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Does anybody else feel lonely with this fetish?
From: guest (hi) , 93 months, post #1
I don't know anybody out there IRL who has the same fetish as me. This place has been my go to since I was a teen, now I'm a twentysomething and this is still the place for me to go.

Nobody I know has this fetish, no girl I've dated, no close friend of mine. I don't know how I would have been able to be this way in a pre-internet world.

Does anybody else feel the same way?

From: guest (MJ) , 93 months, post #2
Oh trust me I know how you feel all to well whats worse is dating someone without telling them maybe I will one day but thats why i love this board your able to find others like you and know your not the only one in the world

From: DB Cooper , 93 months, post #3
For those of us who did grow up in the pre-internet world, the birth of the net was amazing. "You mean I'm not the only guy who finds (whatever) a turn on?"

From: Weirdoid , 93 months, post #4
I do, once your tg tastes drift male you are truly alone. In real life and online. :(

From: guest (bart) , 93 months, post #5
its certainly a strange feeling. I am 20 now and have visited this site almost every single day since I was 15..and not a single person knows it. How secretive i have been about it only makes me more curious about who else out there also visits this site, maybe someone i know, maybe someone in my college classes or someone i pass on the street but ill never know. Ive come close to telling people but haven't because theres still nothing i can do about it, if there was a way to switch bodies in real life i would certainly tell my girlfriend because then we could actually do it, but telling her just seems pointless.

From: guest (bart) , 93 months, post #6
i live in Portland Oregon by the way... anyone ??

From: guest , 93 months, post #7

From: Shard , 93 months, post #8
Well I know a majority of visitors here are male, and ironically we are lonely because we are not jerks to women, which most women are attracted to. Our fetish/interest gives us a tad more insight into things most guys never even have cross their minds and I feel this makes us just a little nicer to women, and they say nice guys finish last. I can attest to this.

I'm 35 (and in NE Ohio btw), and at the point where I say I'm between breakups because women just don't like nice guys (and well, at times at my age I feel all the good ones have 3 kids by now or else I'm in a deadzone of what I'm looking for). They feel we're being nice to get something in return (which some are..."sure, let me carry those heavy bags! Sex afterwords? No? Then *insert next helpful nice guy thing to do*). A lot of them feel we're nice to hide who we are, that those rough guys aren't hiding anything, so they're "more real." More honest and don't have to put up a false face of pretending to be nice (even if you're genuinely a nice person). And reading a lot of stories we do tend to put women on a pedestal, which a lot don't like. They want to fine someone they can confide in as much as we do, and it just may be what you need to snag the girl of your dreams. Open up, show that vulnerability, show them you truly are comfortable with them and have nothing to hide like you would with your best friend....heck, it's why a lot of us get friendzoned I'm sure!!

Now, I still lurk daily, have this as my home page even, but have yet to find even a single person irl say they like body switching stuff. Now, my one buddy is a furry and the other one was a furry but descended into being a bronie shut-in, so they are into other transformation stuff as well, and even then I don't tell them fully everything about what I like (but I have been letting them know more when I get them one on one.....I'm that much of an introvert). And I can't imagine telling that stuff to my other friends, it'd never fit into our conversations and it'd just be ignored.

However dating is a challenge for everyone. I've only started dating for less than a decade (too busy finding the perfect job and focusing on my college education and sometimes lament not going after the ladies sooner) and have only had 4 serious girlfriends. Within this time I've been dating, oh boy has there been research. Videos. Books. Even intense dating discussions with people from 21-50 years old, even resorting to talking about that stuff with my parents. As Pat Benatar says: Love is a battlefield. She ain't kidding! But how many of them have I told about my bodyswitching fantasy's? Not a single one.

