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What would you do if you swap bodies with your wife/partner for a day
From: guest (ds) , 36 months, post #1
just as the subject says 'what would you do if you swap bodies with your wife/partner for a day?' For me i would 'improve' things that i couldn't convince her to do so with her body. Start from the morning i would wake up early and spend sometime exercising in the gym while wearing tight clothes to check out her popularity. i might flirt around and to get a number of guy or 2. i probably try to eat something healthy to keep her stomach flat as much as i can. Then i would check out her phone to see if she's flirting or cheating with anyone. Maybe drop some text to test how he'd respond. Online shopping for tight sexy clothes, probably body shaper as well. My wife a great body but it could be tighten up in some area. If there's no anyone she's flirting with i might try on tinder. Take a photo of herself revealing cleavage and check if there's anyone who wants to buy her dinner. Call up her broke up hot girlfriends and apologize to hangout with, trying on clothes going for a night out. And last iIf i get her body drunk enough i might have one night stand in her body with random guys just to know what its like.

From: guest (Blunt) , 36 months, post #2
play with her pussy ;D

From: guest (anon) , 36 months, post #3
well, first the wake up euphoria of finally having tits and pussy. then straight to sex with her (now him) to really feel what is like to be penetrated and to give my vagina some action as well as to experience what is like to have my boobs played and sucked. We'll have a 69 session where i'll be giving my first and very secretly awaited blowjob and i'll get eaten too. Ass action obviously, give it to me in every hole i now possess.
After vigurous lovemaking for some time, we'll just cuddle for a while contemplating what just happened and i'll explain the need to avoid the rush to get our bodies swapped and to enjoy the one in a life opportunity.
To each their way, i'll go shopping for heels, blouses, skirts, and lingerie as i've always wanted to, while obivously flirting with guys and girls all over the mall. see how many eyes i attract with the quite short skirt that i will be wearing combined with the lovely heels and the prominent cleavage. Maybe a quickie with a random hot guy if i find one.
Then we'll gather back at home and plan a night out where everything is on the table, cheating is totally allowed and she's encouraged to get some action tonight with whomever. I would go to the salon, get the perfect manicure and pedicure (imo black nails are a way of life), give my hair some curling action and getting into a tight navy blue dress with some 6 inch black heels on my feet, a small black purse and ring earrings to complement the outfit.
we'll head into the club an i would look for the hottest guy to grind to while performing very sensual dance moves and obviously keep grinding my now glorious butt against his *hopefully* long erect penis.
Beforehand a foresome was discussed and that's what we're having with our new dates from the club, I want to get it on both ends while another chick watches/kisses me/ plays with my boobs and of course i want to end up with a facial to my face to end things gloriously after my orgasms throughout the night.
After that whether we swap back or not, I'd be completely happy that i got to feel the pleasures of womanhood.

From: guest (ds) , 36 months, post #4
@blunt that's for sure but there are so many ways to play with her pussy;) @anon i'd love to see her in that navy blue tight dress with those heels and accessories. it'd be great if you can find one of those similar dress on google and post it here!

From: guest (anon) , 36 months, post #5
@ds i wasnt able to find a one full on pic of what i mean but let me break it down.

after making love, i hop into the shower hopefully with her, now him, then rock out of the house with this top enhancing my newly acquired cleavage

along with a pencil skirt to denote my now bubbly butt and being able to infatuate anybody that dares to look

and some wedge heels because it is casual and sexy at the same time. plus ive always loved how they look/feel

obviously by then ive had a quick stop with a hot guy and ive acquired my taste for dick and cum even more. so i call my partner back and explained what i want to do tonight. a foursome and i want to be fucked like she never was.

so then picture me in this, coming straight from the salon, i am wearing golden hoop earrings and rocking a lovely black manicure ready to hunt for the luckiest dick that night, the one that will be sawing my pussy in half alongside my own controlled by my partner.

of course i am wearing these heels to bring the attire together and just straight out look glamorous.

its unfortunate all that will be thrown away once im receiving cock on all my ends and im experiencing orgasms throughout. and im not a fan of see through lingerie so once my dress is down, the last thing i would be wearing before getting filled with cum will be this lovely set.

sorry if i went too all in into ir, but i cant stop picturing it actually happening.

From: guest (Brian G) , 36 months, post #6
Anyone here a scientist making this real and come true?

From: ColoradoDog , 36 months, post #7
Masterbate and sniff my own lady feet all day.

From: guest , 36 months, post #8
@#6 yes I am here, I am scientist. I can make dream come true. Just send me the numbers on the back of your credit cards. :)

From: guest (Brian G) , 36 months, post #9
Whoaaa #8, now you just drop something bigger than BTS McDonalds... only video proof will put the cherry on top.


From: guest (921XA) , 36 months, post #10
Wear a lot of pantyhose and tights

From: guest (ds) , 36 months, post #11
@anon i have to say that exceeds my expectations! All your outfits don't seem over the top. You think your wife friends notice that she's 'changed'? People close to her probably asked what got into her. I'm sure i probably would change many things about my wife. Eating habits, old and lame outfits that i'd be throwing away. i will be buying new sets of sexy clothes such as body con dresses, tight mini/pencil skirts, bodysuits, satin blouses, heels and ankle boots. I'll try them on in front of the mirrors while filming/taking photos of 'herself' and post on her instagram to see how people react. i know there are many random guys trying to chat up with her like 2-3 times a week. With me in her body i intend to triple the number! Also it's my goal to see how many guys i can have sex with in a day/week. i probably have to be on birth control pills to make sure i don't get knocked up as i plan to get those cum filled in my pussy. The truth is if it really happens, my wife wouldn't approve all of this so i have to do it behind her back

From: guest (anon) , 36 months, post #12
@ds i love women that are fashionable without the need to go over the top in slutiness when it comes to their outfits, and thus i want to be a woman like that. keeping things classy but going full nymphomaniac when in bed or on a situation that i will control it will end in sex if i desire to. I have been with my gf for almost a year, still no mention of my fetish, but still in this stage i am very well sure that if this happens she will be on board with the fuck-a-palooza i want to have. also for sure she'll have no doubt in the ability to fuck me senseless should she ever wake up with a cock.
so yeah basically i want to be fashionable on the streets, completely cum filled back and front in the sheets. on the first day of the swap we'd probably avoid friends and go crazy with randoms. if things were to stay like that for more time, yeah they will wonder whats gotten into me, why am i wearing nothing but heels and skirts lately, why am i going out so much at night, things like that.
i suppose a rundown of the outfits of that day would be great as well.

From: DrunkenSneech , 36 months, post #13
Honestly, if I could swap with my wife/girlfriend for a day, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't unless I knew I could make the swap permanent with her permission. Or I'd find some woman willing to permanently swap. If I swapped, I couldn't tolerate swapping back, I couldn't be satisfied being a woman for only a single day and then having to give it up forever.

(Sorry for being a buzz kill.)

From: guest (AeG) , 36 months, post #14
That's why I like the possession better, I could do all the A to Z stunts I had in mind, at any time for how long I want, and without bickering when asking permission or after she found out... except sex, no man touches my girl but me.

From: guest (AeG) , 36 months, post #15
  • finds out

From: guest (AeG) , 36 months, post #16
Who knows, I could try out her sister as well... not happening if she's below 20s

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