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New russian F2F body swap movie ["I Remember, I do not Remember!"]
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From: guest (stag) , 98 months, post #21
I'm also confused.

At what point does the 3rd girl become involved in the story? I skimmed through the movie and I didn't see her at any part in the movie until towards the end when the Blonde and Nerdy Brunette show up at the restaurant and are spying on the 3rd girl who is on a date with a guy. Then it cuts to Blonde and Nerdy girl carrying the 3rd girl to their car. Is the Blonde actually in the body of the 3rd girl?

From: Air Gear , 98 months, post #22
One thing I'm sure of is that the ending doesn't make any sense unless the brunette is back in her body. My take is that the husband of the blonde finds he liked her more than his own wife (and the ending suggests she's decamped to locations elsewhere at the end regardless of which body's she's in) and that's why he came to look for the brunette at the end. It wouldn't really make any sense as an ending if anyone other than her as the original occupant of the body was in there.

From: Tuggy24g , 98 months, post #23
Message deleted by cj. Complete copyrighted work -- no clear remediation steps for dealing with infringing material (that I found); Cannot verify whether site is authorized to show this title... and (to me), does not have the appearance of a site like Hulu or Netflix or iTune or Amazon (authorized streamers of copyrighted content).
From: Air Gear , 98 months, post #24
The comments at that link had a point, a lot of them didn't think it was very good and that a lot of scenes wasted time and/or were redundant.

"at some points it was necessary to shake, not like the movie, and the third woman in the film, do not understand what's what."

I'm guessing that's not exactly what the commenter said in Russian but if I'm correct with the gist of what they're saying, if Russian speakers couldn't work out the point of the third woman at the switchback scene, what hope for the rest of us?

From: guest (imperin) , 98 months, post #25
In the film girls lost memory for a short time after the swap. When nerdy girl (Alena) in the body of blonde (Liza) and girl in her body are traveling in the car, girl in the body of Alena says, that she remembered her own name. In fact, her name is Rita (3rd girl) and she worked as a saleswoman at the market. Blonde girl (Liza) get the body of Rita after swap and began to go on dates with rich men. Three of girls have changed bodies in a circle.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 98 months, post #26
Wait, so all the time we thought it was Alena in Liza, it was actually Rita in Liza and so it ends up with (help me out here), Liza goes to Rita from Alena, Alena goes from Rita to Liza and Rita goes from Liza to Alena?

Is that actually what happened?

From: Eric , 98 months, post #27
Here is a translation of the movie blurb
Alena from childhood loved to read books, she spent on this activity so much time, it is often forgotten that she was asked to make a family, and when it was necessary to determine the work, she did not hesitate, got to the library. This girl coped well with their responsibilities, but every free minute she spent reading, and even she sometimes played in the theater. However, the role of small battered her, and when one day the director decided to setting the role of Juliet to choose her, she was happy. Besides the fact that Alain knew by heart all the replicas of the characters, so it has been good to play. In the same city lived a girl named Lisa, who more than anything loved himself. When she met a promising architect Maxim, then married him on her, though not experiencing feelings for him, and when the husband has recently said that he wanted a divorce, Lisa was enraged and sent him away, saying that she goes away from him. To at least a little bit to calm down, the girl went for a walk to the shops, in one of which she had a fight with another shopper, and then on the street collided with Alain ... A lover of books came to the clinic and could not understand what the man in the white coat, submit it to the doctor, and when she was told that her mother in front of her husband Max, she began to think that is going crazy. Alain looked at herself in the mirror, and refused to believe that he sees himself, and worst of all was that she did anything she could not remember. The only theory that came to her mind - she was in the body of another person, but talking about it is not worth anyone, because her the rest of her days could close in the nuthouse. Therefore, Alain decided that she will figure everything out.

From: guest , 76 months, post #28
I watched this again, and I still have no clue about what happened. Anyone actually understand who ends in which body by the end?