Us as a whole, not just as males seeking a mate but everyone, I feel we're all a little nicer because we can sympathize. Empathize. Truly put ourselves in other peoples shoes and see things from their point of view. So why do we keep it so secret? Are we afraid people will think we want to transition, we're sissies, or we're gay? If all this dating stuff has taught me anything it's we need to be more open with our friends (and girlfriends). Maybe we'd open them up to not just something they'd be interested in but it'd show them a little facet of what makes you unique. Bridge that gap of loneliness with stronger bonds to people.

From: guest (vup) , 93 months, post #9
The women who want relationships with "bad boys" are usually trying to work out their "daddy issues" and want someone to "fix". Then, when he's being nice they freak out and create drama so their relationships never become healthy. You shouldn't lament not dating someone like that.

I think for most other people (if not everyone), they tend to pick relationships based on the unconscious perception of what they think will improve the quality of life: looks, notoriety, money, comfort, connection, etc. It's different for everyone and they're not always good at knowing what they want.

I don't really consider my interest in this stuff a fetish or even quite a fantasy per se, rather a niche interest that I don't really share with anyone I know IRL. The difference being that a fetish is something that you require for gratification and frankly, when I'm dating someone, it doesn't even occur to me to think about it when she's around so it never comes up.

I think another reason I don't let myself worry that there's something wrong with me is that years ago, of all the dozens of websites that seemed to cater to cataloging content of this type, there was one by a guy going by the name paul xoxo who gave a short biography of himself as a hetero male who likes this kind of stuff and otherwise doesn't let that bother him and he has normal relationships IRL and he mentioned some other stuff about himself that really could have described myself or any guy I know as being totally normal so I could relate. (It might have been our fearless leader and board owner paul, but it was so long ago I don't remember if his collection became this site. cj? anyone?)

Also, visiting here knowing that there're plenty of folks with similar interests normalizes it for me enough that I don't feel I need to know anyone IRL who is the same. The discussions here are lively enough to sate the desire for connection.

And lastly, I visit a lot of weird places on the web if I can just out of curiosity so I know there are a lot of people out there who are waaaay weirder and/or messed up than I ever could be if I wanted and I don't even care to think of myself as "normal" anyway so I don't worry about being "different".

So, yeah, pre-interweb I was a little anxious to think I might be the only one but for the fact that Jack Chalker wrote so many books about bodies being altered or minds being switched around I knew there was at least one other person into it. Not to count the fact that he sold so many books to people who obviously shared the interest.

From: guest (Luv_T_Switch_Bods) , 93 months, post #10
Northeastern Pennsylvania here and have been visiting since 1997. I can sympathize with
you Bart as I have been fantasizing about body swapping since the 5th grade. I'm always
available to chat or exchange mail.

From: guest (Maura) , 93 months, post #11
Hey luv_T I'm also from northeast pa although I no longer live there. Ive been visiting since around 98 and have also been interested in this since around 4th or 5th grade

From: guest (nobody special) , 93 months, post #12
"I don't know how I would have been able to be this way in a pre-internet world."


Well, depends on how you're defining "fetish", I guess.

For me, I've just been interested in some of the things that girls get to wear, do, and play with since I was a kid. I don't recall ever having felt that I was a girl in a boy's body... but I sure was curious about the things that were only for girls, I'd sometimes even play games where I was a girl (or "girl" dog).

As I got older, I began to wonder more about girls, and tried to learn... but was never really sure what I was looking for / what questions to ask. I learned quite a bit, usually by chance, while eyeballs-deep in an encyclopedia, or some other non-fiction/reference book or magazine article... and often, the information was about animals vs human... then I could sometimes find a way to compare the animal to the human.

Puberty was a weird time for me. I think that's where I began to want to BE a girl, but I also wanted to date them (not at the same time though). Mainly, I wanted to know what it was like to be some girl or other - I'm not certain that I ever wanted to be the girl that I was interested in dating though (I'm not sure why).

Somewhere near or during puberty I was exposed to the idea of MtF (and FtM) gender-reassignment. It was a television series -- I believe it may have been "Real People" or something like that. The episode had a husband and wife (and I think they had kids) who both changed genders and remained married. Thinking back upon it, I'm not certain that the story was true, but back then, I was intrigued.

