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"DVD Body Swap"
From: RdDrfJames , 95 months, post #1
Hi All,

I just posted a new video on YouTube. Hope you like it!

This one shows some of the ups and downs of being a woman.

DVD Body Swap


From: guest (Jimbo) , 95 months, post #2
Wow, truly awesome. Thanks James. I would like to switch with Robin too.

From: guest (Brad) , 95 months, post #3
Love it James, amazing work! Robyn was a great! Hope to see more of her in the future. :)

From: guest , 95 months, post #4
Robyn is so sleek and shapely...

Would I put up with the drawback shown here of being a woman if I could be an attractive young woman like her?

Yes. Perhaps indefinitely.

I think. Maybe.

From: guest (fanjustthe) , 95 months, post #5
WOW sir 5 thumbs up love the new vid cant wait for the next one. by the sir i really miss the stuff you did with miss mako is there any why the two of you can work again in the future?

From: Holly Dunn , 95 months, post #6
Thanks for the contribution, James. It's good, but nothing has wowed me like your mail order bride one.

I hope you consider continuing that one in some way, shape or form. It's strong enough to be longer, or even another short with a different actress would be great.

If you continued it, it wouldn't be so time-consuming effect driven.

Anyway, great work with that and the continued new stuff.

From: guest (dewd) , 95 months, post #7
Great stuff! So, any word on a possible f2f swap? Maybe Robyn is interested in acting in it?

From: RdDrfJames , 95 months, post #8
Thanks, glad you liked the video.

Jimbo: Thanks! :)

Brad: Thank you very much. I think you will see Robyn in the future!

Guest #4: Yes she is!

fanjustthe: Thanks!

Holly Dunn: I really liked the mail order bride one too! Kate's back in the Ukraine, so don't know if I'll ever get a chance to continue it. I've looked at doing something similar with another actress, but finding someone else isn't exactly easy.

dewd: I'd do a f2f swap, but finding multiple people to be in videos is very difficult, which is why it's typically me and one other person. This was one of the reasons I started my patreon page, hoping to get to the point where I could get multiple people to show up, but that's not looking like that's going to happen. So until then, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, but still wish I could do so much more. :(

From: guest , 95 months, post #9
One of these days you'll get your Patreon support from us James. You make consistently great stuff. I think the more you have a consistent stream of content for everyone (like you've been doing) the more people like us will continue to really follow you, and hopefully then you'll get some more support.

It's hard to get us out of the woodwork since most people are kind of ashamed of putting our love for this stuff out there... unfortunately that's hurting you. :/

Add me to the vote on seeing an F2F though. Would really love to see some of that. I think seeing the different appreciation a woman has for another woman's body shape is so interesting. And it's hardly explored in anything we get. You could be that guy to do it!

Oh, but I liked this new video by the way! Great to see Robyn so excited in this. Always been curious if you ask your actors to improv in those exploration scenes or if you have specific things you write in. Robyn seemed especially eager to play around and have fun in this one haha

From: guest (guest) , 95 months, post #10
This was a lot of fun. Thanks.

I understand that it would be difficult to do a sequel to Mail Order Bride. Would you be interested in doing other videos based on a website of change?

From: guest , 95 months, post #11
Great video James!!!!

I'm still holding onto hope for a continuation on The Possession series :)

From: guest (Dr Pseudonym) , 95 months, post #12
^ Second this, The Possession was excellent!! Been quietly hoping for a sequel for years now!

From: guest , 95 months, post #13
I like the idea of one mcguffin per actress, but what about a phonesex number, ring it to hear a woman talk dirty, only to be turned into a woman that can only talk dirty ;) or 101 other ideas... I say keep moving forward rather then returning to old ideas

From: RdDrfJames , 95 months, post #14
Hi all,

Guest #9: I totally understand what you are saying. When I did my Kickstarter for THE HIT GIRL, their were a few people who contributed, but didn't want their names to appear in the thank you section of the credits. So I understand people's 'shyness' on this topic. I've been doing videos for almost 10 years now... And thanks, glad you liked the video. For directing actors during exploration, that's usually improved on my YouTube video. I leave it to the comfort level of whoevers acting it out. We talk it over and I have them do whatever they think a guy would do.

Guest #10: Doing a sequel to the website of change is something I am very interested in, but that was also a lot of work. As I mentioned Kate's back in the Ukraine, so I'd need to find someone new, basically just start over. It'd be nice to find another actor who is from another country and speaks a different language, another ethnicity would also be interesting to explore, but finding someone like that isn't exactly easy. I had thought about going another route (which I'm keeping secret in case I get to do it), but that would require a costume, which is one of the things I was planning to use Patreon for. I could just do an English dating site, which would be cool, but in some ways I think I've already topped that idea with doing the Russian one, since "she turned Russian' as well as becoming a woman. I'll keep considering it and see if I find a person for the role.

Guest 11 & Dr Pseudonym: Don't know if I'll ever make a part 3, but I might start it over again. Robyn and I have talked about doing that.

Guest 13: Yeah, I like to keep things fresh. Maybe I could combine the idea of a phone sex operator with the Website of Change.

Thanks for all the comments!


From: guest (Guest 13) , 95 months, post #15
Haha like a phone sex website, I'm sure they must exist, that would be pretty funny, but I'm not sure it would be very easy to find an actress and I doubt it would be suitable for YouTube ;)

I prefer the non visual hone sex operator because he could become a very plain looking woman with a dirty (in a YouTube friendly way) mouth.

Not sure how that would work with a website. How about a / yougov style survey of change? Those sites that ask you 101 questions so the government know what the public mood is like. Maybe even have a guy who thinks it would be funny to fill in a survey aimed at women (stop taxing periods comes to mind) but do it in a nasty way. Then to his horror he becomes the woman he was pretending to be, with all her problems?

Anyway just thinking of ideas ;) too busy to do anything more then post the odd thing on here lol, all the best to you, I look forward to future shorts and films

From: guest (c jones) , 95 months, post #16
Your you tube series usually have 2 or more in the same room/house.
if keeping 2 people around for a series of segments is a problem, maybe you can do a 'long distance body swap' where they are in different cities, or even different eras.
This would let you film the male body reacting to the swap for whatever hours needed on one day and later on, edit in the female body reaction scenes filmed on another day and it would look like it happened at the same time. (Gotta love movie magic, right?) You could connect the two by a phone or a mirror etc.

Of course if one of them has a spouse or friend to react to, then you might be back to square 1 ;)

From: guest (starduck) , 95 months, post #17
please body swap boy and woman :)

From: guest (Pinky) , 95 months, post #18
A phone sex one would be good, where the person is transformed into the persona they are claiming to have.

From: guest , 95 months, post #19
Imagine a not-too-distant future in which one can have one's self transferred into a very attractive artificially-grown new body. A plain-looking young woman wins a lottery or gets an inheritance or something and has it done, and puts her old body up for sale. Someone who thinks her old body is rather cute buys it and gets put inside it and has a great new life. Further complications possible...

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