From: guest (blabla260) , 76 months, post #29
They end in their former bodies but kind of keep a bit of a personality from the 'wrong' body. So the saleswoman goes acting and the blonde woman sales her new lingerie brand. As the blond woman and the brunette are fighting in the shop at the beginning, the blonde hits her with a stiletto. We don't see the consequences but she probably knocked her out and when she hit the library girl on the street, there are three women unconscious at one moment. We are suppose to think, that just the library girl and the blond girl switched their places but it's a bit twist to the end, that there is actually a third woman involved.

From: guest , 76 months, post #30
This is actually the first explanation I've seen that makes sense, though I re-watched the beginning and the saleswoman is never hit in the fight, only the blonde's rival client.

From: guest (blabla260) , 76 months, post #31
Sorry, I meant her of course. The rival lady's job had to do something with a mode industry or selling probably. That's why the blonde 'inherited' her skill and started her own branch at the end. Not sure, what the library girl got for new skill though.

From: guest , 76 months, post #32
Lol so close to something logical. The thing with your theory blabla260 is that the woman the blonde was fighting with wasn't the same actress... so it doesn't really make sense, unless the saleswoman (i.e., the woman with blunt bangs in white, who I believe is the same actress in the pink dress at the dinner with the guy) was indirectly hit and knocked out or something. But... that would be a stretch, right?

Okay after one last look, I'm pretty sure what happened is that it was SUPPOSED to be the person the blonde was in a tug match with, but they ended up using a different actress and tried to pull it off like it was the same person.

From: guest (blabla260) , 76 months, post #33
The woman the blonde is fighting at the beginning is the same actress they find in the restaurant and kidnap at the end. It's not my theory. The astrologe give this explanation - 'Well they are back in their bodies, although they may not be quite themselves as something had change a bit.' I understand a bit russian and it also fits to the explanation the girl in the body of the library girl givs in the car. She ist the first one that actually remembers (see the movie title) and tells, that they had been wrong all the time, thinking, that only thay two have switched. The problem is we never hear the name of this third woman at the beginning, it's adressed in the car for the first time. This is how the movie is ;)

From: guest (blabla260) , 76 months, post #34
The car scene rough translation at 56.40:
Brunette: I remember!
Blonde: Glad to hear that.
Brunette: You've got it all wrong, understand?
Blonde: What? How?
Brunette: You've told me I'm Liza Voroncova all the time but I'm Rita Koloskova.....(don't understand good).......I was under the narcoses at the same clinic at the same time as you, that's why Alyena is in the body of Liza, I'm in yours and Liza in mine. Got it?
Blonde: Not quite

As they find the third woman in the restaurant Rita in the body of Alyesa tells: 'Look what she did to my hair, that bitch!' Meaning they changed her apparel from the beginning a lot. But it's the same actress, there is no such role as 'a customer in the shop' in the movie

Алëна (Alyena) ... Наталия Медведева (Natalya Medvedeva)
Лиза (Liza) ... Полина Максимова (Polina Maximova)
Рита (Rita) ... Ингрид Олеринская - Андреевна (Ingrid Olerinskaya-Andreyevna)

From: guest , 76 months, post #35
The actress the blonde is fighting is not the same actress at the end of the movie from restaurant. I looked at the women side by side and they look very different. even have different beauty marks etc.

The actress who plays Rita is Ingrid Olerinskaya-Andreyevna as you say, but Ingrid Olerinskaya-Andreyevna is not the woman who is in the fight in the beginning. Rita is just some random third woman.

From: guest (blabla260) , 76 months, post #36
Well, who is she than? There are all the characters listed, even the minor ones and there is no other match. If you check her pictures, I would sometime guess there are at least two different actresses on them. I put her name together with the movie title and there even comes a tagged one from the shop with her. Nevertheless, mystery solved. Even if it would be somebody different, there simply was a third woman in the hospital with them.

From: guest , 76 months, post #37
Yes, the mystery is solved I think.

That said, I agree with everyone else, Rita is NOT the same actress on the store fight. My facial recognition can't be THAT off. They're very different. Look at the incredible blue eyes of Rita. They're missing from the woman on the store, and the bone structure is wholly different.

I don't think she's the clerk either, though they do look much more similar.

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