The thoughts and curiosity never went away, and even when I was on a date, or with a girl, I would still wonder what it would be like to be a girl... now even the one I was with (or interested in). A few of my female friends got to learn that I was curious about being a girl, though I never revealed it to my girlfriends (not sure why). Most were willing to discuss a few things like dealing with makeup and hair and long nails... but I never stuck with things to the point that I really learned anything useful.

When it came to making out and... intimate relations, I was generally paying attention to taking care of my partner's needs and desires, so I wasn't thinking about being her or any other girl... for the most part. Sometimes thoughts of what it would be like to be her would slip in but mostly if they did, they'd soon enough be drowned-out by other thoughts and such.

Then came the internet.

I'd tell you that things were better or worse since the internet became a major player in the modern world, but other factors have had just as much, if not more influence on my decline in social activity and such since. So I guess the only value that this post might have, is to give you an idea of how one of us dealt with things before the internet.

From: guest (ale) , 93 months, post #13
I live in Foggia, Italy and i understand you nobody know this fetish like we do

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 93 months, post #14
That's cool Maura, please drop me a line at

From: guest (Sensualaoi) , 93 months, post #15
Why would you feel lonely about it or special? I've read hundreds of body swap stories, mostly in Japanese, and someone like-minded had to have written them.

From: guest (I guest) , 93 months, post #16
(Im male) My psychologist thinks my fetish to possess female bodies comes from my feeling that the females in my family could get away with more stuff. My mom was always making the decisions and my older sister was the punk-naughty teenager so I guess I envied her. I started analyzing this recently because I realized that my body swap fetish started before I became a sexual being... before I had dirty thoughts I always was fascinated when a male cartoon character possesses some female character. I was always the good son, and still my sister got the same amount of love from my parents. That is just my psychologists theory, but it sounds plausible.

From: guest (Lurker) , 93 months, post #17
Lurker here. 24, California.
Would never think about telling my fetish to anyone. For me it is more the idea of a male having full access to a female body by being inside one. Have had this interest for most of my life, I'd say within the community I'm into more "vanilla" stuff- ive honestly had a pretty normal life and relationships. I'm very social, was in a fraternity in college, have never had a problem with women. Usually think about something tg related to get me "going."
I've been coming to this site for a few years. I definitely agree it is a lonely fetish. For me, it's the lack of quality tg content which frustrates me, as it does for many of us. This is why I'm thankful for sites and communities like this for aggregating content. I'm sure there are far more lurkers like me who benefit off the work of others finding and posting stuff.
Maybe having to think about this kind of stuff affects my sex life... maybe it makes me a bit absent minded when I'm with my girlfriend or whatever. In any case I don't think it is a specific type of person or personality type who is into tg stuff.

From: cj , 93 months, post #18
"Why would you feel lonely about it or special?"

That suggests that you may have grown-up in a culture and religion that doesn't vilify... or at least frown upon boys doing "girly" things.

The time and place (rural Middle-America) where I grew up, boys did not become women, and they did not dress or act like girls. Doing such things were bad, sinful... and your mortal soul could burn in hell for eternity. Not to mention your peers would taunt you and perhaps even beat you up, just for thinking such things.

With no internet to turn to for help... it was indeed a lonely thing, this desire to explore... experience a girl's world, her life.

At least, until the internet came along and I discovered more about myself, my TG / TF interests, and this community.

From: guest (5194) , 50 months, post #19
Mhmm feels very lonely

gender bodyswaps, like I love women so much

My friend who is a good looking girl lightheartedly joked about wanting to be me one time and I played back trying to not show too much interest but thought it was so hot

From: guest , 50 months, post #20
does anyone from this nearly 4 year old thread still visit here? i'd be interested in talking to you guys.i like the sense of solidarity that this site brings

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