilation route story so presumably Date in Boss) (Yet another Post-Annihilation fic with Date in Boss that I haven't looked into yet!) (There seems to be a common trend with Post-Annihilation stories...) (I have not played Nirvana Initiative yet, but this does have Saito-in-Boss so there's that, but it is set in AINI, not AITSF so be warned for spoilers of that game) (I believe this one explores when Saito stole the bodies of Renju and Shoko, neat.) (In the words of DJ Khaled, ahem, another one, aka another Post-Annihilation ending fic.) (I have not read this yet, but the tags don't come off as very appetizing, and I think this spoils AINI so be warned for those who only played AITSF) (I don't like the idea that it is Mizuki who is swapped with Saito in this story because she's a minor, but besides that it's a pretty good fic. I really love the description of the dream since that is how the Psync machine actually works, it needs to time out and it isn't an instant swap machine and so there's a bit of struggling and a 'oh shit' once you realize the dream ends and swap happens) (MtM centric with Pewter swapped with Saito, but later Saito is killed off however remnants of his mind live in Pewter. Oh and Renju is alive.)

--- end of line, there might be some i missed out but this is mostly from what i personally read---

IMO, my ideal AITSF bodyswap story would just be fics fleshing out how he stole the bodies of Shoko, Iris and Boss. A little triple episode anthology detailing how he stole those girls' bodies and what he did as them would be fun, but it's hard for most people including me to write since it really requires making sure you get the characters right, since that is essentially a fanfic and thus need to make sure characters act correctly or it wouldn't be a AITSF bodyswap story to begin with.

My second idea was a corruption of the Atami ending; Saito steals the body of the busty blonde receptionist lady, unknowingly to Date, he hooks up with 'her' and starts the Atami ending, now its just 'her' and Date in Atami... A fun idea and one that may not be so hard since the busty receptionist lady in the Lemniscate office basically has zero personality anyways, which would mean only accounting for Saito and Date as characters to write.

From: guest (Iris) , 19 months, post #11
Wow! Thanks for posting these links. I can't wait to check these out.

From: JetAbyss , 19 months, post #12
You better! Spent so much time compiling them... jk jk i kid lol
but yeah they're nice, even if they aren't written by people who are normally used to TF stuff

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